Saturday, September 20, 2014

Transfer: Scfi Section: Hell Boy: Decoded

Monday, November 4, 2013

Sci Fi Section: Hell Boy: Decodeed

Hell Boy: Decoded: pt 1

I will discuss events that took place during WWII that are top secret to most Americans. A lot of these unknown events shape our future. So, I will tie the events of WWII together with our current history.

World War II {WWII} Decoded:
World War II was the last of the World Wars and battles in Europe. These wars are pertaining mostly  to European history and culture. World War II was a combination of events that happened to create a war, by many people, groups {churches}, secret organizations {Masons}, countries {America} and kingdoms were involved which created World War II. When you get to the root or cause of the war it was basically a power structure shake- up!

After the fall of the Roman Empire by the Germanic tribes of Germany and others {Black German Tribes}. Germans became the leading group in Europe to this day! For the most part all of Western Europeans {all the countries west of Germany} are actually all Germans with different names? Germany is the royal seat of Europe, {Queen Elizabeth II is German}.

Hell Boy Decoded:
Hell Boy the movie is a lose story of real events that actually happened for the most part? Not everything that is in the movie is real, because it is a movie and not documentary! But, the main theme of the movie is absolutely correct, that Germany and America with the Allies used Black Magic {Witchcraft} to try to win the war!

There is a lot of metaphysics in this story, to help those who do not understand, I will explian. In the universe there is one main theme which all others come out of? Light and Darkness also know as Good and Evil. This is known as the principle of BALANCE! Balance in Kemetic studies is known as duality! Duality is every simple to understand at the start but becomes every difficult as you keep learning.

Duality Example:
Light and dark, cold and hot, male and female, black and white {abstract color},good and evil. 

Duality or Balance:
Duality or Balance are to equal halves that need each other to exist? If one of the two {2} don't  exist there is no need for the other!

In Kemetic studies this is the principal "duality" why we believe in female gods {goddess} as well as male gods. Because they are two {2} divine halves that are equal! In no way are men superior to women! This also causes for us to reject in notion of men being born gay/ homosexual, two {2} of the same halves can not make a balance system within the universe, male & male! 

Duality and Balance explained:
God and Satan: God is King of the Light. Satan is the Princess of Darkness.
But according to the laws of duality and balance, both must exist for one to be here. If there was no God there would be no need for Satan, because good and evil would not exist, so therefore there would be no need for Satan either. Complicated, I know, but this is what starts people down the path to the darkside of life. Because in a non- faithful person they see God and Satan as equals in power, so this means that in their minds and hearts Satan has just as much a chance of winning Armageddon as God does? So they turn to Satan for short term gains {in this life}, in-which they pay for eternally in the next life, hell!

Hell Boy Decoded:
So when the movie first comes on this Russian witch gets in a crazy looking machine {time machine} that he claims that he will go in outer-space and open a portal from our world to another to send a demon here that they will worship and he will destroy the enemies of the Nazi's and from the ashes of this war they will rebuild a world of their liking.

Black Magic Occultist:
Actually this is the truth! The Nazi dealt heavily in the occults {Black Magic}. Very few people know that it was the rich aristocrats of wealth German and European nobility families that dealt in the occults and spiritualism {Black Magic} that backed, supported and put Adolf Hitler into power in Germany! The Black Magic occult was big in America also under Madame Helen Blavatsky, a high priestess and witch! Blavatsky was a leader in the Black magic occult Theosophical society!

American nobility in America, also supported the Nazis! The Bush family {Politics & Banking}, The Kennedy family {Politics & Banking}, Rockefeller family {banking & business}, and The Henry Ford family {cars}. There are many, many more to many for this topic on the blog to list! People do not believe me research it for yourself. But to give you a strong piece of evidence, research "The man of the year 1938 for Time Magazine", Adolf Hitler!

Black People you really do not know these people like you think you do! Black People, you look up to these people but they are very selfish and evil in nature. 

Hell Boy Decoded: 
The machine in the movie is a actually machine the Nazis built. The name of the machine is called the Nazis Bell Project or the Nazis Bell. The machine is a anti- gravity machine or time machine, which disappeared during the end of the war and has not been seen yet? After the war some spies and scientist went to the site where they heard the machine was at, but when they got there it was a half way built and abandoned site that left no clues to what was really going on there? Just a few scientist gave a eye- witness account they had seen the machine, but did not know what had happened to the machine or people working on the project? 

America defense contractors have been working on anti- gravity machines for years am not really sure how close they are to having it completed or working correctly?

Conspiracy Theory:
For a little fun and interest, I did hear back in the 40s America was working on its on anti- gravity machine. They were losing the war in the Atlantic Ocean because German U- boats {submarines} were sinking half the US Navy fleet in the Atlantic Ocean, so the wanted a way to stop their ship from being sunk. The experiment is called the "Philadelphia Experiment" with the ship called the USS Eldridge. The US government claims its not true and a hoax like everything else! lol

Research for yourself, enjoy and learn!

love, live and learn