Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Transfer: The Ghetto is a Goverment Policy pt1

Saturday, August 17, 2013

The Ghetto is a Government Policy pt.1

The Ghetto is a Government Policy:

In this topic, I will explain the purpose of ghetto's from a government stand point.

This information is the secret within the secret of racism. Blacks in American, really do not understand racism as a business!

Racism is a huge business one of the biggest industries in America!
Let me give a brief introduction of the business of racism.

a. Slavery of course, was more about economics than anything else.
b.The Civil War wasn't about freeing the slaves, the war was about companies in the north not being able to compete, against slave wages in the south.
c. Establish a penal system that mirrored slavery, to establish a legal form of slavery.
d. The school system in America was not unified because of the win over Brown vs. Board of Topeka, but the truth of the matter it was a money issue, that most states could not afford to no long run two different schools system, one for Whites and another for Blacks! 
e.The banking industry "red lining" on interest payments on all loans to Blacks to keep payments of White customers cheaper.
f. The NON- GUARANTEE of FHA loans to Whites who lived near Blacks?
The NON- GUARANTEE of FHA loans to Whites in 1950's & 60's created ghettos! This means Whites had a good reason not to live around Blacks.

The NON- GUARANTEE of loans to Whites is what I want to really address! So if Whites have to chose where to live because its a economical decision, then what do you do with the Blacks?

Easy answer you create a community for them called the GHETTO! The ghetto would almost be a cure- all for Whites, for their problems of dealing with Blacks in the inner city. Besides keeping Blacks out of White neighborhoods, they could now control and monitor Blacks efficiently, now because they a large portion of them lived in one area.

This would be done by reassign police officer back to their original task in America, as slave catchers?

The Fraternal Order of Police Officer started out as slave catchers whom patrolled the Mason- Dixon line between the North and South on the look- out for run- away slaves to return them to their masters for a finders- fee!

So the northern & western states experienced a mass migration from the rural south, as Blacks left in record number causing a exodus of epic size as Blacks left to go on a quest for a better life in the north from the late 40s to the mid 70s.

One very effective way of dealing with Blacks, was the construction of Projects. Many Projects had been started in the 30s from the new deal {Pres. Franklin Roosevelt}. This dealt with the first wave of Blacks and it worked very successfully. Now by the 50s, project started to appear everywhere there was a large population of Blacks living there.

With this legal segregation in place, prejudice by Whites was turn into full- blown racism now! Now much like slavery many Whites seen this as a way to profit off, of Blacks whom wanted to do better in life. Remembering that the projects originally where designed for the working poor? So Whites, knew Blacks could not get loans, if they did, it was at a very high interest rate. So this made everything that Blacks need cost more, than the usual price, or going rate. This meant as long as Whites or Non- Blacks{Arabs & Asians}controlled the market place profits would remain high for shop keepers!

Segregation- means, a enforced separation.

When dealing with housing Blacks where preyed upon by White and Jewish slum lords. Remembering that poor Whites, Jews and a few Blacks where the first tenants in the project homes and neighborhoods. So as Whites and Jews left the poor neighborhoods around and near projects they still owned the homes and buildings, which they rented and lease to Blacks at ridiculous prices or had moderate prices but never fixed anything thus making their  profits high also because of no reinvestment cost into the properties.  

Ghetto- defined, the Jewish quarter of a city!

One trick the FHA done was to make affordable housing, only in the way of attracting undesirable to live in these certain zoned areas, thus creating a ghetto, which the name project or projects would arise from!

Project defined
a. a business designed created to achieve a specific  aim.
b. a science experiment designed to achieve a certain aim.

The FHA was designed in it's interception {1937} to protect and shield White neighborhoods from being infused with Black or minority people. The FHA, even went as far as to hire field scouts to watch and monitor communities of all Whites, all Blacks and mixed communities to see what outcomes where or adjustments were need.

By the time of the 1950's when President Eisenhower declares he wanted to connect America from sea to sea by highway, freeway and byway{ Federal Highway Act 1956}. All government agencies gave their input and information. But the secret information of the FHA was held in high regards to the Eisenhower administrative members. Because flourishing all Black neighbors would be relocated to make way for new highways or in the same manner for none flourishing all Black neighborhoods that sat to close to White communities, those Black communities would be disband also.

Example: In Detroit there was a very popular and flourishing street in a all Black neighborhood called Hasting Street- {Eastside of Detroit called Paradise Valley/ Black Bottom/ the new Tiger Stadium}
John Lee Hooker {blues musician} record cover had a picture of Hasting Street on it! Hasting Street community was equivalent to New York City, Harlem and Chicago's southside neighborhoods! They relocated and disband the community and put I- 75, right through the middle!

Now even with redirecting of some FHA policy to the newly created HUD {Housing and Urban Development 1965} many courts across America have ruled that HUD polices are very racists! Some say even more so than FHA, because HUD was design to deal directly with the so called "Nigger Problem" thus evidence in the name of the agency HOUSING and URBAN DEVELOPMENT. This problem has been acknowledge by past and present White House administration.

