Monday, September 1, 2014

Transfer: Corruption in America: The voting process!

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Corruption in America: The voting process

Corruption in America: The voting process!

I want to discuss the core of the voting problem and wide corruption, that for the most part has been hidden from the general public! This story will never make the local news channels, because they are also part of the problem. I am going to discuss election machines.

Diebold is a banking machine company that makes automatic teller machines {atm}, but they also make election machines for voting. Diebold is a international company based in Ohio.

I want to discuss one of the many problems that still plague the American voting process irregular counts. We witness this catastrophic fall out during the Presidential election between Bush and Gore in 2000. Where there was wide spread voting irregularities and practices especially in the African- American communities, where the state of Florida may have been the worst case scenario.

"I have long heard elders in the African- American communities complain about corruption. How the machines had to be fixed {corrupt} because the candidate selected, no one would have voted for"! Now, I have undisputed evidence to justify all the those elders complaints over the years.

Diebold has been at the center of controversy and corruption charges for over the last 10 years! So how is it that a corrupt company still sales election machines to over 50% of all the local, state and federal voting jurisdiction in America to this day? Because they our heavy contributors and supporters of the Republican Party and their agenda! 

Not only are there problems with voting irregularities from their election machines, but also wide spread corruption of their atm machines! Some banking corporations have Diebold in court now. But the banking problems are not just a domestic problem but international corruption charges, with a least five different countries!

Voting solutions:
We have been dumb- down so much by entertainment and news media to believing America is the best country in the world, but actually it is the most corrupt country in the world, so once you stop believing the propaganda we will be able to remedy some of our problems in America.

In other countries around the world they have went to biometrics to register to vote.

Biometrics is five- point finger printing, eye or retinal scans and face recognition.

This is already going on in other parts of the world such as Europe, South America, Asia and even Africa! So there are other solutions that can be used that the general public is not being made aware of. In some place they are still hand counting ballots in America, why?

So the next time the Republican party suggest identification to vote, tell them we do not want identification  but biometric machines to vote, but not only that, we do not want to use their buddies machines from Diebold to vote with either! 

Because of the lack of knowledge a people, shall perish! Maybe not literally but your rights will and that will make you a slave to the people in charge!

love, live and learn      

Transfer: Enterment Aristocracy: Sell- Outs!


Thursday, November 7, 2013

Entertainment Aristocracy: Sell- Outs!

Entertainment Aristocracy: Sell- Outs!

In depth look at the entertainment world with Black Entertainers! A behind the seen look at whats really going on. Do they help or hurt the Black community in America? This is not so much to do with entertainers as it is to do with us the Black community, what are we thinking about? This topic is really not going to change anything, I knew that before I wrote it! But, my love for African people compel me to say something to maybe help one person out of millions!

First, let me get this straight before I start, entertainment industry is music, especially hip-hop, television programs, especially reality tv, sports, the other reality tv and the motion picture industry, is a hard one to call based on the movie, but yes actors and actress also.

Let me defend the Black youth before I start, yes, they have their issues, we all do including myself! For the most part the Black youth have inherited many of the problems they have from previous generation before them. Black on Black crime and violence did not just start, from my research Cain killed Abel in the Bible? But to make it more clear Black on Black crime in America started with Africans selling other Africans into slavery!  Drug did not just get here, my studies show drugs have been a major problem in the African American community since the 1920s during the Harlem Renaissances! Selling out, is nothing new in the Black community to tell you the truth any Black person in the Modern era 1960s until today that is promote heavily in the media is a sell out except for a hand- full!

Entertainment Aristocracy:
This really starts circa 1970s when Blacks start seeing some real money in the Entertainment Industry tv, movies, music and sports.

Aristocracy: the highest class in certain social societies.

I see some brothers and sisters that are trying or claim they our conscious? But are sports fanatics? This is the biggest joke of them all, even worst then Black youth with hip hop! I will tell you why?

