Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Transfer: Federal Reserve: The Untold Story

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Federal Reserve:The Untold Story

Federal Reserve: The Untold Story

A brief history of the Federal Reserve, and why it is a illegal entity!

Fiat Money System:
The United States economy is ran on a Fiat Money System together with a hybrid Capitalism System. What this mean is that in a Fiat Money System, the money is worthless, it has no real value? Its not tied to anything tangible {gold, silver, diamonds or oil}, only a promise that the money is good?

Hybrid Capitalism:
Hybrid Capitalism is a giant pyramid scheme controlled by the people at the top, so in order to make  real money in this system they have to let you in. All laws are made to keep you from making any real money {billions and better} unless you agree to work with them. Capitalism is a good thing, because it creates competition, which is then good for the consumer. But, this is not true capitalism, the laws here are made to eliminate competition.

Education: Business School in American:
Basically, all education in American is a joke! "don't believe me ask, anybody who works in education system how backwards the systems and rules are"! Business Schools teaches you the rules of business, but when you get the job and get into the boardroom they teach you how to cheat, steal and break rules all in the name of profit {greed}. "The golden rule of business is to bend the rules far as you can, without breaking them"!

Higher Education in American was started by rich people or rich families. This was done with a dual intention?
First, to keep a eye out for the best young talented person and bring them into their ranks {company}.
Secondly, to make sure their agenda was never exposed to the public, so the watering down effect of education. Why is this so important, if you can not think, you can not ask the proper questions, nor challenge their rule or decisions!

Brief History of the Federal Reserve:
The whole text book story of how the Federal Reserve is a complete lie! The Federal Reserve was created in secret by top bankers and their associates at the Jekyll Island Club on Jekyll Island, Georgia. Senator Aldrich meet in secret with top bankers and they pre- drafted the Federal Reserve Act, that was in the bankers favor and not the public.

They did not want it to look like they were forming a central bank, but actually that is exactly what they were forming. This would be a joint banking venture between government and private bank. President Woodrow Wilson signed the bill, under pressure and advice that the economy was failing and many people would suffer! Which he should have knew better since he was once the President of Ivory League University of Princeton!

I have cut and pasted the actually quote from President Wilson, after he signed the law and properly reviewed after the fact of signing the act into law!

President Wilson quote, about the Federal Reserve:
"I am a most unhappy man. I have unwittingly ruined my country. A great industrial nation is controlled by its system of credit. Our system of credit is concentrated. The growth of the nation, therefore, and all our activities are in the hands of a few men. We have come to be one of the worst ruled, one of the most completely controlled and dominated Governments in the civilized world no longer a Government by free opinion, no longer a Government by conviction and the vote of the majority, but a Government by the opinion and duress of a small group of dominant men." -Woodrow Wilson, after signing the Federal Reserve into existence

Federal Reserve/ Function:
To control money fluctuations {inflation}, by the flow of money in and out the system. To print money for the government. Loan money to public, private and government sectors? There are other things that they do, but this is the primary function of the Federal Reserve.

Federal Reserve/ Operation:
The Federal Reserve is made up of private bankers and banks which divide the country up into 12 national districts. Which each has a national bank that operates as a headquarters in their district for the Federal Reserve with is a Central Banking Systems. They are really a Banking Cartel? This is really illegal because they have a monopoly on banking, and monopolies are illegal in the United States!

The Bankers control the United States people and government? This is done by the Federal Reserve loaning money to United States citizens, corporations and government?

The National Deficit:
Most people do not have a clue on what the National Deficit is or how it works, and the people at the top do not want you to know? This why the education system in America is a joke! The stuff that matters they do not teach!

The National Deficit works like this, the Federal Reserve prints money for the United States Government this money is then sold to the government at full face value, but is actually loaned to the government in-which the government must may back with interest because they are financing the loan of money?

You know, how you buy a house, you buy the house but you only make a small down payment then you finance the balance of the money which gives you a mortgage. This is what the government is doing with money, they are buying money from the Federal Reserve at face value {no discount} then paying interest on the money cause they do not have enough money to buy the money they need? I know crazy right, but this is what is happening to your taxes dollars, paying interest on money!

Today Thinking:
The current deficit in America is seventeen {17} trillion dollars, this means every us a citizen owes around fifty- five {55} thousand dollars regardless of your financial situation. But your first thought is am not paying them anything! Do not worry they do not except for you to pay them? They will collect easily and on time so you have go credit with Federal Reserve Bank, that is why they keep loan the government money!

How do they get paid?
That is a every easy answer interest on everything you buy and sell in the form of taxes! That's it your answers, taxes!

What are you going to do?
Because the system is about to collapse very soon?

love, live and learn