Monday, March 9, 2015

Transfer: Women History Month 2015

Friday, March 1, 2013

Women History Month

This month is Women History Month, this month on the blog we will be honoring women. This is very important to know thy self11, we want to show how much we honor and love women! Women are so very important in the everyday lives of everybody!

For this month we want to make people aware of the Kemetic {African} way of culture when dealing with women. So I will explain the laws and rules of our ancient African culture.

The Black Woman in Kemet was exalted to the highest pedestal of life. The highest title in Kemet was the title of the King's mother. This title is called "Queen Mother" {Mwt}, this is the source of the Kings power. She represented the Kemetic belief system, which is a threefold (3) system, spiritual, mental and physical.

Africa people in general believe that the strongest human bond in the universe is between "mother and child"! Child birth represent the dualism of life, the greatest pain and the greatest joy of life! This relationship is a special relationship especially between mother and son. For the first love of a boy is his mother! It is so special that when a boy becomes a adult, he will actively seek out a woman with attributes and characteristic of his mother!

In Kemetics/ Africa this relationship is so special that all other relationships are based upon it? In the Kemetic belief systems all relationship between men are women are based upon mother and son! The wife of the man will in- turn take the mother place in the man's life thus becoming his wife and mother!

1. Many African- American relationship fail because of the knowledge of self! We as Africa people have adapted the European/ White man culture. Which is a failure because we underestimate the power of genetics? Certain people no matter where they go or how long they are there, they retain their culture in their genes!

2. So this is why African- American relationship are a failure to a large degree because of the Blackmans adaptation of women being second in status! Which for most cases she first or at least equal, and refusal of her divine rights from the Creator to be equal with her man has caused many problems within the relationship!

{Read the Hebrew story of Lilith, Adams 1st wife before Eve. Understand that the original Hebrews were African/ Ethiopian, the demonizing of her is the European Jews version of the story}

3. But this situation is a two (2) part problem because you have in most case to divine halves {man & woman} having any true knowledge of self or their Africa history. Then adding fuel to the fire the adaptation of European beliefs and practices.

                                                  History of African Woman

The source of power of the Black people is the Black woman! This in no-way makes the Blackman weak or not strong at all! This is just the simple truth of our Kemetic Creation "The principles of Ma-at"!
Ma-at is a Black Woman she is the giver and protect of our universal principles and laws, that we {Africans} govern ourselves under.

It is Auset/ Isis that give the world its first savior Heru/ Horus by way immaculate conception!

The story of Jesus birth in the Holy Bible is a retold Kemetic story! The Kemetic version is so old we do not know how old it is? It is at least 10,000 years older than the biblical Jesus!

Everything in the Kemetic belief systems revolves around the Black Woman.

1. A God without a Goddess can not be a God in the Kemetic belief system!

We that believe in the Kemetic belief system, believe a God without a wife a Goddess,  is a act of homosexuality! We reject any God that does not have a female counterpart! Man cannot and will not exist without a woman!

2. A King cannot be a King without a wife also!

This is why all United States Presidents are married and a single man will never be elected! The United States is model of  ancient Egypt/ Kemet!

I strongly advice all woman but especially Black Woman to visit the ancient culture and practices of Kemet concerning woman!


Transfer: Women History Month/ Michelle Obama

Woman History Month- Michelle Obama
Know thy self11 would like to honor our first lady Michelle Obama. Mrs. Obama we are all so proud of you! Mrs. Obama you are more then just a first lady to us that believe in the African way! Michelle Obama you are our Queen. We truly understand that you are the true power behind the throne, and we love you for that!

The president gets a lot of the attention which he deserves, but Mrs. Obama you mean so much to us also, because in the Africa tradition can not be a King without a Queen! Not only do young girls and women look up to Michelle Obama, but many Black men do also! We look at you for what our daughters can grow up to be! We look at you as to what type of woman we should chose for a wife!

Mrs. Obama you are very thing to us and then some, we love our beautiful Black Queen of America!

                                                  Michelle Obama, Bio

Michelle Obama is the first Black, first lady in America history! She is also a lawyer. She went to school at Princeton University and Harvard Law School. She also worked for Richard Daley the Major of Chicago. Also worked for a well established law firm in Chicago, Sidley Austin. Michelle was the Vice- President of University of Chicago Hospital.

Michelle Obama is also a mother and has two (2) daughter's Malia and Sasha. Mrs. Obama is also a very loving wife to our president!

Michelle is also know for her stylish trends in clothing. She has raised the bar in styles and tends for woman.

thank you, Michelle Obama

Transfer: Women History Month/ Oprah Winfrey

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Woman History Month/ Oprah Winfrey

We honor Oprah Winfrey for being the best! Oprah took television to a new level, not only for Blacks, but for all races of people! Oprah 25 years was the best ever of any television host!

Everybody knows about Oprah Winfrey the television mogul, but i want talk about Oprah Winfrey the philanthropist

Philanthropist  means love of humanity. "with deals with the best of the inner character of a person"

Oprah has given away more than any other Black celebrity in history!

