Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Transfer: Deity Thoth/ Tehuti

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Deity Thoth/ Tehuti

                                                      Deity Thoth/ Tehuti

Thoth  goes by many names which many people know but do not know where the name comes from! There are many occult groups that practice under Thoth!

Thoth: Greek.
Tehuti: Egyptian/ Kemetic.{African}

Other names that Tehuti/ Thoth goes by throughout history.

Hermes: Greek. Their mythology version of Tehuti.
Mercury: Roman. Their mythology version of Hermes and Tehuti

Tehuti/ Thoth plays a very important role ancient Egyptian/ Kemetic religion.

Modern man is not very smart!!! Actually we are at are lowest level ever!! We are in a reverse cycle of intelligence! Because of this false sense of self greatness, you have become arrogant, thus over looking the most minutiae details of life. Without being humble or having inner peace {love for others} you will not understand the Kemetic Belief System.

             Understanding principle and purpose of Kemetic teachings!
This will be a short explanation of what Kemetic Belief means without this, this topic and Kemetic studies is useless?

Inner peace: inner peace does not resonate with self! Inner peace is the act of coming in peace and action out of peace. {love}

Love: is a outward action of caring and compassion.
Love: is the strongest force within the universe!
Example, the strongest bond in human relationships is between mother and child! 

Love of self which is common in today's time, is really selfishness, it leads to the darkside {evil}.
Selfishness: the lack of compassion for others, only concerned with self profit and pleasure!
                           Tehuti/ Thoth roles in the Kemetic Belief System

Tehuti works in conjunction with his wife Ma-at! They form one single unit, all Kemetic Deities/ Gods/ Goddess must have a counterpart in order to be a Deity/ God or Goddess.

Tehuti/ Ma-at, is responsible for giving humans culture and civilization. Tehuti is the giver of exoteric law {physical} and Ma-at esoteric law{spiritual}! Tehuti is the God of science and higher wisdom{Eastern Alchemy}. Tehuti is also the God of mathematics and writing systems. Along with art and magic.

In Kemetic studies the Black woman is a equal in all aspects of life including divinity! Today's Black woman ideology of independent {no man need} is abnormal in all cultures, especially African culture!
Example: No single man or woman is ever elected as a leader of a nation{U.S. President}, because it is seen as abnormal behavior. 

                              Tehuti in Kemetic Belief System {Religion}

In the Torah, Holy Bible and Qur'an Tehuti is whom they call the angel Gabriel/ Gabri-el. It was Tehuti that informed Isis/ Auset of the arrival of the worlds first savior Horus/ Heru. It was also Tehuti that instructed and directed Isis/ Auset in her process of immaculate conception of messiah Horus/ Heru.

The three (3) major religions especially Christianity being the close to the Kemetic Belief System are simply retold stories of a African religion without giving Africans credit of being the originators of the story!

                    Translation of Kemetic roles in Christianity

Tehuti/ Thoth: the messenger Angel Gabriel.
Auset/ Isis: Mary, mother of Jesus/ Shrine of the Black Madonna and Child.
Heru/ Horus: the first savior and messiah in the world, which Jesus follows.
Ausar/ Osiris: judge of humanity in the afterlife,  God.
Amen-Ra/ Amen: hidden one, the spiritual force in the universe, The Holy Spirit.

                                            Tehuti in Higher Wisdom

In the Holy Bible this is translated in a couple different ways the first is when you see the word "word" {Gods word} this comes from the Greek meaning of the word "logos".
Logos in the Holy Bible, Gospel of John chap.1 verse: 1- 18.{definition only given in a study bible}.
Logos really stands for logic! This version in the Bible {Septuagint Bible}come from the Koine Greeks which is a branch of the Gnostic Greeks.

Gnostic Greek: really translates in a simple form or understanding of "knowledge".

                                        Deity Tehuti as a Religion

When the Romans gain knowledge of Tehuti/ Thoth from the Greeks they made it into a religion and spread it throughout Europe. Which gave rise to many secret occult groups. The Druids and Rosicrucian which practice a corrupt version, not true Kemetic version of  Tehuti belief.

The Romans occult group was known as Hermes Trismegistus.
occult: secret group. example Opus Dei
Trismegistus: Latin. thrice great/ three times great.

                                          Tehuti Holy Book

Tehuti has a Holy Book called the Emerald Tablets which his followers study from. Which you learn to master self.

                                        Symbolism of Tehuti

Green is the color Tehuti, so sometimes you will Tehuti painted or drawn green.
Osiris is often seen as green. This is because after Osiris was murder it was Tehuti that help found pieces of his dismembered body and reassembled them. Tehuti is also symbolized by the number eight (8).
The Egyptian ibis and baboon are both sacred animals to the Egyptians/ Kemeties. Sacred Ibis: is a bird, and is usually shown as Tehuti head.

Mostly everything we know about Atlantis comes from Tehuti.

                  Tehuti in modern culture {movies} symbolic meaning!

1. Wizard of Oz- The emerald city.
2. The Matrix- Logos, the hovercraft.
3. Merlin- the emerald forest.
4. Transformers- the cube, {is given to man kind in real life}
5. Star Wars- Yoda, {being green and knowledge of the force!}

There is much more a whole lifetime and study on Tehuti. Please research for self.

live, love and learn

Transfer: Understanding Stars and Self?

