Thursday, August 14, 2014

History of the Frateral Police Order:

History of the Fraternal Police Order


This topic, is to help Black people understand why certain things happen in their community that does not make sense! Black people you have to learn history, especially your own history! If you know history, then you might know the origin of something? What this means is that if you know the origin of something you will know its purpose! If you know the purpose, you will be able to decide if this is good or bad for you!

Now, lets apply this fundamental principle to the Fraternal Police Order {your local police force}.

History of the Fraternal Police Order:

The history of the police goes back to slavery? Yes, Slavery! The police started out as slave catchers, who patrolled the Mason- Dixon line. They would catch run away slaves and return them to their masters for a fee!

So is this good or bad for you?

Modern day:

The police department duties haven't changed much today. Their duties are to contain Blacks in certain areas. Because, some White Americas do not want see Blacks out of the areas they live, but especially not in the areas they live in!..

So you will always see the Police using excessive force on Black men, to send a message to other Black men don't get out of line or else!


The first thing we have to do is have unity within the Black Community? What I mean is get out and talk to your neighbor's and friends. Have block parties utilizes the community recreation centers as a meeting places.


Communication is the first line of defense in any community, especially when the community is largely made up of women and children, like our Black communities. The women in these communities have to be close and keep a strong bond with each other. Women are the glue to any community! The men have to bond also, we have to take on our natural roles that the Creator attained us to be protectors and providers!


We have to learn to talk to one another about issues within the home and community, we have to do a better job of policing ourselves. We are to quick to call the police on each other for minor stuff! But, please call if you feel unsafe!... 

love, live and learn


Transfer: Women Section: Europe is named after a Black Woman!

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Women Section: Europe is named after a Black Woman!

Europe is named after a Black Woman!

Hidden secrets there was once a time that Black women were adore by Black men! As a people we worship Black women as deity's! We absolutely loved our mothers, daughters, wives and sisters! For this love and praise they worked hard and keep us together as a people!

Exposing the Greatest cover ups in His- Story!
Europe was conquered and settled by Black people period! We founded many of the countries and named them after Black women, because during this time we primarily prayed and worship Black women! Black people play a huge role in Greek mythology which is now European religion. So basically Europeans prayed to Black people but do not know because the characters have been White- washed.

Europe earliest civilization where Black, now know as Greece. Europe did not exist yet so Greece is actually older than Europe. Europe was known as Asia or Asian Minor the area around the Turkey peninsula. The Black cities in Greece were Colchis, Athens and Crete and many others.

Europe name comes right of their mythology/ religion. Basically anything you want know about Europeans comes from their mythology/ religion. So this takes us to our mythology which they have claimed as theirs!

Europe name:
Europe is named after the Black Phoenician Goddess Europa!!!
Now I will give you some background and history to support her being Black!
First Greek mythology for the most part is Kemetic belief system transferred to Greek. This transformation was done by Black African traveling to what is now know as Greece, taking their religion and customs with them.

Europa connection to Kemet {ancient Ethiopia and Egypt}:
Europa is commonly associated with a bull, this doesn't make a lot of sense if you do not know Kemetic history.
Hathor- the Kemetic deity/ goddess for motherhood, often accompanied by a bull/ apis.

 First, I will give you the European/ Greek version of the story. Europa was a Phoenician Princess and Goddess a {Black woman} whom Zeus the Greek God fell in love with because she was so beautiful. So he changed into a bull and carried her of to Crete a Greek Island.

First Phoenicians are Black people. This can be verified using the Bible or any holy scripture {Abrahamic faiths}. Canaan is the son of Ham. Ham is known as the father of the Black African race. Canaan is his son which would make him a Black African also. Canaan is the father of the Phoenician people with would make them Black African people also.

Next, the association of Europa to a Kemetic Goddess. Europa is the Greek version of Kemetic Goddess Hathor {symbolically}. This is were the association of the bull comes in at. Because Greeks used horses primarily for travel unlike Africans whom used oxen and cattle to this day in East Africa.

Europa father is the Phoenician King Agenor of Tyre. King Agenor was born ancient Egypt {Kemet} to Poseidon and Libya. This would make her the grand- daughter of Poseidon!