Sports History:
Sports have always been around since the beginning of time. But the use of sports as a dumb- down process was perfected by the Roman Empire and the gladiators! When the Emperor of Roman faced any oppression or disfavor from Roman citizens, he would simply host a gladiator event for a few days and give the people wine and bread, equivalent to today as beer and pizza and the people would forget what they were mad about and he would send them back to work and he would restart his agenda, this time easily passing it through!

So Europeans being well aware of Roman culture restarted this process in America, by the 70s you see the promotion of the Black athlete, this becomes very popular in the Black community as a get rich scheme, so now by the 80s starting with Micheal Jordon you have the Black aristocracy athlete!

The Black Aristocracy Athlete:
Is a Black person who makes 100s of millions of dollars over their career from playing sports and endorsement contracts! But their handlers {White advisers and managers} let them know this money comes with simple rulers!
1. Never contribute large or meaningful amounts of money to Black people causes, that even means giving back to the community which you come from especially.
2. Never speak publicly about concerns of Black people issues or political problems.
3. If possible marry a White women, so that money is recycled and retained within the White community for generations to come, effectively keeping White people in power longer!

This plan was adopted by Whites, after the 1960s Black power movement were you had Black athletes at the front and concerned about  Black issues in the Black community! Black athletes used their influence and money to push the Black agenda, this was so successful that rich Whites vowed this would never happen again! This was in large done by Muhammad Ali and Jim Brown. Tommie Smith and John Carlos gold medalist in the 1968 Olympics protest by were black gloves and Black power salute, were stripped of their medals and not returned to this day!

This is why sport fanatics {people who monitor sports games closely} are number one {1} on my list of being dumb- down the most!

Hollywood and Television: 
Now with television and the movie entertainers this is more of a hidden agenda by Whites. This is done more by influence of Blacks on their people and communities. Am going right in hard on them, the topic of homosexuality within Hollywood.

Hollywood has been secretly controlled since the beginning as a way to influence people, and Black people would be no different but more prone to influence do to their conditioning in American society of always wanting a place at the White mans table for his approval and acceptance!

With secret societies and Greeks fraternities these organizations control Hollywood, they would introduce male European initiation rights to the Black Aristocracy male entertainment! This also started in the 1970s starting with Flip Wilson.

Homosexual Influence:
Flip Wilson was really Flip & Flopping all over Hollywood! He is most famous for his role as the Geraldine charterer, a man dressed up like women! Which is the proto- type for today's transgender/ homosexuals! In 1970 Flip Wilson wins a Grammy award for his comedy album "The devil made me buy this dress"! The album title tells it all? In 1972 Time magazine names him Tv "First Black Superstar"! So this sends a strong under current message to Black entertainers that would come later. In the later part of Eddie Murphy career he puts on the dress to play a woman which revitalize his career. Eddie Murphy success, money and fame influence young comedians Martin Lawrence and Tyler Perry who make millions by cross-dressing!

Dave Chappelle:
A credit to the Black race who stood up for what he believed in at the cost of $50 million dollars. Dave turned down $50 million dollars, because he said "he is not putting on no dress, aint nothing fun about a man in no dress" and would not change his political views against racism in America! After this happened, a smear campaign of false rumors went on against Dave, to the point he took a extend vacation in Africa to get away and get his mind cleared! 

Now on the flip side for Black people you are letting your children watch these types of programs and wondering why they are turning gay in record numbers? Are you for real?

Black Women:
Black women insult to homosexual men? If your son is gay for a period in his early life he is wrestling with his sexual identity and probably needs to date a few girls to make a consciousness decision if he is actually gay at all, bisexual or just gay and you love him and support him regardless of whatever decision he makes!

But, if a man in the dating scene of your peers or age group is bisexual {on the down-low} which is gay also he is dead wrong? So, you are saying its okay for your son to be bisexual, but another woman son is dead wrong! So, you can support your son, which makes another younger woman have to deal with his alternative lifestyle, but if you have to deal with the same situation its dead wrong?Are you for real!

