Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Detroit Section/ Facts about Detroit

Friday, August 9, 2013

Detroit Section/ Facts about Detroit

Known and Unknown Facts about Detroit Michigan.

Great topic for young people as they had back to school, the question, what did you learn over the summer may come up? Here are a couple quick answer to help the youth.

1. The word Detroit is a French word, it means river in French.
1a. To be more specific Detroit actually means, "The strait of Lake Erie" {le Detroit du Lake Erie}

2. Detroit was founded by French explore and adventurer, Antoine Laumet de La Mothe in 1701.
2a. Detroit is over 300 years old, and is older then the United States of America!

3. Detroit started out as a Fort! Fort Pontchartrain.

4. Fort Pontchartrain, was around Larned and Griswold streets {downtown}.
4a. Right around where Cobo Hall, is now.

5. Fort Pontchartrain, was founded to protect Detroit from the British as they moved west from New England.
5a. Canada and Michigan, heading south to Louisiana, was part of the French Territory, called New France.

6. The name Pontchartrain comes from  King Louis XIV son full name, Jerome Phelypeaux, comte de Pontchartrain.
6a. Louisiana is name after the French King, Louis XIV.
6b. In English {Latin} commonly when you see a place with a person name in it, if "ia" is the name or at the end of the name, that means it was named after someone, etc: Virgina, Georgia, and Pennsylvania.

7. Detroit is the largest city in Michigan but not the capitol, {Lansing}.

8. Detroit sits in the county seat of Wayne.
8a. Wayne county is named after the American General "Anthony Wayne".
8b. Wayne county once was very large and extended from Detroit to all of the lower peninsula Michigan! Also the northern part Ohio and parts of Indian and Illinois.         

9. Detroit is the most frequent entrance used to enter Canada.
9a. Detroit actually sits North of Canada most south part? {Windsor}

10. As of the 2012 census Detroit is now the 18th largest city in America.
10a. Detroit was once was the 6th largest city in America!

love, live and learn