Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Transfer: Mastering Duality

Friday, December 23, 2011

Mastering Duality

the purpose of mastering duality is to bring about a natural balance to self and surrounding. but lets look at duality which is a.k.a. dualism. duality is polar opposites like north and south poles which gets its name from polar.

humility & pride:
humility- the condition of being humble
pride- a high, or the superiority of ones self opinion of self
balance point: to know self is not lower or higher then others, this is done mostly through material goods, ones possession!

forgiveness & grudge:
forgiveness- the act or willingness to forgive
grudge- the feeling of ill will or to hold resentment
balance point: to let go, release negativity do not hold, its like fire it consumes everything in its path including self, thus transforming self to become what you hated most!

vulnerability & protectiveness:
vulnerability- capable of or susceptible to being wounded or hurt
protectiveness- the function of protecting
balance point: these two (2) points are one in the same? if you do to much of one you automatically do the other!
tip: this one needs a example because its so common for people who do it, they over look it. {dealing with love}
example: look at definition, {capable of} protectiveness that goes to far makes you reject others most beautiful thoughts and action, nobody likes rejection! 

these points may help us in our everyday relationship with each other
live, love and learn

Transfer: Life Principles

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Life Principles

principles are rules by which we govern ourselves and the universe we are in. these rules are truth, balance, order, law, morality, justice. by following these rules they help keep our lives from falling into chaos. lets examine each rule to unlock its full potential.

truth- a verified or indisputable fact, the fundamental base of all relationship between people, god,  etc:
balance- mental steadiness or emotional stability; a habit of calm behavior, judgment etc:
order- a condition in which each thing is properly disposed with reference to other things and to its purpose; the methodical or harmonious arrangement.
law- the system of rules by which one behaves within the universe
morality- moral instruction; a lesson, precept, discourse or utterance
justice- conformity to this principle, of having just conduct, dealing or treatment of others etc:

these principles are absorbed internally not project outwardly. they grow from within once they have rooted in ones heart and mind from there they will automatically manifest outwardly!

therefore letting your subconscious rule the conscious state of mind!

Given to us by the African goddess Ma'at
live, love and learn

Transfer: A word of love

Sunday, December 18, 2011

A word of Love
the world needs more love! do your part tell some one today you love them, tell many as you can!
 tell anybody you love them, but especially the people in your everyday life reinforce that bond with them. some people feel that love is to strong of a word, it is, that's why it should be a common word among us because of the simple fact it is strong! it moves people giving them joy within. so be a vessel of hope to others tell them you love them.
let us not grow weary while doing good, for at the proper time we will reap harvest if we do not give up!

Galatians 6:9

live, love and learn

Transfer: Destiny Proverb

Friday, December 16, 2011

Destiny Proverb

watch your thoughts: they become your words.
watch your words: they become your actions.
watch your actions: they become your habits.
watch your habits: they become your character.
watch your character: it becomes your destiny!

live, love and learn

Transfer: Know Thy Self/ Understanding

Know thy Self/ Understanding
Knowing thy self is key in life! Knowing thy self is important in balancing oneself! If one becomes balanced then he or she can help balance others within their community. A balanced community grows strong and healthy children not only physically but spiritually and mentally; thus making people proud of where they come from. Please lets put the pride back into our communities!

Are we teaching young people to have a relationship with the creator? Do you have one yourself?
Are we teaching young people the truth? Do you know the truth?
Are we losing our community? What part do you play?

Live, love and learn

Transfer: Know thy Self

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Know thy Self!

Its all about you!
Know Thy Self!
What does it mean to know you?

Know - to have understanding.
Thy - of, or relating to thee.
Self - an individual's typical character or behavior

live, love and learn

Transfer: Prayer and Meditation Section

Prayer and Meditation Section

                                       Prayer and Meditation Section

Prayer and Meditation are basically the same thing! Prayers are usually shorter in ritual time than Meditation, but not always!

Prayer is usually directed to a higher being than of ones self. Prayer is usually very simple in ritual, and ritual time.   

Meditation is a very serious it take place in seconds and may last for days in ritual time!

Western culture {European} really do not practice meditation, except a small few. Meditation is mostly practiced in Eastern cultures {Africa & Asia}.

Meditation requires the individual to study and practice before enter such deep thoughts. Because you will be channel energy and focusing that energy in a direct area.

Meditation levels can get so high that one can experience a inner, outer body experience, also entering different dimensions!

Please get help before trying to learn the fine art of meditation!!!


This section will only give light instruction to get you started, please seek help before trying!

The instruction will be taken from the Great Imhotep. Many of his secrets have been taken and guard for safe keeping. But we still follow his model and teaching format today, for those who study Eastern Metaphysical Philosophy!

But the manual we will use, will come from the Grand Sage Ptah- Hotep!

Before starting we always give thanks to the Creator of the Heavens and Earth!
Then we give thanks to our teacher and instructor, in this case will be Imhotep and Ptah- Hotep.

In both names you see Hotep:
Hotep means: Peace

This lesson will deal with forgiveness on all levels!

1. Forgive ones self of guilt and pride! {mental}
2. Forgiveness from the Creator! {spiritual}
3. Forgiveness from Humanity, all those you have offend it! {Physical}

Just think about it, but do not be overcome by it. Say it a quick prayer for each offenses. This may take awhile? But it is important in order to move on to the next step!

Remember if you can not forgive, than you will not be forgiven!

Just a tip to my Black Sister, men pray to you, not so long ago you were praised as Goddess in your home land and the world around! But your hardline approach and unforgiving ways made men abandon female worship almost entirely!
Just something to think about as you still carry around those bad attitudes, grudges and unforgiving ways!

Not all Black women carry bad attitudes their are many that are still of Goddess quality! But not enough, women regain your place, so that we may prayer to you again! Soften your hearts!                 

live, love and learn