To understanding Oprah philanthropy, she has been criticizes by many Blacks for not doing enough for Blacks?

Oprah is the most influential woman in the world. Oprah used that influence to almost singled handily give America its first Black President! Barrack Obama. So if there are any Black people who feel Oprah did not give us enough, she saved the best for last!

Oprah has done a lot for everyone, she has helped many people around the world with her show giving attention to certain subjects, that other shows would not touch. Oprah has many charity organization which she sponsors.

Oprah we honor and thank you, for all you have done for all of us!

Transfer: Women History Month/ Marian Anderson

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Women History Month/ Marian Anderson

Marian Anderson is a African- American opera/ classical singer. She lived from 1897 - 1993.

Marian Anderson grew up in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. She is the oldest of three (3) children, all girls. Her youngest sister Ethel (1902 - 1990) was also a singer. Ethel son James DePreist is a noticed musical conductor!

Marian started singing around age six (6), she was influenced by her Aunt. Her Aunt, would set up singing engagements around town for Marian to sing at. She was paid a small fee for singing and enjoyed singing very much! She began singing bigger venues in her teens and was paid up to five (5) dollars which was a considerable amount of money in those days!

Marian song around Philadelphia much as she could, but she was Black and this limited her where she could sing. This did not help her situation any, since she was already poor and could not take proper singing lessons.

Marian Anderson took a chance like many performing artist of that era and went to Europe to pursuit their careers! Many did really well because they did not encounter racism like in America. Europeans also benefited from Blacks coming to Europe, this enhance European culture greatly!

Blacks coming to Europe to perform such as Marian Anderson, Josephine Baker and Paul Robinson and many more set European up to take over the music industry globally from the late 1950s to early 1970s the British Invasion of music into America and other countries by the Beatles, Rolling Stones, The Who and many more.

Marian Anderson found great success and fame in touring all over Europe. Upon coming back to America she faced the same racism, when she had left America. She was refused permission to sing in 1939 at Constitution Hall in Washington D.C. by the daughters of the American Revolution!

She married and tried to buy a estate but could not, because she was Black, many property owners refused to sell to her or simply took their property of the market when they found out she was Black.

Things changed a little in 1955 she was a allow to sing at the Metropolitan Opera House in New York City. In 1957 she toured India and the Middle East doing goodwill concerts on the behalf of President Eisenhower and the United States of America government. After that President Eisenhower appointed Marian Anderson to the United Nations Human Rights Committee.

Marian Anderson went on to fight for Civil Rights for Blacks in America and served on many committee's and received numerous awards and honors for singing, civil and human rights!

Thank you, Marian Anderson we honor you for all you did for us!

Live, Love and Learn

Transfer: Woman History Month/ Maya Angelou

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Woman History Month/ Maya Angelou

When you think of strong Black woman Maya Angelou is right up there at the top! Maya is a personal favorite of mine. I have never read her books or seen her movies? But, am not big on entertainment either! I have read articles, books about her and seen some of her interviews on different subjects and topics and she is mind blowing!

Maya Angelou is like the Goddess knowledge of the modern age! I strongly encourage others, especially young sister to youtube her interviews, she is the truth!

                                                           Maya Angelou Bio

I want talk about Maya life because ironically a lot of what she has went through a lot of younger sister are going through currently. Her life story touched me very much, and i think it will touch you also, this is why we must tell our own stories as Black people. I will not touch on Maya long and beautiful career, which is a beautiful topic within its self! But her life story will hit home for many!

Maya Angelou was born Margurite Ann Johnson. Born April 4th 1928 in St. Louis, Missouri. Maya has a older brother named Bailey Jr. He is one year older than Maya. It is Bailey Jr who gave her the nickname Maya. Being so close in age they were very close growing up.

Her parents separated when she was three (3) and her brother was four (4) but her father sent them to stay with their grandmother in Stamp, Arkansas. This was very strange that he put them on a train by themselves to their grandmother from Missouri to Arakansas, at the age of 3 & 4, babies?

But, ironically their grandmother was doing very well since it was during the Great Depression which was a tough time for Americans but especially Blacks. She owned a general store in the small town and done really well and took good care of Maya and her brother.

After four (4) years later her father return to them back to their mother. After living with her mother and her mothers boyfriend, her mothers boyfriend rape Maya! Maya only told her brother secretly, he was so outraged he told the rest of the family. The boyfriend Mr. Freeman was sent to jail for one (1) day then release! Four (4) days after Mr. Freeman release he was murdered, believed by Maya uncles in St. Louis.

This situation terrified Maya, first being raped then the rapist Mr. Freeman being murder, believed by her uncles. Also viewing her uncles as murders! Maya shut down and stop talking for five years! "Maya later stated in her biography book, she felt her voice had killed a man!". So this is why she did not talk all those years.

After this she was sent back to Arkansas, and there a family friend introduced her to read as therapy. From this experience Maya developed her love of reading, her great memory skills and really begin watching people around her and studying human behavior. She soon began speaking again.

