Saturday, August 30, 2014

Metu Neter: Explained

Metu Neter: Explained

The Metu Neter: Maybe spelled differently depending on who is doing the spelling. But in its most simplistic form it means God/ Goddess or Deity/ Deities, a higher spiritual being or beings. I found this on the web and copied it because it was simple and to the point and that's Kemetics.

Netjer Medu (also spelled Neter Metu, Medu Neter, Metu Neter) is the sacred Khemetan pictographic writing, argued to be the most ancient writing system in Our known historical period. Roughly, it translates as "Divine Words", "Divine Writing" or "Divine Speech", and was used extensively on the walls and shapes of Temples and Monuments, tombs and coffins of Par-aou, sacred statues and papyrus scrolls. Today, it is more widely known by its hellenic substitute "hieroglyphics".

Netjer Medu consisted of various symbols, arranged in innumerable combinations, to relate each highly abstract and spiritual relation between Netjeru and Humans. The ultimate example of the Wise saying "a picture is worth a thousand words", Netjer Medu portrayed the Powers of Earth and Cosmos--and how they related to Human life--through the images of animals, astral entities, terrestrial entities, symbols of kingship and power, the human anatomy and others; in addition, the meaning and intent of the message being related changed with as little as a subtle alteration in the positioning of the symbols. Regardless of modern assumptions and hypotheses, the precision and meticulousness of the Khemtnu when relaying Their messages can not be overstated.

Although european linguist wallis budge is credited for "deciphering the hieroglyphics"--assigning the latinized alphabet to the Meduwtu (Khemetan letters and words)--the "Divine Words" were not intended to be reduced to conventional spelling methods used in today's languages. The primary purpose of Netjer Medu was to vividly depict the Shetaut Netjer nu Khemtnu, the Khemetan mysticism of

Heru on the Boat of Ra. Heru brings forth the Light of Consciousness.en(Light)ening the Human Consciousness for the preparation and allowance of the release of the Ba from the body after death. Oftentimes, this intricate and mystical process was to be reserved for the Par-ao, who was viewed as the Divine Earth representative of and direct connection to the Netjeru; this is why the coffin, tomb and monuments of the King were extensively decorated with Netjer Medu.

Netjer Medu is a highly abstract form of writing, only Overstood by the Khemtians or rather, the Nile Valley Civilization--as They were the Only People that Overstood Their natural spiritual connection to Ra-Ka- Ba and Netjeru. Each symbol represented not only a concept, but also the natural essence of that concept. Example is as follows: The Great Heru was depicted in the image of the Hawk. Depending on the message being portrayed in the specific symbol, Heru is shown as the full body of a young Hawk, a Human with a Hawk head, etc. As Heru was a Netjer nu Ra (Power of Ra, Solar Netjer), His Name represents that which is up or that which is risen high, namely meaning, the High Sun. The Hawk, being a bird, represents the ability of one that is capable of connecting the Earth to the Sky when it takes flight; therefore, the Hawk also represents that which is up or that which is risen high. However, remaining Conscious of the importance of Duality to the Khemtnu, Heru represents the Conscious Light that is up or risen high. When One would achieve Their Highest Light of Consciousness, They were said to have been "One with Heru". The Rau-nu-Pert-M-Heru, or "Teachings of Coming Forth into Spiritual Light" (misnomered 'Book of the Dead') contains the intricate process of raising and nurturing this Conscious Light.

Consequently, foreign people ignorant of this Wisdom often mis-interpreted the purity and essence of its meaning and intent, even expressing their ignorance further by reducing the "Divine Words" as being "primitive animism". Although efforts have been made by Europeans and other groups to "break the symbol code", their efforts are oftentimes used Against the Kemetic Belief System in return for the progression of their own agendas. This is why there remains a firm need for a re-discovery of Ancient Kemetic System, Netjer Medu and Meroitic {Ethiopian} writings.

love, live and learn

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