Saturday, October 11, 2014

Transfer: Noble Peace Prize

Monday, October 14, 2013

Noble Peace Prize

Noble Peace Prize:

The Noble Peace Prize, is a award for people or groups that have made contributes to the advance of humanity. The prize is attend for peaceful advancement, but that has caused a lot of controversy over the years because of whom some of the recipients have been and their inventions? The committee selects winners from five {5} areas Chemistry, Physics, Physiology or Medicine and Literature.

There is a parliament committee in Oslo, Sweden that decides on who are the winners and why they won. Then they are presented the award Oslo, Sweden.   

The creator of the Noble Peace Prize is more controversy then the prize itself, he is none other then Mr. Alfred Nobel. Mr. Nobel is the inventor of dynamite and patient holder. He is was also the owner of Bofors a weapons manufacturer, mainly of high power military guns. Bofors also makes missiles and guided missiles for tanks.

Mr. Noble suffered from depression, many say it was because of all the lives, which had been taken {killed in war} which he felt responsible for because of his inventions.

The Nobel Peace Prize served as a good deed to help clear his conscious from guilt and to help clean- up his public image!

know thy self
love, live and learn

Transfer: Health and Medicine Section: GMO

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Health and Medicine Section: GMO

Health and Medicine Section: GMO

GMO is a abbreviation for genetically modified organism/ food. They are part of mostly all food now days. This is one of the major difference between organic and non- organic food.

These gmo have been connected to a wide range of health problems and medical disorders.

One major problems with gmo is that they create their own toxic insecticides known as {BT} like in corn and cotton, but are in a lot of different plant and food groups. They do not die easily like other natural insecticides.

Now add this to the multiple gastrointestinal problem, allergies and different cancers!!!

We the people must educate ourselves, because we need a lot of reforms in America, the first probably should be the F.D.A. Food and Drug Administration of the Federal Government. They are killing us in the name of capitalism.

White and European people in America should be very alarm more so then other ethnic groups due to the genetic factor of cancer. African- Americas and other ethnic groups should be cautious as we start to eat out more at fast food restaurants and dinning out! Its very bad for you, please learn to cook and prepare your own food!              

There is tons of information on the subject please research for self!

love, live and learn