So that is the proof of her blood- line without a reasonable doubt she was a Black woman!
Europe is named after a Black Women!

love, live and learn          

Transfer: Black Educators: What are you thinking?

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Black Educators: What are you thinking?

Black Educators: What are you thinking?

I just read about how the public school system is failing especially in my home state of Michigan. Am not about to recycle all the bad numbers and stats that am reading because there are many reasons why they are bad! So am going to approach this from a Black conscious stand point. I worked in the Detroit Public School System as a mentor, tutor {science} and teachers aid. Due to my background {ex- street guy} I mostly worked with at risk students, these where students that are likely to drop out of school from teen- pregnancy, gang- members, drug selling and abuse or simply could not keep up in school. Every child that was sent to me, I first improved their behavior and then their grades with my mentoring techniques.

The first thing, I did was built a relationship with the students, so there was trust between us! The next thing  that I did was learn about the student likes and dislike, these two {2} factors are the key to learning with any student. Once, I learned their likes I built a curriculum around them, stuff they did not like I easy it in on them, challenging them to understand their likes and dislikes.

Black Children:
One of the major problems with Black children in education is that nothing they learn pertains to them historically or personally! So there is no pride in learning anything, cause these children are conscious even doe they never heard the word "consciousness" nor understand it, they are!

Educators and Teachers:
Now to address the the Black teachers and educators on the subject of Black pride? Not all of the teachers and educators, but most, a great many have some conflicting views?

What I mean is this whole Greek sorority and fraternity thing?
Example: One highly educated Black brother was talking to me a really good conversation between us, then he ask me was I Greek? I looked at him like he was crazy, and told him with authority I am a AFRICAN!

So, I said that to say this, if your personal views are in allegiance to Greeks {White People}, whom stole African culture and identities of Black African people, as a Black Person how do you side with the enemy, then claim you are Black? Who does this beside Blacks in America?

 If this was a government issues, this act would be that of a traitor, treason and sedition! On the streets it would probably get you killed?

So is this why Black educators and teachers keep teaching our children about Greeks and Romans? These children reject your deposit internally, because they see you as a Boule! Yes, you look Black, but you not one of us! You may not like what am saying but truthfully, I felt the same way along with many of my peers when I was in school!

So if there is no real  pride coming from the teach, then how can the student be so prideful about learning. It is up to us as a people to teach our children! The United States do not give a "DAMN" about Black People, I will give you three {3} undeniably reasons why!

1. The real reason why they desegregated the public school system in America {1954 Brown vs Topeka}, is because most states could not afford two {2} separate school districts for Blacks and Whites!

1a. Educators and teachers know it is all about budgets when it comes to education, this is why they all ways on strike!

2. Untied States does not take public education seriously! If they did they would not have waited until 1979 to create a real department of education, under President Jimmy Carter, which they hurry up and got rid of him and his social polices and elected the tyrant President Ronald Regan, which he cut funding to education to fix the United States overall budget!

3. This one is common sense. If the United States was not happy with the drop out rate of minorities, they would simply over- haul the department and streamline it to make it work and run more efficiently!

Example: if there is a problem with a country we cut back or cut off funding until our conditions are meet!

3a. So this means they are paying for failure! This service many hidden agendas, Blacks are out of the job market, prison population will increase and welfare will continue generation after generation which is also destiny control of Black people.

So my question to Black educators and teachers you see all this going on, because you are directly involved in education. They are destroying our Black babies, our future as a people. Yet, you still calling yourself Greeks and promoting their cause of White Superiority? Our Black babies suppose to be looking up to teachers as role- models and your message to them is am not a Black  African but Greek?

I just want the public to see where the birth of the sell- out starts!

My hero Marcus Garvey was absolutely right about the educated negro, they are a danger to our cause, the true advancement of Black people in America.

True advancement is not asking the White man for his permission to do anything!!! Not asking him for his money!!! Not asking him for his illogical advice!!! Wake- up Black Teachers, yall killing us slowly!

This is not a attack, but Black consciousness blog, we address the topics other shy away from! Hotep

live, love and learn