Monday, March 9, 2015

Transfer: Women History Month 2015

Friday, March 1, 2013

Women History Month

This month is Women History Month, this month on the blog we will be honoring women. This is very important to know thy self11, we want to show how much we honor and love women! Women are so very important in the everyday lives of everybody!

For this month we want to make people aware of the Kemetic {African} way of culture when dealing with women. So I will explain the laws and rules of our ancient African culture.

The Black Woman in Kemet was exalted to the highest pedestal of life. The highest title in Kemet was the title of the King's mother. This title is called "Queen Mother" {Mwt}, this is the source of the Kings power. She represented the Kemetic belief system, which is a threefold (3) system, spiritual, mental and physical.

Africa people in general believe that the strongest human bond in the universe is between "mother and child"! Child birth represent the dualism of life, the greatest pain and the greatest joy of life! This relationship is a special relationship especially between mother and son. For the first love of a boy is his mother! It is so special that when a boy becomes a adult, he will actively seek out a woman with attributes and characteristic of his mother!

In Kemetics/ Africa this relationship is so special that all other relationships are based upon it? In the Kemetic belief systems all relationship between men are women are based upon mother and son! The wife of the man will in- turn take the mother place in the man's life thus becoming his wife and mother!

1. Many African- American relationship fail because of the knowledge of self! We as Africa people have adapted the European/ White man culture. Which is a failure because we underestimate the power of genetics? Certain people no matter where they go or how long they are there, they retain their culture in their genes!

2. So this is why African- American relationship are a failure to a large degree because of the Blackmans adaptation of women being second in status! Which for most cases she first or at least equal, and refusal of her divine rights from the Creator to be equal with her man has caused many problems within the relationship!

{Read the Hebrew story of Lilith, Adams 1st wife before Eve. Understand that the original Hebrews were African/ Ethiopian, the demonizing of her is the European Jews version of the story}

3. But this situation is a two (2) part problem because you have in most case to divine halves {man & woman} having any true knowledge of self or their Africa history. Then adding fuel to the fire the adaptation of European beliefs and practices.

                                                  History of African Woman

The source of power of the Black people is the Black woman! This in no-way makes the Blackman weak or not strong at all! This is just the simple truth of our Kemetic Creation "The principles of Ma-at"!
Ma-at is a Black Woman she is the giver and protect of our universal principles and laws, that we {Africans} govern ourselves under.

It is Auset/ Isis that give the world its first savior Heru/ Horus by way immaculate conception!

The story of Jesus birth in the Holy Bible is a retold Kemetic story! The Kemetic version is so old we do not know how old it is? It is at least 10,000 years older than the biblical Jesus!

Everything in the Kemetic belief systems revolves around the Black Woman.

1. A God without a Goddess can not be a God in the Kemetic belief system!

We that believe in the Kemetic belief system, believe a God without a wife a Goddess,  is a act of homosexuality! We reject any God that does not have a female counterpart! Man cannot and will not exist without a woman!

2. A King cannot be a King without a wife also!

This is why all United States Presidents are married and a single man will never be elected! The United States is model of  ancient Egypt/ Kemet!

I strongly advice all woman but especially Black Woman to visit the ancient culture and practices of Kemet concerning woman!


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