Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Symbols: A Lost Language

Symbol: A Lost Language

Semiotics/ Semiology: is the study of symbols. This is the proper name of the study of symbols and signs. 

Symbol are very important, they are a language onto themselves. Symbols are a lost language to the general public, most symbols are placed in public, without the public ever noticing.

The other side of symbols is the misunderstanding of them. Symbols are representation of power {energy}, which can be used in many ways {good & bad}. All symbol have dual meaning! Symbols come from the ancient past, so the meaning of symbols has changed and does change depending on which group is using them!

Symbols are also connected with colors, colors play a huge role in symbols. Colors are a subject onto themselves! Colors are associated with emotion, so they give a desire feeling to go along with the energy given from the symbol.

Archetype is the study of symbols, signs and behavior, and how they relate to each other. This is best seen with animals, animals as logos associated with sports.

Symbols are fundamental to study when becoming conscience!

live, love and learn