I will make a part 2, to this topic. I do not wish to make this to overwhelming, because this a emotional topic because many Blacks have had bad experience with these particular government agency in the wake of the last mortgage melt down or GREAT RECESSION!

love, live and learn           

Transfer: The Ghetto is a Government Policy pt2

Sunday, August 18, 2013

The Ghetto is a Government Policy pt2.

The Ghetto is a Government Policy pt2.

We are going to pick up with HUD. But now we are going to concentrate on the development side of HUD. Starting in the 50s a plan was being devised to populate the suburbs, so that Whites would not have to live next to Blacks. This is known as suburban migration.

Suburban Migration {urban flight}- the migration of the 50s from the urban core to the suburban areas.

At this time land deals are being made between farmers and big business. This actually goes on for about 40 years from the 50s to 90s. {this is important to remember later} The auto industry becomes a major player in these land deals. At this time auto jobs are the top paying jobs for the common man.

Especially in Michigan the home of the auto industry. Factory are built in suburbs and whole communities where built around theses factories.

The Ford family are one of the largest land owners in America!
Factory were built with communities around facility Chrysler Trenton 1952.

This urban flight situation was really the underlying problem for the nation riots in 1967. The frustration of the social situations of 60s that major companies all over America had moved to the suburbs and left few or any good paying jobs in urban areas.

HUD was established in 1965, to address a urban renewal plan, but from the looks of things it was a little to late, or simply not progressive enough. As poor housing and working condition sparked the 1967 riots!

So what has HUD done towards the renewal plan for urban areas, besides create ghetto's, ask your self, you probably seen little or nothing. It was not until private industry became interest in urban area starting in the 90s did the government even look to do anything in urban areas.

Now to update you on urban areas, all across the country but especially in my hometown of Detroit, Michigan there is a hidden agenda in urban areas. A redirection of thinking on the part of the government, private industry and young White Americans. They want major cites/ urban areas back "by all means necessary"!

I will use two similar cities for a example; because their stories are well documented New Orleans and Detroit. Both cities in the 90s had very high poverty rates, but America was on record pace financial, in the boom era which lasted a record 15 years! But yet the two cities suffer from high poverty rate because of high unemployment rates, no jobs, inadequate housing, high crime rates which both cities went back and forth for the highest murder rate in the country, due to uncontrollable influx of drugs to these areas! 

Understanding the hidden hand of the government. If Ronald Regan the republican savior launch a war on drugs in the 80s, how come in the mid 90s you have a explosion of drugs in urban areas 10 to 15 years later? Drugs in the 90s were so prevalent that it changed the entire culture of America which is known as the "Bling Era"! Also sparked mineral wars all around the world especially in West Africa known as the "Blood Diamond Conflict" {the movie blood diamond was inspired by these events}. 

Then in New Orleans, hurricane Katrina hits, but reaction time was slow and noneffective by the government, why? To force the people out of prime land, wanted for development. Also falsely blaming the then Black Mayor Ray Nagin. All the land has not been taken or developed yet, because of legal entanglements. They underestimated the will of the Black community to fight for their land! 

Now to the understanding of a classic political witch hunt involving Detroit ex- mayor Kwame Kilpatrick?   

Let me state this before continuing on Kwame, am not saying he is innocent of any of his crimes! But what I am saying what he was convicted of is common practice in life as well as politics! Let me also state in matters of corruption when dealing with a industry such as politics, you correct the industry behavior with new laws and rules not laws geared to keep one individual out of a industry that is called "Black- balling" someone!

Briefing of Detroit ex- mayor Kwame conviction, perjury? On trial for murder of a stripper/ topless dancer, convicted of lying about a affair with a staff member, not the stripper? {how does that even go to together}. Giving business contracts to friends and family is common practice in politics.

Example: Needed for Black people, especially those in Detroit!
Okay he lied about an affair with staff member, but he did not lie about the murder at all, no connection ever made to this day! Next in a court of law how is the affair with a staff member prevalent to the murder? Did the ex- mayor or staff member get involved with the murder in any way? NO, NOT AT ALL! So how was this allowed and was permissible in court? They had to find him guilty on something, so that got him on a lie, about affair and not a murder!

Next government contracts, vice president Dick Cheney the {ex- chair-member of Halliburton} wins a blanket contract in Iraq, for a undisclosed amount of money, totally in the billions! Talk about helping friends {poor Kwame if he was White, he would have been a hero}.    

Now to help Black Folks remember yall had a Black President before Obama? Bill Clinton, yeah him!
He lied also about a affair he had with his staff member "Monica Lewinsky", he denied having sex with her also until she present the dress with semen on it. Then Bill recanted his statement saying he did not know "ORAL SEX, WAS SEX"? Then made a public apology and it all went away

So it is okay for a White President to have a affair, but not a Black Mayor?  Wake -up Black folks yall been tricked again! I went through all that to prove that racism exist in government, same situation totally different out come!         

Now with Kwame out of the way, Whites are buying Detroit up at a record pace! They are also moving back into Detroit at a record pace, almost as fast as they left!

HUD redirection plan move the Blacks out or to a specific side of town to control and monitor them! Now you see companies and private investors racing into Detroit, Starbucks, Tim Horton and Meijers these store never want to do business in Detroit before, why now?

love, live and learn