Sunday, November 2, 2014

Why is technology and symbolism consider evil?

Why is technology and symbolism consider evil?

Before going into the information about the topic. Lets discuss the topic a little. How does technology and symbolism go together?

First lets discuss technology, by most accounts in history all cultures from Blacks to Whites and everyone between claims that they received their technology from a extraterrestrial being, God or alien ect... But the real story is that the technology always seems to be used for bad attentions? War, power, money and greed! No one knows for sure the true attention of the purpose of the technology. By most accounts in Western Culture technology was given to man kind from the Nephilim. It was the Nephilim that taught men how to make weapons of war, and how to use them. Most of this information comes from the Abrahamic faiths Judaism, Islam and Christianity.

Nephilim- a race of giant beings. The sons of Gods and the daughters of men?

From the Nephilim this is where the concept of technology being evil? Symbolism in short is just another language that uses pictures instead of words. Almost all culture have done it or are doing it. Symbolism by most accounts was the first written language of men?

I know European {White} Jews, do not admit the real reason why they do not use technology or the Sabbath? Because they feel or know that man- made technology is blasphemes. {Orthodox/ Conventional Jews}

Modern technology, symbolism being evil?

This would take us to the modern- day tech king Apple/ Apple Inc. Apple is a great company or is it? Depends on who you ask, but lets explore that question.

What does the Apple logo stand for?
The common answer is Sir Isaac Newton, the falling apple and gravity discover?
The next answer is a dedication to the guy who so-called invented the modern computer? Alan Turing. Turing committed suicide by biting into a apple laced with cyanide poison, so Apple Inc, dedicates the founding of the company on a apple, which Turing used to kill himself?

Next clue which I think is the real clue, in ancient symbolism the apple represents knowledge, but the bitten apple means to partake or indulge.

But remember in the Bible, Adam and Eve was not suppose to eat from the Tree of Knowledge, this was forbidden!.. But symbolically, Apple Inc is saying yes I ate from the Tree of Knowledge also!..
I know a conspires theory? Well explain why the first Apple computer in 1977 was marketed at $666.66 is 666 not the mark of the beast? If you think am lying Google it!..

This all means that Apple technology has been given to them by a Luciferian, or that the technology will be used for a evil purpose, or both?

Lucifrian a demon or person that worships the Devil/ Satan/ Lucifer!

Warning of Wi- fi, we use it everyday and mostly all technology is transferred via the air. Symbolically, one of the names of Satan is "the prince of the power of the air"! This means they have control over the air to see what you are doing! {cellphones, wi- fi and satellites}.

All am trying to do is make you see and understand how much we all have been dumb down, to the world around us. We have to wake up people!... Stop watching television programs so much, because you are being programed, that's why its called a program!

love, live and learn