Monday, October 27, 2014

Transfer: Woman: Religion's Hidden Truth

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Woman: Religion's Hidden Truth

Women: Religion's Hidden Truth

This topic is in dedication to Auset and Heru/ Shrine of the Black Madonna and Child.

In dedication to Auset, I dedicated the topic to all Black Women? Auset is the spiritual part of Black Women, you are the physical embodiment of Auset! She represents motherhood and life!

I have to try very hard to reach Black Women, because of our deteriorating condition and state of mind of Black People in general. I do not like releasing this information on the internet, I reserve this information for private mentoring only! But no, long can I watch the attack on Black Woman!

I know, from history what am about to mention, many people have been silenced by force, falsely jailed, and killed! But am at the point, I guess like all who have truly helped Black People, In the words of Martin Luther King Jr, "I been to the mountain top, yes I would like to live a long life, but am not concerned about living here no more, I just want to do the will of God" My will is of the true God Auset {The Black Women}.

I challenge anybody in the world, no matter what race, color or creed! This is my challenge, before the Greek and Roman states {Western/ White Europeans} came into power and implement their version of religion, when did people especially Black people worship male only deities/ Gods, without a woman?
The answer is never!!!

Now i will bring undisputed charges against the worlds three {3} major religions Christianity, Islam and Judaism.
1. False teachings and lies!
2. The intentional cover- up of Black people in religion! {the true Israelite and Ishmaelites}
3. The cover- up and character assassination of the important roles of Black Women in religion!
4. The omitting and hiding of material concerning Black Women in religion!

In Eastern {African} culture our blood- lines go by our mothers not our fathers! White Europeans go by their fathers blood- line! This is how you properly trace who you our, if you are Black! This will be the basis of my argument in the truth and cover up of Black People, but especially Black Woman.

Kemetic Belief System:
Kemetic belief system out dates all other religions by at-least 2,000 years, this date comes from White European scholars, Black scholars say its more like at- least 20,000 years or more! {the more we study the farther the dates keep going back}

The first and oldest Kemetic Belief is the Osiris {Ausar} Belief system. Which makes up the true trinity the Black Family, Father, Mother and Child.

Ausar: Father/ Husband, God- the judge of the dead.
Auset: Mother/ Wife, Goddess of Motherhood, Child- Bearing and Spiritual Inspiration.
Heru: Child/ Savior, First Savior of the World, the Living God {Jesus, proto-type}.

Auset: is now know as Mary mother of Jesus the Savior.
Heru: is known as Jesus Christ the Savior.
Together they make up early Christianity as the Shrine of the Black Madonna and Child.

Understanding the falsehood of religions, before you start. I will start with the cover up of Black Woman and their significant role in religion.

Judaism is where the lie began after the death of Jesus, which started the systematic genocide of Black Hebrews by White Jews, Romans and White Europeans.

At the council of Nicaea in 325 C.E. the religious heads and head of state meet to discuss Christianity and what should be done with it. They sat in a room and made up a plan for religions, and by controlling religion they could rule and control the world forever!

In order to be King or Queen, this is a divine right from God! Not like what we have today is warlords conquering people and lands then adopting a religion as divine right to cover up murder!

This comes directly from Constantine the Emperor of Roman during the council of Nicaea. Because he allowed the murder of Christians.

Now what they do not tell you in the holy text that Constantine made himself the first Pope of Christianity! His divine right was his mother, she was responsible for finding the relic "the true cross, that Jesus was crucified on" which made her a Saint, Saint Helena?

In Islam Saudi Arabia. Saudi Arabia is named after the Saud family in Arabia. The Chief of the clan was a warlord and after his conquest of Arabia with the help of the British government, they installed him as King of Arabia. Then he installed his version of Islam, put his tribe and Iman's of his sect as religious leaders!

In the Jewish bible {Torah} you will find a two {2} creation story of mankind? Why is there two {2} creation story concerning Adam and Eve? Because, there are two {2} different women involved, Lilith which is Adam first wife, and Adams second wife Eve.

Lilith was created at the same time as Adam, {Torah/Tanakh, Gensis ch.1 ver: 26}. As the story goes Lilith, being the Black Woman she was had to keep reminding Adam, that he was not the boss over her God was her master, in short Lilith did not adhere to everything Adam wanted her to do.

*Hint: Parental Advisement before reading!!!
So when it came to sex Adam wanted Lilith to get on the bottom and he get on top of her! This is known as the missionary position or mercenary sex. Both meaning to dominate the person at the bottom. This position Adam prefer but Lilith did not, she suggest other positions but Adam did not like them. So this problem grew into other issues, very much like in relationships today, "bad sex life, bad relationship eventually"! So Lilith and Adam relationship became very hard and did not endure, but Adam went to God and complained about Lilith so much that God, eventually granted Adams wishes and gave him another wife Eve. Lilith was exiled out from the Garden of Eden, thus inheriting a negative image thought history, for being a strong woman and standing up for herself!

