Friday, July 4, 2014

Esoteric Teachings

Esoteric Teaching:

Etymology: Eso/Iso: meaning inner

Esoteric basically means the study of inner self. "The belief is that everything you need in life, the Creator has already put in you, but you must learn how to pull it out"!

Many secret societies hold this information from the general public for their own reasons/ Freemasons, Rosicrucian and Theosophy. There are many other groups that hold this information from the general public also.

A lot of the information comes from Ancient Egypt & Ethiopia {Kemet}. Some of the information has been changed and altered over the years. Cultures that have changed the information is Greece, Romans and Europe {Americans}.

Modern religious books {Torah, Bible & Qu'ran} have little or no esoteric teachings. "Their philosophy holds that, God lives outside of you in heaven"? There is no right or wrong belief, practice the belief that best helps you to become a better person. Esoteric belief is a ancient belief and practice, Judaism is the religion that started to influence people that God lived outside of them?

There are many methodology to practice this concept, prayer and mediation. With the focus of inner self and the Creator.

love, live and learn 




The study of colors is called chromatics, chromatography and colorimetry. Colors are study on a spectrum/ a color spectrum {electromagnetic}. This measurement is study on wavelength, know as the rainbow colors in the spectrum.

When becoming conscience colors are mostly associated with feelings/ duality or 2 different feeling.

1. Red: Anger & Love
2. Orange: Shame & Pride
3. Yellow: Fear & Joy
4. Blue: Hostility & Peace
5. Purple: Disgust & Admiration

Colors are also associated with symbols. Symbols and Colors send messages and our a language unto themselves. Colors impact our subconscious, behavior and mood.

Colors are huge in the biology of life, many animals use colors for a variety of uses. Humans have different colors also?

Black people have more melanin which is carbon. This melanin/ carbon is responsible for Blackness/ hue! Melanin is the primary determinant in skin color. This Blackness gives Black people or people with melanin a different energy from non or lightly melanin people.

love, live and learn