Sunday, January 6, 2013

understanding stars and self?

                                      Understanding Stars and Self?

This is a great topic, but for the sake of time and most people lack of understanding of Astronomy, I will make it simple and plain as possible!


Everything in the Universe works together! Some things you may think or view are bad, negative or not good are really a natural process. This is known as "birth, death and rebirth". Everything in the universe is recycled over and over to promote growth and life!


Stars are formed or are born in a nebula. This is where the universe is sort of formed at also! No one knows for sure, so I will give the short version of the birth of stars and universe.

They are form in these nebula's.

Nebula: Latin meaning- cloud. This cloud sort of speaking contains hydrogen, helium and carbon {dark matter} along with other ionized gases etc: once all this matter is clump together it becomes very heavy {gravitational collapse} and starts to heat up forming stars! The rest of the matter forms planets and whats left after that forms moons. After that asteroid. I have my own theory on asteroid belts. {another topic}

For the sake of linking our studies together, I will use The Great Orion Nebula as our example. It is also the brightest nebula to earth. There are many nebula within our universe and surrounding galaxies.

1. Orion Nebula
2. Flame Nebula
3. Horsehead Nebula

There is a lot of complex science that goes into star formation which no ones total understands yet. But to keep it simple color {ultra violet rays}, sound {sound rays} and electricity {electromagnetic fields/ gamma rays}.

Those are all the short versions of star formation it is really complicated stuff, which the average person without a love or background in science can not understand!


Now we get to the core of  "know thy self" the science of self! When all the materials that make up the universe comes together stars, planets, moons and humans being are formed! All the science that goes into making the universe, also goes into making human beings!

If you read the one a day multivitamin labels, you will see all the minerals that are in the earth, are also in you!

minerals in you: zinc, manganese, sodium, calcium, cobalt, silver etc:

This makes you, "your body, mind and soul" a microcosms of the universe, the macrocosms! Thus hints to the phrase "as it is above, it shall be below"!
The mineral and mater along with of complex science makes up the physical being, part of you!

Now the mind is the connecting pieces between the body and soul?  {the pineal gland/ third eye} There is a lot of science in this also. But i really want to touch on one important pieces of science for some African- American and African descendant people who over look or do not understand this fully!

This is your Black skin and melanin! This is the key to your spiritual connection with the universe and the Creator of the universe {God, Allah or Jehovah}.

Europeans have long known of this important ingredient for universal understanding and harmony, for hundreds maybe thousands of years!

"I know you do not believe me"?

If you study history you will easily find that White Europeans and Americans during the 1700s & 1800s ate Black African mummies {Black people} by the thousands import for Nubia {Egypt, Sudan & Ethiopia}. But the most valuable part of the mummy was the head, exclusive reserved for the rich elite! Because they wanted the pineal gland which lays in the brain between the the two (2) hemispheres of the brain which produce melanin.

The next pieces of evidence I bring you is the real story behind the infamous Tuskegee experiment! Yes, they did give Blacks syphilis without them knowing. {another topic} But the other part of the experiment unknown to many is the mutilation of Black male penis to understand how melanin is produce in the "head of the Black male penis also"!

                                     Science of self and melanin

African people you are uniquely different because of your Black skin! Which has a connection with the universe, dark matter! Also within the earth Blackness holds power and energy in everything, from the color Black to energy {black soil, oil and coal}. The biggest organ on your body is your Black skin! {integumentary system}. {another topic} This is why your skin color is always down played to keep you down spiritually and mentally!

Black people walk around and can not even read, all of us!

*** Tip
Human Being: means Black Man! origin God! The word "human being" defined!

Human Being
Hu- coming from the word Hue.
Hue: means color or tint.
Man: meaning mortal.
Mortal: subject to physical death, at some point in this life.
Being: Having a spirit/ soul
Human Being: translated, Black Man with a Soul/  a lesser version of the Creator/ God?

Wake up Black people its time to get it right and keep right!
Live, Love and Learn

Transfer: Money & Fun Facts

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Money & Fun Facts

Money and Fun Facts

Just some fun facts about money people may like to know?

Money is a way we pay for things, public and private debate! So money is basically a I.O.U. which means, I will pay you later, you in gold or silver.

How is this? This was based off of the gold standard. At one point and time in America  money was backed with gold, to make sure the money held its value.
Money is not backed by anything, anymore, which means its worthless! The money system we use now is a system where the money is controlled by complex math of fluctuation, called a Fiat money system! 

The truth be told the U.S. dollar {money} isn't worth the ink its print with! The coins have very little value also, they are minted out of copper and zinc mostly!

The gold standard has been around a very long time. The first King to mint gold coins in the world was the African Emperor Ezana (320s to 340s a.d.) of Ethiopia/ Axum.     

Why is money nicknamed paper?  Because its not made of paper! Money is actually made of cotton! 25% linen and 75% cotton. It also has synthetic blue fiber! Before WWI these fibers where made of silk.

No African- Americans have ever been on paper money. There has been three (3) African- Americans on commemorative coins, Booker T. Washington, George Washington Carver and Jackie Robinson.

There has been four (4) African- American treasurer. One of them was a African- American woman!

Just some fun facts while learning!

live, love and learn!