Monday, May 11, 2015

Study Lesson/ Names of Africa

Monday, January 30, 2012

study lesson / names of africa

Africa{Latin}- The name comes from a providence in N. Africa that was part of the Roman Empire. The whole continent would go on to be known as Africa.

Africa has been known by so many names because it is so old. The most common names are listed below.

Al-kebulan / Al-kebuland - This is what indigenous / native African people called their home land.

Al-kebulan- means mother of mankind / or the garden of eden

Ethiopia was another name for Africa, named after the Ethiopian people. Ethiopia is a Greek name, This is what the Greeks called it before being renamed Africa by the the Romans.

In reference to holy text the Holy Bible, Holy Qur-an and Torah, Africa was known as Ham {Cham}, the land of Ham, Noah son.
If you study African or African descent people they are often refereed to as Hamites.
Another holy text reference to Africa is Cush / Kush and the people known as Cushites / Kushites. Cush / Kush is Ham son.

*Other names of place to help when studying Africa {Al-Kebulan}.

Egypt proper name is Kemet {KMT} this is what the Black Egyptians called their land. Meaning the land of the Blacks / some White {European}scholars will say the names pertains to the black soil?

The area around Sudan is often known as Nubia. When the Nubian people expand their territory the area was known as the Nubian Expansion, currently parts of Egypt, Libya, Sudan, Ethiopia basically the horn of Africa.

Ethiopia is mostly refereed to as Cush.

*study notes.
time frames are important to know.
ancient Africans used the letter k not c, which are interchangeable in the english language.  
the best kept records are by the ancient Egyptians {kemetians}.
ancient Africans before holy texts books did not use vowels / kemet is really spelled kmt. hello is hotep / hotep is really htp.
Hebrew was the first African language to use vowels. Vowels became popular when the Koine Greeks copy the Hebrew bible into Greek. Vowels are widely used to translate one language to another language. But, {more than not} they often led to a lot of mistranslation. Vowels in short are like a cheat sheet to translation of words and languages.

***study closely***

peace, love and unity        

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