Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Transfer: Who are the Aryans?

Monday, September 30, 2013

Who are the Aryans?

Who are Aryans?

Well today the Aryans are a White Supremacy group, they are associated with such groups as the Klu Klux Klan, Neo- Nazi's and Skin- Heads, which form the Aryan Brotherhood!

For the most part they have some sound values that all people in some- way should have for their heritage and race! They basically love being White, and prefer not to mix, mingle or associate with Non- Whites, which for the most part is fair and reasonable.

Every race has a supremacy group layered within its society, Jews have the Zionist, African- Americans have Black Panther Party? So its not a totally crazy idea.

But, what makes the Aryan Brotherhood different from other supremacy groups is they aggressively attack and torture non- White people without cause or reason, only being that they are non- White, which is not a crime anymore!!! That is officially, but unofficially it still is!!!

So I love research, so I research the Aryan Brotherhood and this is what i found out?


Aryan: a Indo- European speaking people who invade Northern India.

Let me break down what you just read, especially for my Black people, cause most don't have a clue of what they just read.

Indo: means of or pertaining to people of the sub- continent of India.

European: White people from the mountain regions of Northern Europe.

So this is the real story, you want find in no text book:
How Aryans came into power, but I have to give a quick history lesson, without it you be lose trying to follow the rise of the Aryan Nation.

India was originally settled and establish by Ethiopians. The Ethiopian Empire, was the biggest Empire on earth for ever long time. Going east only we will discuss the Ethiopian Empire. The empire was once most of the Eastern and Central Africa Continent. That went eastward into modern day Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Iran into India and far east as Japan! The strong hold of the Ethiopian Empire going eastward would be India and Southern Asia. It was the Ethiopians that set- up a series of silk roads into China. By the time European adventurer Marco Polo came along, these trade routes were thousands 1,000s of years old! The Ganges river in India, is named after the Ethiopian General Ganges!

White Europeans attack:
The mountain people {Whites} of the north came down from the Caucasus mountains and attack the Black Indian rulers of Northern India.

Caucasus Mountains is one place of origin, for White people? Thus this is why they are called Caucasians.      

India and Asia was set-up like modern day European Royalty, Actually the Europeans adopted the model from Ethiopians. All the royal families of India and Asia were related by blood or marriage. Mostly arranged or and political marriages.

Caucasians invade:
This marked a small turning point for White Europeans, this was the first time they had ever won a significant battle over any Black Africans. This invasion took place circa 1,500 B.C.E. The White Caucasians, where able to occupy the Northern half of India.

How the Aryan Brotherhood came about:
During the forming of the modern Catholic/ Christian Church you know today there was a meeting held by the Roman Emperor Constantine in Nicaea 325 C.E. {Christian Era/ C.E.} At this meeting which was actually a series of meeting during a two {2} span 327- 325 C.E. The argued about the divinity of Jesus. There was a Black man from Egypt, that was the Bishop of the Christian Church in Alexander, Egypt. His name was Arius! Arius did not like what the clergymen and Emperor Constantine was doing at the council of Nicaea.

They where changing the identity of Jesus. They changed his color from a Black Ethiopian, to a White man {Serapis}! They switch his origin of birth from Ethiopia to Nazareth! They changed the birth place to play on words because he was a High Priest in the order of the Nazarite! So people would think it meant he was from the city of Nazareth! They distorted is life and teachings to fit their needs. They changed him from mere man, who loved God and study, becoming a master/ High Priest in Kemetic Belief System. Thus showing you that you can do it also and free yourself from spiritual and mental slavery! Jesus said "the things I have done, you can do also and more if you had faith"!  To keep this message from taking root, they made him a born God, instead of a mere man that elevated himself by studying and having pure faith!!!

Arius and Constantine:
So Arius challenged, Constantine and would not bend on the new made- up Jesus {the Jesus we know today}. So Constantine became very angry and frustrated with Arius, because Constantine was losing his empire to the old teachings of Jesus. So Constantine made a plot to send for Arius, but he would be assassinated along the way along with his followers and supporters. But Arius found out about Constantine plot and fled to Asia with his followers.

Arius in Asia:
So many people started following Arius and his teaching of recognizing God as nature and a natural figure head, and living a pure life away from the material world. His followers became very big and spreading all over Asia! The Arius priesthood, had become the Arian Brotherhood and set-up some of the first pre- Christian Churches in Asia.

So many Caucasians also followed the Arian Brotherhood in North India and around Asia. Because by the time of Arius, Caucasians had spread south of the northern mountain region in Europe and Asia {India}.

So, After time went on some of the leaders of the Arian Brotherhood where Caucasian! So this is where we have the same problem, we always have Whites taking and claiming it as their own!

So when Whites go back and study their history they find this pure and simply life of living with nature and loving God, called the Arian/ Aryan Brotherhood!

Remember in English vowels are interchangeable. a,e,i o,u and sometimes y!

The irony of the story:
The Irony is that White men formed a brotherhood, The Aryan Nation to harm and kill mainly Black people and non- Whites, but their brotherhood was started by a Black man who taught peace and avoid violence!!!

It is really sad what racism can do to a people! That has to be the crazy thing ever, even modern day Christianity makes more sense then that!

I bet Hitler the leader of Germany during the Nazi Era {WWII}. Is rolling over in his grave, if he would have known, The original Arian/ Aryan Brotherhood was started by Black men from Africa!

Aryan nation:
They just hope you never find out the truth, but itsto late now you do!
Black people the more you know about self the closer we can get to stopping racism! The truth is the best weapon we have against White supremacy groups! Their belief is based on all lies!

love, live and learn