Thursday, August 14, 2014

History of the Frateral Police Order:

History of the Fraternal Police Order


This topic, is to help Black people understand why certain things happen in their community that does not make sense! Black people you have to learn history, especially your own history! If you know history, then you might know the origin of something? What this means is that if you know the origin of something you will know its purpose! If you know the purpose, you will be able to decide if this is good or bad for you!

Now, lets apply this fundamental principle to the Fraternal Police Order {your local police force}.

History of the Fraternal Police Order:

The history of the police goes back to slavery? Yes, Slavery! The police started out as slave catchers, who patrolled the Mason- Dixon line. They would catch run away slaves and return them to their masters for a fee!

So is this good or bad for you?

Modern day:

The police department duties haven't changed much today. Their duties are to contain Blacks in certain areas. Because, some White Americas do not want see Blacks out of the areas they live, but especially not in the areas they live in!..

So you will always see the Police using excessive force on Black men, to send a message to other Black men don't get out of line or else!


The first thing we have to do is have unity within the Black Community? What I mean is get out and talk to your neighbor's and friends. Have block parties utilizes the community recreation centers as a meeting places.


Communication is the first line of defense in any community, especially when the community is largely made up of women and children, like our Black communities. The women in these communities have to be close and keep a strong bond with each other. Women are the glue to any community! The men have to bond also, we have to take on our natural roles that the Creator attained us to be protectors and providers!


We have to learn to talk to one another about issues within the home and community, we have to do a better job of policing ourselves. We are to quick to call the police on each other for minor stuff! But, please call if you feel unsafe!... 

love, live and learn


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