Monday, July 21, 2014

Humble Servitude

Humble Servitude:

Humble Servitude: the practice of serving others humbly.

*Tip: Humble- having or showing a modest showing of one's importance.
         Servitude- being a subject to the Creator and serving the will of the Creator to do the great good of man!

Basically what this means is God picks individuals to do his will by helping people, unconditionally.
Kemetic's give us rules and guidelines which we govern ourselves by, which means less errors greater results.

**Tip: Rules and guidelines {laws} are based on the 42 negative confessions of Ma'at and the 7 universal laws.

From this you gain inner peace, from this inner peace you gain peace all around you.
This is Hotep, I 'am peace, I come in peace! 

***Tip: Blackman- have humble servitude towards your God, no matter what faith you are! Next have humble servitude towards your women and children. Then have humble servitude for your people! Do not practice humble servitude towards our oppressor, he will enslave us again, he does not respect humbleness, it is a weakness to him!

Blackman stand up and be the person God attended you to be. Serve your God, family and community!

Kemetic: Histroy

Kemetic: History

Kemetic History is the story of Black people {Africans}, from the earliest of time to present day! This story starts in the interior of Africa modern- day {Congo, Kenya, Sudan and Ethiopia}. Kemetic belief start's in the interior and move out to Mountain Kilimanjaro {moon mountain} Kenya & Ethiopia boarder.

Kemet: is located in Africa, and consist of the ancient countries along the Nile River valley region.
Kemetic: to belong, the belief and understanding of the Black conscience universe around you.
Kemetic's: the understanding of Knowing Thy Self   

In Ethiopia Kemetic Belief took hold and started to develop into the belief system we know today. The first practices start here according to the information we have today. Our {Black people} history is so old that it is older than record history, which can be problematic when learning, studying and especially explaining. But new discoveries are being made every day, to help piece together the puzzle!

Kemetic Belief traveled down the Nile to modern day Ancient Egypt, where it grows and develop into a global influence {Christianity, Judaism and  Islam}. They combine all the sciences into a ultra science, were all of them are intertwined. While refining each individual science.   

We are the melanin people! Our science, biology and diet is different from others! This is why its so important to KNOW THY SELF! Even if you don't believe in Kemetic's learn the diet and nutrient value of Kemetic's, live longer, while being health!

Kemetic History is simple another way of saying Black History. Being Black is not a race? We belong to a group of proud and ancient African people with a establish history, culture and religion way before any so- called White, Caucasian or European people existed.

Love, live and learn