Saturday, September 27, 2014

Transfer: Sci fi Section: Religion in Star Wars Series

Monday, October 28, 2013

Sci fi Section: Religion in Star Wars Series

Sci fi Section: Religion in Star Wars Series.

Many readers of the blog have contact me, personally about concerns and question. As beginners, I try to teach them symbolism. Because more than what you read from words, is a another language symbols. Hollywood has become very good at symbolism, to show you how good, I will take a movie like Star Wars and break it down. I done this previously with the movie "Matrix Trilogy", go to achives on blog to see the breakdown and religious connections.

Symbolism: the uses of symbols to represent ideas and concepts. 

George Lucas: 
George Lucas is one of the all time great movie producers and directors. But, what most do not know about George Lucas he is a great historian of religion and mythology which he study under Joesph Campbell.

Joesph Campbell:
Joesph Campbell had a huge influence on George Lucas. Joesph Campbell works and ideas run deep in George Lucas movies. Star Wars & Indiana Jones series. Joesph Campbell was the leading authority in the field of religion and mythology in the 40s, 50s and 60s in America. George Lucas even pays homage to Joesph Campbell in the Indiana Jones series, Prof. Abner Ravenwood is real life Joesph Campbell.

Star Wars Religion:
Stars Wars is a real religion in the United Kingdom, with followers in America also! I am in NOWAY, suggesting people join or follow Star Wars as a real religion! What, I am suggesting people view Star Wars as a highly symbolic movie, based on many different religions, mythology and philosophy.

In America, as a people we are very closed minded when it comes to religion of others? Which, I find totally strange considering the 1st amendment to the Bill of Rights for the United States Constitution is the freedom of religion?

Mythology and Philosophy are consider religions in other parts of the world! Even Judaism, Christianity and Islam all have a mythology part to them. I do not know why Christian Churches still preach and teach, if you do not believe in Jesus you are going to HELL? That is the farthest thing from the truth.  

Do you really think the people who started and founded the United States, would make a law to practice any religion, if not believing in Jesus would send people to hell?

Character breakdown:
Grand Master of the Jedi order. This title is held by Free- Masons, under certain jurisdiction. Yoda's color is taken from ancient Egypt {Kemet}. Green is a high- ranking color in Kemet, the Kemetic understanding of green is that one {the individual} has become totally conscious in conquering and mastering of one- self. General meaning re- birth, freedom and fertility.

Jedi is short for Jedidah a name or title meaning "blessing" or "blessed one". The name of a Queen in the Bible, in this case, many men followed in the priesthood of their mothers or mother side of the family. This can be found in the Bible.

In ancient times many Queens and Kings belong to a certain priesthood, that may differ from the public view which they ruled over. John the Baptist and Jesus Christ followed the priesthood of their mothers also Elizabeth and Mary, they were priestess under the "Daughters of Levi"!

Jedi Knight:
Knight is a solider whom servers and protects a sovereign or sovereign ruler! To be sovereign means a right given by God to be free, all others are subjects to the sovereign.

Jedi Knight is a mixture of cultures actually. The long hooded- over coats are that of the Druid priesthood.

Jedi weapon:
The light- saber{sword} is from the Japanese Samurai culture. The Samurai were the first people to event a cannon and guns, but felt it was unmoral to fight and kill in this manner so they abandoned these type of weapons!  

Luke Skywalker:
Luke Skywalker is the coming messiah, who will bring peace, justice and order {balance} to the world or universe we live in. Christianity the second coming of Christ.

Princess Leia:
The twin sister of Luke Skywalker, represent duality.

In the beginning all births were twins/ dual births. In all ancient Eastern {African} Deities they will have a twin, brother or sister. Osiris & Isis/ Auser & Auset, Adam & Lilith his 1st wife, {Eve is his second wife} folk- lore of Judaism/ Christianity explains the story.

Obi- Wan Kenobi:
Obi Wan Kenobi is a Jedi Knight but represent the ancient relationship between master & apprentice  in all manners of life, but especially Free- Mason!   

Darth Vader:
Darth Vader is a good man, gone bad! Darth Vader is all of us if we chose to be selfish. Not be patient, humble and becoming to prideful. These are the same bad characteristics that are associated with  Satan/ Devil when he was being kick out of heaven.

Darth Vader look and style is taken from the feudal period of Japan. The Samurai wore war mask that they believed were powerful and magical. The Black color, comes from a Black man who was a Shogun {Samurai} whom unified Japan! This was why African- American actor Earl James Jones did the voice of Darth Vader and not the actual actor himself a White man!

This Black solider is a universal concept. In all culture the Black man has had the prominent position of unification of people rather it was King Arthur favorite Knight "The Black Knight" a Black man from the Silure tribe of the British Isles. Or it be Crispus Attucks {a Black man} the first man killed in the Boston Massacre, which sparked the Revolutionary War, America against the British for independence.    

Sith Lord:
Is the Dark Lord over Sith Order. They are evil beings who want to rule the universe. Sith is just a variant spelling of Seth/ Set the evil brother of Osiris and kills him for the throne and Kingdom of ancient Egypt {Kemet}. This is also were the name Satan originates from Seth/ Set.

The most over looked part of the movies is the discussion concerning Midi- chlrian, with is associated with Anakin Skywalker {Darth Vader} is based off of metaphysics mitochondria and melanin. Which gives us life.

The Force is based Asian philosophy the Chi, the Chi is a energy that bounds all living things together. Also symbolic of the deity Ra- in Kemetic Belief System, Ra- is the hidden one. Ra was adapt by Christians as the Holy Spirit! The life Force/ spirit!  

The art work and temples are taking from ancient kingdoms. These art works are multi- culture from all over the world.

Jabba the Hut palace is actually based on King Herod Palace in the Bible. Other cities are based on Rhodes of ancient Greece. The Super space crafts circle design is based of Atlantis concepts!

There are many, many more symbols and comparisons but this will show you how much you missed and are unaware of, may the force be with you!

love, live and learn