Saturday, August 2, 2014

Women Section: The Love for Women

The Love for Women:

Kemetic values teach us to LOVE, respect and honor women. The disrespect of women, especially African and African descent women is unacceptable!

The first thing that the Black- man has to understand that there is no liberation for him without the Black women! All real power comes from her? The first thing is that she is a Goddess appointed by the Creator. She has the Creator best interest at hand, because the Creator has appointed her to care the seed and reproduce! By that authority Black- men must submit his will to the Queen.

Kemetic Understanding:

In Kemetic's the word throne means mother's lap. The prince/ boy King sits on the mothers lap while being nurtured and groom for the throne. 

The highest position in Kemet is the title of the Queen Mother, the King's Mother!

When a King takes the throne, the Queen or Princesses is placed on the throne first, she gets up lets the appointed King sit then takes the crown of her head or place a crown on his head, symbolically showing she submits her will and the will of the people to the King, she then becomes his most trusted and valued adviser to the King! 

Kemetic Belief:
There is no God without a Goddess!
There is no King without a Queen!
There is no Blackman without a Black woman!

The belief and worship of a all male God and that he reproduces without a female is homosexuality! Kemetic's rejects any deposit made by any religion that does not accept the equal rights of women!
Kemetic's is sacred feminist, the worship and acceptance of women as equals.

Kemetic Belief System:


Ra- symbolically represent by the sun because of the life giving energy the sun radiates into the universe! Ra does not have absolute power of the universe? Ra must also answer to Ma'at "the law giver"! Ma'at is who we look to for guidance in the universe.

Ma'at laws and rules are supreme within the universe. These rules and laws are what keeps the universe in order and from falling into chaos.

Auset/ Isis/ Shrine of the Black Madonna/ Mother Mary of  Jesus:

These are all the same person, these are different names for Auset throughout history. The worship of Auset/ Ausar is the oldest religion and worship in the in the world.


Hathor is also greatly worshiped, Hathor represents Motherhood. Motherhood is the greatest honor that a woman can have! Even if she is bare and childless, she can be a mother by adopting children in her family and community to take care of.


Neith is a less known Goddess because she is praised during times of war! But Kemetians are not big on war unlike other cultures and races of people. We are big on peace and love for our planet and all that inhabits of it.

Neith is prayed to during war because she is wise and is a protector. She also gives men the power to fashion weapons that will be victories in war.

Black women your liberation is within your own culture, history and religion in Kemetic's! Be the woman the creator attended you to be. Seek and you shall find the Goddess within you!

To the sisters in the struggle help is coming, hold your head and stand strong like you have since the beginning of time! We are truly gratefully to the Black women, absolutely all we have is because of you.    

The Love of Women, thank you!

love, live and learn



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