Friday, August 1, 2014

Pan African Movement

Pan African Movement:

The ideology and belief of the Pan African Movement  is all African and African- descent  people worldwide most unite and develop a viable economic plan!

From a viable economic plan we can start to address some of our basic needs, this in no way means all are problems will be solved! With a viable economic plan we can began to address some problems within our community. This is like a one, two step in learning to walk?

With group economics this allows us to have a common density, to fight against poverty in our communities. Addressing economic issues and concerns will allow us to move forward in other areas within our communities such as education.

In the Pan African Movement the first lesson of education is the education of SELF! Know thy SELF is the first step in having pride, integrity and respect! One must have these basic fundamentals in order to build and stabilizes one's own community. One must have these basic fundamentals for self, before dealing with anyone else. One can not apply any knowledge properly, without these fundamentals.


Collectiveness is unity! This unity is applied to all ideology and concepts. African and African descent people must be of one body, mind and spirit. This in no way shape fashion or form means we should all think a lot. But, what it does mean we should all want be free and liberated {self - governed}.

Some believe resources means natural resource, this is complete wrong!.. The greatest resource you can attain is the unlocking of one's own mind! Then you can move on to natural resource and how, best to utilize those resource to remain free and liberated.   

Collectiveness in short is group economics and grouping of resource! Grouping of resource is thinking with the same goal in mind, the collective minds of the group searching for the best resolution to any problem that faces the group {African and African descent people}.


Unity is the first step in the problem of African and African descent people. Unity comes from one's self? By learning one's own culture, history and religions you will over come the biggest problem with Black Folks? Being Black!...

Love, Live and Learn