Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Transfer: Hip Hop and the Illuminati

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Hip Hop and the Illuminati

Hip Hop and Illuminati

I will discuss this in brief terms, mostly to give a general understanding! Let me say this, this is only my opinion, something I could be right about and some wrong about? The Illuminati is a secret society, therefore if you are not in it or know someone in it, we are simply speculating.

Hip Hop:

Hip Hop roots are founded in New York City in large by just a few guys that wanted change, like D.J. Kool Herc and Afrika Bambaataa. Hip Hop at its core is a outlet to get a message out? So if you look at it from that stand point only, you would see why groups like the Illuminati would be interested in controlling or influencing the music.

Music from a true African stand point {instrumental} is for medical purpose mostly? Classical music originally came from Africa! African people treated illness with music sometimes, they would tie or paste string in a specific way to the human body, and by playing certain strings this would open certain nodes to lymph in the body releasing fluids {colds, sinus pus etc:}.

Africans used music on spiritual level for healing also by playing certain instruments and certain tunes you could align your Charkas thus elevating you to a higher spiritual plane.

Illuminati means enlighten in Latin. The group comes from Germany, and founded by Adam Weishaupt. The group was designed to penetrate all other groups and influence or control them. Sort like a group within a group.

Known facts about the Illuminati:
Many of the found fathers of America {George Washington} were in the Illuminati or their offshoot group "The Deist". Many historians do not call the found fathers Illuminati members but Deist? Deist are suppose to be Christians but when you examine the belief system of Deist it close align with Illuminati beliefs and practices!

America was not founded in 1776, this is the year Illuminati was founded. America announcement of independence from Great Britain was actually July 2nd 1776 {not the 4th}, but much debate went on concerning this Declaration of Independence all the signatures were not finial until 1778!
According to American law, a government policy or law is not finial until all parties are sign- off on the document!

Illuminati followers pray or praise the "morning star or star of Venus" real name the Star of Lucifer! Illuminati use the same symbols as other good groups, like the Star of David is also known as the Devils pentagram. Because everything in the universe has a balance or opposite, which means it could be used for good or bad just depends on who is using it!

Illuminati influence in Hip- Hop!
Hip- Hop in its purest essence is a movement and represent a people who are struggling but are overcoming all obstacles set before them. Hip- Hop took such a strong hold and empower the youth to keep pushing and become conscience with the universe! One group of Blacks was very powerful behind the scene of Hip- Hop in the earlier days, was the "Five Percenters" Clarence 13-X. This was leading Black people to being African and positive again, which endanger the interest of rich Whites, so something had to be done about "Niggas" becoming positive and embracing African Culture.

Five Percent Rappers:
Big Daddy Kane, MC Lyte, Rakim, Busta Rhymes, Brand Nubian, Poor Righteous Teachers, Gang Starr and many, many more!

So the Illuminati infiltrated Hip- Hop to stop this positive movement. So you had gangster rap introduce and promoted to kill young Black men. Next Bling era music, the total indulgence into the material world, {Sex, Drugs and Music}. Which has left the youth paralyzed from the neck up {Brain Dead}.

The greatest accomplishment of  Illuminati was the total destruction of the Black woman through hip- hop! They destroyed the Black woman from every angle possible, she was exploited from every angle nothing about Hip- Hop represent a real woman!

In war to successfully destroy the woman you set a group of people back almost a 100 years! If the woman is turned against her man, that last a generation {about 25 years}. Her advice to her children against men is another 25 years. {meaning the daughter doesn't want a man, the son doesn't want be a man, because men are vilified/ boys become gay}. Her bad advice to her grandchild in dealing with men is negative, thus another 25 years lost, totaling around 75years of damage. We are currently in the second phase or second 25 years, were young men do not desire to be a man?

Hip- Hop promotes the four {4} devils of life jealousy, lust, envy and hate! Now you see the fall of the Black Family!

Hip- Hop reinforce Black Woman to have low self esteem about themselves. If mom has low self esteem this is indirectly passed to the children! They will grow up having issues also, for the most part not all, but alot of them will. She will do everything not to talk to a smart positive brother, but she looks for the Hip- Hop look alike brother who is just as lost as she is spiritually!

I take the African approach, lets look at self first, how is the Illuminati effecting you and your family. How positive are you in front of your children? Do you cuss or use profane language in front of them? Do you smoke and drink in front of them? Do you have sex with the door open in the house? Do you get high with your children?

Do you disrespect woman? Do hit woman? Do you influence women with money for sex? Do you use woman for personal and material gains? Do you help take care of your children?

Do you disrespect men? Do you call them out of their name? Do you feel its a mans job to take care of you? Do you shop for clothes before paying bills? Do your children dress equal to you?

Lets look at self because no one will admit to the questions above, but if you said no to all of them then that's means you probably do, do them?

love, live and learn                           

Transfer: Racism is Big Business

Saturday, September 7, 2013



Most Blacks in America really do not understand racism as a business? This is the real reason why it still exist, do not get me wrong at all, there are some White {European} people that just hate non- white people period, it has nothing to do with money at all!

A racists not motivate by money, this is what is known as a pure- racist!
A racist that is motivate by money is a opportunist racist!
Opportunist racist are most racist, the White guy that stab you back over a position at work or feel you should have the position or status in life you have only because your Black or non- White person!

No industry has benefited more from racism then BANKING! Bankers get what is known in urban slang {the hood} is a double- up {2 for 1}. This means they prey on White people as well as Black people, which I will explain. What this means is that racism is very lucrative business, in banking.

