Saturday, August 16, 2014

Sun Facts and Secrets

Sun Facts and Secrets:

Preface: This will be a topic that will be revisited from time to time as we rediscover new things about the Sun. Why, keep revisiting the Sun? Because it is vital to our survival on earth, the more we understand about the Sun the more we understand about us.


The Sun is a star. It is known as a medium- red star, medium according to the ranking of the size of stars. The color looks yellow from earth, but as you move closer to the Sun it becomes orange then a reddish- orange like flames in a fire. The estimated life of the Sun is four billion {4,000,000,000}years old, and with a life expectances of another four billion {4,000,000,000}. 

Size & Weight:

It may be a medium star but that's big, a million {1,000,000} earth's could fit inside the Sun easily. The Sun accounts for about 99% of the matter within our solar system. The earth and all the other planets could fit in the Sun, thousands {1,000s} of times.

The weight of the Sun is hard to determine, because of the core. The core is so hot we can not properly measure it. This is one of the great mystery of modern man, how to measure the core of the Sun? We know that the Sun is made up of many elements, or more correctly many elements derive from the Sun. Different elements weight different amounts, all elements start- out as plasma within the Sun's core. But the question is, at what point does the plasma turn into elements? At the core or within the corona of the Sun, maybe when they land on their destination?

Corona- is the outer layer of the Sun.
Corona is Latin for crown.

The Sun is mostly made of Hydrogen and helium.

Distance and Speed:

The Sun is ninety- three million {93,000,000} miles away from earth. Light rays from the Sun move at one- hundred eighty- six thousand {186,000} miles per second. Plasma is ejected from the Sun's core at two- million {2,000,000} mile per hour. 

Solar flares or CMEs.
Coronal Mass Ejections {CMEs} is the ejection of plasma from the Sun's core to the Sun's corona, which causes solar flares. Solar flares effect the magnetism/ electrical barrier that surrounds the earth. The sun is a volatile place because it is made up of many gases. Gases are explosive, especially when dealing with that much. The Sun's core is about three- hundred {300,000} times the size of the earth. The sun core is basically a nuclear reactor. The idea of a nuclear reactor came from studying the Sun.


The core temperature of the Sun is twenty- six million {26,000,000} degrees. The surface temperature is six kelvin {6,000} degrees. The earth core is seven kelvin {7,000} degrees.

Kelvin- the SI base unit of thermodynamic temperature in the thousands {1,000s}. 


The Sun can kill people with low amounts of melanin {White people}. But can be harmful to people of high melanin count {Black people} also. As Black's we are not immune to the powers of the Sun's. Heat stroke, heat exhaustion, heat cramps, heat rash and heat syncope! So be careful and stay hydrated.

A solar flare could change life as we know it, the more technology we have the danger we are in from solar flares! 

The Sun and Human connections:

The Sun is the center of the universe, as the Creator {Amen- Ra} is the center of our lives.
The Sun gives life, as the Creator gives us spiritual life!

Corona- is the outer or upper part of the Sun.
Corona- is the upper part of a body part.
a. The head is known as the crown.
b. The coronary arteries in the heart.
c. The upper part of the tooth is known as corona or crown
d. The corona glans of the penis

The core of the Sun is made of plasma, the blood life force of humans is also called plasma! Out breaks on the Sun's surface are called solar flares. Out breaks on human skin are also called flare ups!

These are not just mere coincident, but in Kemetics we are taught that we are star children, and that the origin of humans comes from the stars!

Kemetic Belief System, we come from the Sirius Star System {binary star system}! Thus the name Osiris originates from the word Sirius! Sirius B, is the brightest star within our galaxy! Know thy self

love, live and learn

Transfer: Christopher Columbus and Syphills

Monday, November 18, 2013

Christopher Columbus and Syphilis

Christopher Columbus and Syphilis:

This blog is dedicated to my son Prince Erik Boyd II. I asked Erik what did, he learn in school today as I do everyday. But, today answer was very interesting. Erik went on to tell me about Christopher Columbus and how great a man he was, and how he discovered America. I let Erik finished talking then, I told him what a horrible person Christopher Columbus was and that he did not discover America, and you can not discover a land where people already live! Erik was very discouraged with our conversation, to the point Erik asked me a very good question, why would his teacher tell him something that was not true? I defended the teach by saying, maybe she did not know it was not the truth? I did that because I want Erik to be a good student in school and not become rebellious.

But, to people whom work in the education field you all are also promoting many lies that you know, are lies! Where is the integrity of your character as a person and educator, knowingly promoting lies to our children especially Black teachers of Black students? Those are my questions to you?

The history of syphilis is known to have originated in Europe in the 1400s but by the 1600s syphilis was rampant all over Europe and the Middle-east. King and peasant alike died from the disease, this is well recorded and documented in European history!

One of the main cash crops in colonized America was sassafras, because this was a herb believed at the time to cure gonorrhea and syphilis, which was running rampant in all of Europe! Sassafras was very prized cash corp only second to tobacco!

Some, European historians say that the disease started in the New World the Americas? This is very false, another European propaganda promotion of another lie! If the Christopher Columbus had contracted the disease from Native Americas which he raped and had force sex with gave him syphilis, why did they die so soon after there encounters with Christopher Columbus and other European explores?

Yes, Europeans brung other disease to the New World from Europe such as smallpox {cowpox}, mumps, typhus, and measles! That bombarded the immune systems of Native Americas.

So this could have not been the case of Native Americas giving the disease or disease's to Europeans, due to many Native America tribes and nations becoming extinct within a hundred {100} years of initial contact with Europeans such as the Tainos people of modern day Bahamas!

Christoper Columbus:
Scholars and historians do not agree with the origin of syphilis, but nearly every last one agrees that Christopher Columbus and his men are responsible for gonorrhea and syphilis becoming a global pandemic in the New World {Americas}, Europe and what is now known as the Middle- East!

Christopher Columbus died from complications from gonorrhea and syphilis! I think this was a befitting death for a man whom raped and tortured many, and causing the deaths of millions Native America and European alike!

live, love and learn