This came out of me studying gay rights, to see what  issue, concerned gays? Am not gay in any kind of way but I do agree with gays about double stands and hypocritical views of the general public. But my personal view point is that homosexuality is wrong! But that doesn't mean, I should listen to what they are saying, I list my reasons below.   

The only advice, I can give is that I follow Gods lead on the situation Sodom and Gomorrah, God disapproved of homosexuality by destroying the two {2} cities burning them to ashes. I am not judging anyone do what you do! I just do not want be like the Prophet Lot, wife when "God told them to leave the cities because the hearts of men in this place was filled with evil" and not to look back on this place and she looked back and she was punished also! Holy Bible, Genesis ch. 19          

Music Industry:
This is the worst sh*t I ever seen in my life!!! Everything goes on that is against God is promoted in music industry and the people love it! The Satanic worshiping and praise, Singer and Rappers talking to the devil on their lyrics! The promotion of drugs and alcohol use and abuse! The degrading specifically of Black women only, to the point where they even call themselves b*cthes and h*es now! The promotion of tattoos and body markings which is also against God!

Its total anarchy!  

The same rules apply as the Black athletes to Black musicians:
1. Never contribute a large or meaningful amount of money to Black causes!
2. Never speak out publicly about Black issues!
2a. Quick question how many prominent rappers made a song about the Trayvon Martin cases? How many did you see speak out publicly? My point exactly!
3. The downgrading of Black women and the promotion of White women.
4. Select gangsters and thugs, always talking about what they would do to another Blackman, but them Whiteboys punk them everyday, cheating them out of money, talking to them any kinda way, telling them what they can and can not do, to the point they have to get permission to go certain place, what they can wear and put on!                 

So, many people want to tell me about how bad the youth are, I got a question, how many of yall had children born in the 70s and 80s when this stuff was getting started? None of you had children, that means that you are the ones in question passing the blame on our babies! They inherited these problems from us and our parents {the baby boomers} which is the most selfish generation in American history.

Black people in the 60s and 70s where the first Black people in a 400 year period that had full rights as citizens with the Black civil right laws being passed in 1964 & 68. For the most part all they did was be druggies and dope pushers! Then raised unproductive spoiled and selfish children generation x, which is 60s to 80s which are the worst parents in the history of the world!

So make a change stop blaming the youth, for stuff we started and perpetuated. Get involved and support the youth in positive actives. Tell them you love them and care about them, not only your children but all children, they are all ours we share them! this is the African way "it takes a village, to raise a child"!  

love, live and learn!

African- Americans and Labor Day

African- Americans and Labor Day:

In American most of the work and inventions were done by African- Americans!.. Many of theses ideas were stolen or mis- credited by Whites due to greed and or racism {pure hatred}.

Labor Day:

Labor Day is to honor the labor movement in America. Which for the most part African- Americans are left out in all segments! Actually the labor movement would start with slavery as Blacks would try to negotiate for wages and better working conditions. This was the goal before slaves decide to fight for freedom, after seeing there was no negotiating with Whites.

Unions in America:

The history of unions in America is a big lie! Most unions were started in America during the reconstruction period after the Civil War. This was due to, many Whites had not done physical labor, because of slavery and desperately need to get some skills. The slaves had the skills and were hired by the North to do skilled work.

Companies in America:

For all those whom do not like unions that is your choice! But remember that unions were formed because of unethical treatment of employees by companies! Not so long ago there was no bathroom break, no lunch break, 8 hour work day, 5 day work week, no overtime pay, no holiday pay, sick days and etc:

Walmart is the biggest employer in America today. They have undercut and undermine working conditions in America. I am not going to go to hard on them and be a hypocrite, because I have shopped there before. But we should be mindful of what they are doing, because they could set the standard  in this country!

Enjoy your holiday, but remember all those whom fought and died, so that you could have  good working conditions.

Love, live and learn