Example 1:
When Black people approach bankers about purchasing and financing material goods such as houses, cars, motorcycles, jewelry and major appliances etc. We typically pay more or finance those goods at a higher interest rate! A few extra interest points do not seem like a lot to you, but the higher the interest rates the more money the banker rakes in! Depending on what you are financing and how long you are financing it for you could pay 3 to 4 times the original cost? This practice is known as red- lining.

Red- lining comes from driving a motor vehicle at high rpm or the maximum. 

If you buy a home for $100,000.00 and finance the loan for 30 years, by the end of the loan you have paid $300,000.00 or more for that same $100,000.00 home! Now ask yourself do you like it that much or do really have to have it now?

Religion and interest?
I always try tie religion in my themes because Black people want be so Christian like?

Now for a little dirt secret in religion that Black people do not know anything about? Jews are not allowed to charge other Jews "neshekh" or interest on loans! This is in the Book of Ezekiel, Ezekiel was a Prophet to the Jews he condemned interest on loans, saying "interest on loans is one of the worse sins" and therefore it is forbidden by Jewish Law. Also Muslims can not charge other Muslims "riba" or interest on loans either, because they have the same prophet as the Jews do Ezekiel.

So my next question is to Christians but more so direct to Black Christians, isn't Ezekiel a Prophet in your Holy Bible also? So this law does not apply to you?
The first thing am going to say to Black people, is you all claim to be so religious and holy but when you get right down to it you know very little about what you claim to be? "That was said and meant with love, just think about"!

Book of Exodus ch.22 ver: 25- 27
Book of Leviticus ch. 25 ver: 36- 37
Book of Deuteronomy ch.23 ver: 19- 21 

Next shouldn't your pastors, preachers and ministers be telling you all this stuff? Not me a average guy off the streets of Detroit? Please go ask them why they are not telling you all this stuff?

Example 2:
The other-side of racism as a business when dealing with White people, the rich White people or bankers produce and induce a fear of being around Black people. Thus they can sell homes and business to other White people at premium price! This is done 1 of 2 ways, the 1st is called a price- out or front- end sale is where they charge a ridiculous price to own something knowing that very few non- White but especially Black people can not afford nor have accesses to that kind of money. The 2nd way is taxing at a high rate to live or own things in a certain community. They will impose or levy a high tax rate to keep certain undesirables out!

So in the end bankers make- out like a fat- rat in a cheese factor, making money from Whites on the front end with high prices and with Blacks on the back end with high interest rates!

love, live and learn           

Transfer: King Alfred Plan

Friday, September 20, 2013

King Alfred Plan

King Alfred Plan

A friend and blog member ask me, what did I know about the "King Alfred Plan"?  

The King Alfred Plan is a clandestine plan by the United States government {C.I.A. & F.B.I.} to control Black people and detain them, in the event of a uprising or riot! The plan seems to be part of a bigger international plot to control African and African descendant  people worldwide. The plot also calls for a systematically killing {genocide} of Black African people around the world to keep our numbers in check. White people produce at a lower birth- rate then Black African people. This would reduce our numbers, thus keeping smaller numbers to control us!

So I done a little history and research on King Alfred? Why was the plan named after him? Not totally sure it was. But I did find some interesting connections between King Alfred and the ideology of the King Alfred Plan!

Come to find out that King Alfred was once a King of England. He was King of Wessex 871 to 899, Wessex is a ancient English state. He is the only English King to be bestowed the title of "Great", because he defended England from the Vikings.

This all looks very simple when reading it because there are hidden words and meaning that the average read would not pick up on. Black people you do not truly understand the White man, his nature is very vile {some Whites, not all}. So why would the title of Great bestowed upon a King of England for fighting Vikings? When Europeans {British Isle} claim they are descendants of Vikings anyway, so that makes them cousins. So, why would a King be given the only title ever of "Great" to any King of England for fighting Vikings, which was a every common practice in early England, which all the Kings of this period had battles with Vikings?

The two {2} key words would be Great and Viking.

a. Great is a title only given to a King, whom defeats, pushes- back or deals a great blow to a arch enemy! Example1: King Ramesses II of Kemet, battle and destruction of the Hittites at the battle of Kadesh.

b. Hittites are a European/ Arab mix or biracial people from the Asia Minor, modern day Turkey.

c. Example2: Alexander III the Greek occupation of southern Kemet, which he bestowed himself the title of Great, for occupying Kemet.

The next key word would be Viking? When you think of Vikings you automatically think of White Europeans but that is your mistake not all Vikings where White Europeans! Remember that Black Africans conquered, settled or found the whole southern coast line{Mediterranean}of Europe along with the British Isle. These Blacks are not always called Vikings, which some where Vikings. They are better known as the Black Danes or Bla- Moors {Black- Moors}.

Scotland is named after the Egyptian Princesses Scotia! Her armies invaded modern day Scotland and Ireland. They named Scotland after her!

It is these people King Alfred pushed back out of England {Wessex}, the Black Vikings, Black Danes and Bla- Moors. He kept them away and united ancient England feudal states into one land.

The African Kings and Queens of Europe taxed the White Europeans heavily on all goods and services. Thus you get the term Black- mail! Black- mail, means a forced payment {taxed}. Now days it is associated with force payment, to withhold information, but am pretty sure some Blacks kept quite about Europe being found by Black African, for money!

love, live and learn