Once again Maya was reunited with her mother this time in San Fransisco, California, where she finished her High School education. There she also studied performing arts which she enjoyed very much. Before graduating from High school Maya worked and was the first Black female street car conductor in San Fransisco!

Shortly after at the age seventeen (17) Maya became pregnant with her son Clyde. As a single teenage mother without a lot of skills Maya struggled greatly to support her child. "Maya recalls, she  remembers slipping down the social ladder trying to do anything she could to support Clyde"

Maya took many odd jobs during these years doing anything she could to support her child, she worked as a restaurant cook, a front lady for a prostitute house and sometimes as a prostitute herself!
During this time she had many relationships, many jobs and lived in many cities!

Clyde did grow up to be a poet like his mother.

In 1951 Maya married a White man, {Greek} this was very unusual at the time and was looked down upon by both Whites and Blacks. But he supported her and her dreams and was positive in life and from this point on Maya life turned around and became very positive.

                                                          Objective of topic

The point I want stress is that a lot of young girls in the Black community have been raped. The ones I know and have dated all seems to feel it was their fault why this happen to them? I think that if this happens to anyone you know you should encourage them to get professional counseling. Because, I seen burying these feeling does not work, they always seem to raise to the surface in one way shape or form! Please come forward and confront these men!

Sometimes in life especially in the Black community we have to do what we have to do to make it, rather that's prostitution by our sisters or drug selling by our brothers! You still have keep moving forward trying to be positive! One stage of your life is not the complete story but only a chapter in a book of your life!

Maya Angelou may have been a prostitute once upon a time. But look what she turned out to be one of the most outstanding people of any color in American history!

Maya Angelou we honor you and thank you, for all you have done!

Live, Love and Learn

Transfer: Women History Month/ Mae Jemison

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Woman History Month/ Mae Jemison

Mae Jemison career is a great story, how a little girls dreams and ambitions that took her to the stars literally. This is a great story for young girls who challenge the gender lines on what a girl can and cant do.

                                                                   Mae Jemison Bio

Mae Jemison was born in my favorite country town Decatur, Alabama in 1956. When Mae was three (3) years old her family moved to Chicago, Illinois. As a child Mae liked science a lot from studied nature and connect science to nature. Every since Mae was a little girl she wanted to be a scientist. Mae once said she was inspired by a saying of the late great Dr. Martian Luther King "a dream is not a elusive fantasy but a call to duty." Mae Jemison was adventures young girl, but was also very practical, she loved the arts and at age eleven (11) she also took up dance African and Japanese. She also done some acting in high school.

At age sixteen (16) she went Stanford University and major in chemical engineer. She also studied African and African American studies. Mae said she was grateful to finish Stanford due to racist attitudes of some professors! In graduated school she traveled to Cuba, Kenya and Thailand. She also took dance class at the African- American school of dance Alvin Ailey.

She joined the peace corps she volunteered and worked in Liberia and Sierra Leona. She saved a volunteer's life.

She applied to NASA in 1983, but was accepted in 1987. She worked at the Kennedy Space Shuttle in Florida. She worked on the computer software system for the shuttle. In 1992 she flew her first and only space mission, as a mission specialist. She resigned from NASA in 1993, she felt differently on how technology is presented. Science is more social and organic to Mae Jamison, then the it is shown or taught, this probably comes from her background in African studies!

She has been on Star Trek and African Americans Lives {PBS}. She has found a company and has received many honors and awards.

Mae Jamison, we honor and thank you!

Transfer: Women History Month/ Hyptia

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Woman History Month/ Hyptia

Hyptia was a woman that lived in Ancient Egypt during Roman occupation of Egypt. This period is known as the end of the classic period of Ancient Egypt.

Classic period: is a time frame when science and arts flourish in a culture.

Hyptia was said to be Greek, but some suggest she was bi-racial of Greek and Egyptian {African} blood. Hyptia lived between 335 to 405? She was the head of the Platonist school in Egypt, were she taught philosophy and astronomy. She was noted for her works in mathematics.

She is known as the first recorded woman of mathematics in history? She was known to be active about her political views. Which at the time would have been about the Counsel of Nicaea and the Bishops of Alexandra. {The Christian Bible as we know it today}

It was said she was killed by a mob of Christian {monks}, because of her political views.

This is another tragedy, the attack of women since Greeks times.

It must be consider, it was the European Jews/ non- Hebrews and Greeks that insulted a alpha male as a God. From this point forward women have been losing rights and their value in society. If a person is consider second in life, even the value of that persons life becomes secondary!

We thank Hyptia for her beliefs and views, even if her views differ from my personal views greatly!

live, love and learn

National Women History Month 2015

National Women History Month 2015

I want honor all the Women who have contributed to humanity.
In this Western {European} society women do not get the credit they deserve.
 I want dedicate this month on the blog to all the women, whom have helped, all the men become the men we are today!

Thank you!