Sunday, September 7, 2014

Deism: Understanding America

Deism: Understanding America

Deism: is a religious/ faith philosophy that is understood through reason and natural observation. From this observation that there is a Supreme Creator/ Architect, that empowers humans.

Deists: people whom believe in Deism.

Deists typically reject supernatural events like prophecy and miracles. They also believe that the Creator does not intervene in human affairs.

Who are Deists? The founding Fathers were Deists. They were not Christians and America was not founded as a Christian Nation! Deism came from Europe. Deism started circa 1600s but the golden age of Deism 1700s. The Founder Father were mostly Europeans, and this period is known as the Enlightenment age.

This topic is to help people understand the double standers in America? This is a two {2} tier issues, for White Americans the problems of classism, for Black Americans the problem of racism. These problems have there origins in the founding of America.

For Irish and Eastern Europeans coming to America in the 1800s and the problems they faced and dealt with when arriving in America. But for Black Africans whom fought and died for the liberation of America then to be wrote out of that dream of equality. The so- called dream was "The Constitution."

How do you say all men are created equal and then you own slaves?

Deism versus Christianity:

Deists do not believe in miracles or the Creator intervening in humans affairs. This goes against everything that Christianity believe in?  

1. Jesus was born from a miraculous conception, this is a miracle.
2. The Trinity is how the Creator interacts with humans.
3. The scriptures are inspired by the Creator. 

Hopefully you can see the thinking of these men, Founding Fathers and the dark path they have lead us downing. Study people before you follow them!

live, love and learn


Why do Christians say "Amen"?

Why do Christians say "Amen"?

Our word amen comes from a Hebrew word that has a similar pronunciation. Strong's Concordance defines the word as "verily, truly, amen, or so be it." Saying "amen" at the end of a prayer states our affirmation that what was just said is true and that we are in agreement with the prayer.

Hebrew is really a Ethiopian language!..


Most Christians say Amen after prays and scripture verses, but why Amen? Because Christianity originated from the Kemetic Belief System. Amen/ Amon/ Amun is the name of the chief deity in the Kemetic Belief system.

The belief in Amen can be traced to the pre dynastic period of Kemet, this is before recorded history. When Kemet was unified {modern day Egypt, Sudan and Ethiopia} Amen takes on the look , most familiar to use to day.

Ethiopia: is also referred to as Kush/ Cush, but this the biblical name of Ethiopia.     


In many cases Amen is combined with other deities and people. Amen always superimpose, when combined with others. Amen will be featured differently, depending on whom he is combined with?

love, live and learn