Saturday, December 6, 2014

Transfer: March on Washingington D.C. 1963 & 2013

Friday, August 23, 2013

March on Washington D.C. 1963 & 2013

Saturday, August 24, 2013 will be the 50th anniversary "March on Washington D.C."
This event is remember by Dr. Martian Luther King's "I have a Dream Speech".

The purpose of the blog is also to give the truth or little unknown facts about events in history.

I will have to give my disclaimer before, I continue. Because my personal stands is very unpopular towards MLK. Personally, I do not agree with many of his main stream views. Personally, I think the way he went about desegregation was all the way wrong. I do not feel as a man you, beg another man for anything especially a place at his table! I lean towards the Nation of Islam view on desegregation "For self by Self" meaning do for self and the other man will respect you, now lets negotiate on mutual terms.

Now 1963 March on Washington, First of all this march was not at all like it was portrayed to be! This was suppose to be a militant style protest which most protest are.

When most Black people hear the word militant associated with a Black man, they view it in a derogatory manner, how come, am not really sure? Because my thinking was "a real man stands up for his family, land and freedom"? So when a Black man does this "he becomes militant and that is negative"? The older generations have carried a lot of non- thinking and slave mentality thinking with them through out the years, this needs to change. 

In 1963 those people Marched on Washington D.C. because they were angry, I say very angry! Because the fact of the matter was President John F. Kennedy won the 1960 president election and had not delivered not one piece of legislation down to congress in the way of a Civil Rights Bill for Blacks! Not only no rights were being worked on, but now the inner cities were dealing with urban flight. Urban flight took mostly all the jobs with them to the suburbs, especially the good paying jobs.

So Black people took a bold step and they wanted to confront John F. Kennedy and his administration for their lies and betrayal to Black people who gave their vote to Kennedy based on he would pass a Civil Rights Bill for Blacks. Blacks rallied together before Kennedy would leave office in 1964 to see if he would pass a bill for Civil Rights?

The estimates are 200,000 to 300,000 people attend the March on Washington. The march was originally for Black laborers about 10,000 of them organized by Baynard Rustin and others. Baynard Rustin was originally meant to lead the March on Washington, but after the "Big Six" the 6 main organizers met with Kennedy about the protest, he warned them that any militant or violence would be met with force, from him! {President Kennedy}

This is when they {Big 6} decide to bring in a less fearful person, Dr. Martin Luther King! This is not widely discuss or shared but this caused a major division among Blacks Leader and Black people! Many did not want Dr. King to represent them, "they felt he was to soft, timid and weak" to lead the protest and get results!

A lesser known fact the Kennedy's hated Martin Luther King! JFK felt MLK was a thorn in his side, because Coretta Scott King was always calling asking the Kennedy's {John & Bobby} for federal troops to protect MLK during his protest. Also Coretta Scott King was always calling and demanding that the Kennedy's call and get MLK out of jail and to make sure no harm came to him during his stay's in jail. This put a lot of tension between JFK and his democrat base in the southern states! Which was leading towards not supporting him and no re-elect!

Kennedy understand his position, and welcome MLK as the leader of the protest as a lesser of the two evils in his eye sight, only because he knew that Baynard Rustin would be way more militant than King would be, and probably would not leave until a Civil Rights Bill for Blacks was written and submitted to congress before he left, and JFK had no plans of dealing with Black issues until his second term as President if then? So this is why in general people felt Kennedy supported the protest, but Kennedy had just dodge a huge political bullet, in the way of not having to deal with Baynard Rustin and the older more keen and militant leaders of the Civil Rights Movement.

Militant does not always mean violent, as many would have you believe!
Example: This topic you are reading could be viewed as militant, because it goes against a general consistence of some people which makes me seem like a radical!

Example.2: Jesus Christ was consider militant also? Because his views were radical for the time period in-which he lived. He spoke out against injustice and the Roman Empire.

Example.3: Early Christian explores to the New World were violent, who killed, raped and enslaved in the name of God! That is what you call violent. This blog has only hurt feelings of some people, but no physical acts have occurred nor been aspired to do so.

Many Africans and Native Americans lost their lives in the name of Christ! Why do think Blacks are so fearful when it comes to Christianity? Not so much unto God as they would have you believe, but in the culture and genetic {d.n.a.} FEAR is reinforce by death from the White MAN! {another topic/ thus explaining why Black people in America are the only people who pray to a God that does not look like them physically/ a white, blue eyed Jesus}!!!

The final conclusion, that I have many points of interest not crediting MLK as a great leader. I do love MLK still because he tried to do something he, did not sit on the side lines criticizing everyone else for their attempts to do something. Yes, I feel he was a very weak leader, and hurt us as a people moving forward!

Why, I say this because I have studied the White man intensely for over 25 years! I have study the art of war/ and political methods for over 25 years. The first thing I learned is that the White man does not give credit to any Black man unless, I say again unless that Black has benefit the cause and interest of the White man greatly! {Supreme Justice- Clarence Thompson} 

Secondly understanding war and political methods of the world, no enemy promotes a hero of the enemy unless he 1. works for them secretly! 2. Is not really a factor to them, {the enemy} 3. They want the weak leader to stay in power so that a stronger leader does not emerge and defeat them.

Why not keep promoting MLK {the enemy} if you study numbers from 1963 to 2013, Black have lost ground in every area except SELL- OUTS {the entertainment industry} this is the only area Blacks have gained any ground since 1963!!!

I said all that to say this, I will be in Washington D.C. for the 50th anniversary of the March on Washington! Being together does not mean everyone does same thing or think a like its about supporting one another in the same struggle. In life there is usually more than one road to get to a destination, MLK had his road, I have mine, but I still support my Brother!

Thanks MLK!

love, live and learn                                  

Transfer: Fred Hampton- Black Panther

Saturday, August 17, 2013

Fred Hampton- Black Panther

                                                       Fred Hampton- Black Panther
                                                               Gone but not forgotten!

Fred Hampton was a person I learned about early in my studies, he aspired me to make change for what is right!

Fred Hampton was a member of the Illinois chapter of the Black Panthers. He lived and worked in Chicago {Maywood}. He studied pre-law at Triton Junior College, to learn how to stop police brutality. One of the things the Black Panthers would go out and do is watch police officer during arrest to make sure the citizen rights were not being violated.

Fred also worked with the local NAACP branch, as leader of the youth council. When working the Black Panther he successfully negotiated a non- aggression pact with Chicago biggest gangs! He also organized multi- racial community council. It was Fred Hampton that first used the word or term "Rainbow Coalition" which later Rev. Jesse Jackson coined "Rainbow/ Push Coalition".It was Fred Hampton that started the free breakfast program for kids in Chicago!

Fred had become a rising start in the community, and had started receiving national attention which caught the eye of F.B.I. director J. Eager Hoover. Which seen the Black Panther and Fred Hampton as a thereat to national security. This is what started and lead to the raid on Fred Hampton which left him dead at age 21!

Thank you, Fred Hampton for all you did!

love, live and learn