Does this sound like anybody you know or remind you of anyone Black Woman?

missionary position and mercenary sex, even in homosexuality {male on male}. The male on the bottom, is consider the female in the relationship between, two {2} males.   

I, am not  done yet, because you have to hear the whole story to understand the irony of the story! Now that Adam has his new wife Eve, who was not strong and did not adhere to her beliefs like Lilith, she was tricked by Satan in the form of a snake to eat the fruit of the forbidden tree. {Torah/ Tanakh, Gensis ch.3}

The over-standing of the story, which no one talks about either, if God told Adam and Eve both not to eat from the tree, shouldn't have Adam already known,not to eat the fruit, even if Eve said it was okay, God already had said "NO"! 

So, you see right from the start they began lying on the Black Woman, the first chapter!

This is a  great cover- up in Judaism and Christianity/ Catholicism.

Judaism/ Christianity:
This cover- up is based on one of the biggest lies ever wrote in the bible! The true blood- line of Jesus!
At some point common- sense has to kick- in, I remember reading the genealogy of Jesus at age 13, and it made no sense to me then and less sense now!

Why is Joesph the so- called father of Jesus blood- line given as Jesus blood- line, Joesph is not his father , God is!!! Secondly, at best Joesph is the step father, who in their right mind gives the step- fathers genealogy to child everybody knows he did not father?

The reason why this is a cover- up against Black Women by a racists, male- chauvinist priest- hood called Christianity.

The real truth of the matter is that Mary mother of Jesus was a priestess and had a royal blood- line leading back to Moses and Aaron the two {2} brothers who establish the Hebrews as a people! She came from a priestly family, father and mother both priest. Her cousin Elizabeth {John the baptist mother} and her husband Zachariah were both priest.

Birth of Mary mother of Jesus:
The untold truth and cover- up is that when Mary mother of Jesus was born an angel {Gabriel} appeared to her parents, Saint Joachim and St Anne to announce her birth and she was born of a virgin also! Mary mother of Jesus was also born of immaculate conception before Jesus! {called perpetual virginity or conception}

The information comes from a aid that work for Pope Jerome in the 4th century C.E. whom picked up a book that Father Jerome had laying out and began to read it. So the church had a copy of these books, which were banned from the general public about 125 years earlier. Three different writers wrote about the story of Mary mother of Jesus, her son and Jesus brother James the Just. Matthew author in the New Testament, not all his works were allowed into the bible we have today, some of his works was withheld.

Islam/ Judaism:
This is in to regards to Ishmael mother Hagar {Hajar}. Hagar story is played down because she is not mentioned by name in the Qu ran.But yet she is symbolically very important in Islam as Sarah is in Judaism.

In Islam, the Qu ran has a section on the chronology of Egypt and Israel, why?

The part of Egypt, is a blurred line, because the people of modern Egypt are really invaders pale Arabs from the Asian Minor {Turkey, Iran and Iraq}. But in order to legitimize themselves they try to tie themselves in through the Qu ran, and other holy text! But, they are not the true Ishmaelites! The true Ishmealites are Black Africans from Egypt and the Arabian Peninsula!

 The secret truth about modern religion, the three {3} major religions is that there is really one {1} big religion Judaism! Modern Christianity and Islam are simply offshoots of Judaism! Christianity and Islam were both part of Judaism that broke off, and started do their own thing, sort of?
a. Judeo- Christianity
b. The prophet Muhammad is the breaking point for Muslims from Jews {Qu ran received}

The only real difference in the three {3} religions is the last saviors?
1. Judaism- claim their last savior has not came yet?
2. Christianity- claim Jesus is their last savior!
3. Islam- claim the prophet Muhammad is their last savior  

What is not mention is the deliberate cover- up and racism in the all the holy text concerning Hagar. Hagar was a royal princess, not some hand- maid a servant. She was a Royal Black Princess the daughter of the Pharaoh. She was given as a helper, not servant.
This would make Muslims, Black Egyptians {Kemetians}! Because of Ishmael mother Hagar. Thus giving them a royal blood- line! Proof comes from the Jewish Midrash.

Queen of Sheba:
Queen of Sheba is and was a important Black Women! She was Queen of Sheba which is a Ethiopian providence {modern day Yemen}. But, what is covered up by the holy text is that her and King Solomon of Israel had a child together name Menelik. Menelik went on to receive the ark of the covenant from his father, Solomon and became rule of all of Ethiopia and establishing a royal blood line!

This are the very short version of the stories, with many other cover ups of other Black Woman in the holy texts!

Live, love and learn