Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Theory Section: Human Origin

Theory Section: Human Origin

A Theory: is a system of ideas intended to explain something based on simple or general ideas, theories are not answer at all, but someone or a group of people best attempt to explain something.

Many people are coming into Kemetic's with a lot of good question, but the question will never get answer, or at least by the person whom asked the question, because they do not know enough about fundamentals and principals. So now what they have left is feeling, which does not count in the scientific world, science is based on three {3} truths facts, principles and fundamentals.

So lets look at a old question asked by nearly everyone, who are we and where did we come from. This is a example to show people how to come up with answers! Am not claiming that this is the answer, no matter how good it may or may not sound.

Human Origin:
Where do we come from? The real answer, we have SOME facts, principals and fundamental and based on this we hold them to be truth's? But in all actuality there are to many holes in the theory to be true!

We are sun/ star children everything in the universe comes from a dead sun/ star's that implode and shoot massive amounts of material over the universe. This is true sun/ stars do explode and send material all over the universe. But the fundamental flaw with this theory is that materials change composition when heated and cooled?

Fundamentals of water: H20
water frozen: ice
water stabilized: liquid
water heated: steam

Remember if a sun/ star explodes the rate in which light travels is about 300,000,000 m/s {meters per second} which is about 186,000 miles per second. This means that most materials would burn- up before reaching a destination, because of the intense heat from traveling so fast? This would also help explain why carbon/ or dark matter is the most abundant matter in the universe.

Now dealing with carbon/ dark matter in modern times little is known of carbon/ dark matter but the ancient people knew a lot about the subject! The two {2} major theories of today is cold dark matter and hot dark matter?

Cold dark matter: debated, has weak particle interaction?
Hot dark matter: debated, random particle interaction?

Now brings us to the God gene melanin: 6 Carbons, 6 Electrons, 6 Protons {666}
This process is called a triple- alpha process, which takes place inside a star? So melanin originates inside of the star?

In Christianity 666 is the mark of the beast. But in science 666 is the mark of the God Child, the melanin people. Which is about 85% or more of the worlds population!

When dealing with Black people/ melanin people they are very religious and very superstition! So if you can implement something into their belief system, {example 666} they will avoid it at all cost, even if its good for them!

This brings us to the next question White people/ low melanin people. The 15% of the worlds population.

What is their origin? I will be the first to tell you I don't have a clue?
I do have facts, but many holes are in these theories also with some Black and White people do not want to acknowledge.

1. If everything in the universe comes from the sun/ star, why is the sun harmful to Whites?
2. If the universe is mostly made up of dark matter, why are White people, pale or have low melanin?

Now the fundamentals. The biggest organ of humans is their skin!

Epidermis system: also known as skin.

Skin functions:
1. Its a barrier to keep out pathogens.
2. Helps regulate water levels within the body
3. Helps regulate temperature control. {sweat to cool- off/ fat to keep heat}

Origin of specie:

a. So if your biggest organ is different from someone else does that make you a different species?
b. If you take two {2} different species {Black & White} and breed them togrther, is the offspring of the two a hybrid?
c. Would the hybrid be a different species from the two original host {Black and White}?

Important question? If Black people have dominant genes and Whites people have recessive genes, why are some children born with a Black parent and White parent that looks White?

Does it mater the combination Black Father & White Mother/ White Father & Black Mother.

The combination does make a difference when mating certain animals such as a Mule.

Human chromosomes and genes:

The fundamentals: In humans the male species is genetically inferior to the female species, would this combination play a part in reproduction, scientifically I would say yes!

When studying male and female genes. It is called the X- Factor because women have two {2} X chromosomes, as far as men they only have one {1} X chromosomes.

Facts to support the X- chromosome fundamental.

1. God picks the stronger of the two {2} species to reproduce. {male sea horse, reproduce}
2. Women live longer, then men.
3. Women have stronger immune systems then men.
4. Girls develop faster then Boys, mentally, physically and spiritually!
5. Women are spiritually more inclined than men. {more women go to church then men?} 

Here are some question you should consider before, discounting our Black Women?
You should study and review your Black Biology before pasting judge on White People!

Kemetics teaches us to humble in are search for the truth! There is still a lot to be learn about Black Biology, focus on yourself and I guarantee the answer will present themselves only when you are humble enough to receive them!

P.s. Am not apologizing for being Black, because am proud to be Black, but am humble to learn the truth, that's more important than being Black is to be Hotep- inner peace!

love, live and learn
