Saturday, September 6, 2014

Transfer: Sci fi Section: Transformers Decoded pt1

Friday, November 1, 2013

Sci fi Section: Transformers Decoded!

Transformers Decoded!

Once again I will explain symbolism within a sci- fi movie. The message of some movies especially  sci- fi movies is a ancient science that most are unaware of. These skills take years of study to harness and perfect properly! It is also a gift that not all have, but some do have. There are a few among us that posses "The Beautiful Mind of The Code Breakers"! I use my talent and knowledge of the force for good, to break these codes in a manner that the general public can understand.

This art form is know as modernism, but am referring particularity to ideology, and not the other facet of the art! This art form of modernism and post modernism is a ideology of shading events enough to cast doubt, but presenting the truth.

Leonardo da Vinci is the best in Western Culture for hiding a message with in plain site, within his artwork.          

The Transformers Trilogy is a encrypt message. It is from different parts of history and different cultures with the same theme slightly?

The characters are symbolic only in nature to humans and human experiences!  Please, am not referring to these machine as nothing more than a symbolic figure!

Optimus Prime-  the leader of the Autobots. The good aliens.

Fallen One- the leader of Decepticons. The bad aliens.

Characters name meaning:

Optimus Prime- His name is the key to the whole story! The name hidden meaning symbolically. The name is Latin in script, but Kemetic in nature.
Optimus: meaning- the best or best one.
Prime: of the first, main one of importance.

Kemetic definition:
Optimus Prime: is a direct descend of the Primes, which are the first Autobots. Symbolically the Primes would be the first nine {9} initial deities of Kemet. They all combine sort of like the character Voltron {cartoon}. They are all one, but can operate separately. Symbolically Optimus Prime is Heru/ Horus the savior and direct descend of the "Grand Ennead" meaning Grand 9! 

Voltron is another cartoon based on Kemetic Beliefs

Fallen One:
Fallen One is taken from Kemetic Belief also. The Fallen One is Seth/ Set/ Satan in Kemetic Belief System. The Fallen One is a trader to his brother's the Primes. The Fallen One is a Prime also, that became very powerful and evil. This is the story of Seth, whom is Osiris brother that killed him, the same way Optimus was killed over power.  

The Autobots come from a planet called Cybertron, which was destroyed by a civil war between the Autobots {good aliens} and the Decepticon {bad aliens}.

This is the same story of the Kemetic Mythology Belief System. That the Kemetic deity's had come from the Sirus star system to our planet, Earth. They brung their great technology and they taught it to humans that advanced our culture greatly!

Sirus is the star system the Kemetic deity's come from. Osiris the first King of the Earth, name was taken from his home Sirus/ Osiris. Remember vowels are interchangeable, Sirus/ Osirus!
This civil war is also loosely based on the war of the Heavens {stars}. Orion the Hunter {star system} and the Pleiadians {Pleiades star system}.

Transformers 1, Theme the Cube:
The Cube shape is of a pyramid, with hieroglyphics written on it. The shape is of the same shape of the pyramids first built in ancient Egypt {Kemet}. But the structure of the Cube is only for placing it in its proper origins Kemet. The symbolic meanings of the Cube, is what is most important in the first movie. The Cube is a source of energy like the meaning of the real pyramids, which were multi- purpose buildings but never a funeral resting place, only for the purpose of astral-plane travel? {metaphysic need to understand another topic}. 

Transformers 2, Revenge of the Fallen:
The theme is the key the Matrix. This is represent by symbolically being the Ankh "the key of life in Kemet Belief System"! The Matrix is what life is and comes from for Autobots. The Ankh is what life is and comes from for Human Beings, based on Kemetic Belief System.

Transformers 3, Dark side of the Moon.
The theme is the Dark side of the Moon? This is a doozy, take a sit for this one cause am about to hit you with some cold facts! So you will feel the gravity of the situation, am trying to explain!

Before I even explain the Dark side of the Moon, let me explain the secret history of N.A.S.A. Very few Americans know this truth so you will need a pen and paper to write and research.

Top Secret: US History.  
These events take place circa WWII in Germany. It is believed before the start of WWII the German government had a encounter with aliens, or discovered a crashed alien ship, possibly both in Czechoslovak now called the Czech Republic. German scientist were able gather enough information and start reverse engineering alien technology and modify it to human technology. From this technology they launched a war to take control of the world. Hitler for more than one reason lost WWII, mostly to God because of the harsh winter that year, that cut his army off from reinforcements marching to Moscow.

So during the surrender of Germany during WWII, there where a lot of shady deals done by the allies US, Brittan and U.S.S.R. The first done by all three {3} allies wanted the information on Hitlers private army the SS, from this information they created their on secret police the C.I.A. {US}, K.G.B. {Russia} and M.I.5{Brittan} were created!

Next the scientist that conduct the deadly experiments on the Jews and other military scientific experiments were offered a deal if they told, what they knew they would not be sent to trial for murder of millions in Hague. So the Germany scientist naturally agreed, and many were allowed to move to America with new social security numbers, changed names and high paying government jobs!!! If you think am lying look it up under its code name "Operation Paperclip"!

This brings us to N.A.S.A. it is German scientist that setup and started N.A.S.A. in America! The first director of N.A.S.A. Rocket Department was Nazi scientist Wernher Von Braun! He is responsible for building and design of  the Saturn V {5} rocketed that powered the manned Apollo space craft to the moon! The German scientist arrived in 1946 at Fort Bliss, Texas to start rocket and long range missile technology for the US government. 

Dark side of the moon:
What this means is that the moon doesn't spin on its axis like Earth. The same side of the moon always face the Earth, meaning that there is a dark side of the moon which never rotates towards Earth.

Dark side of the moon theory:
The undercover mission for going to the moon in 1969, was to start a star wars military program on the Dark side of the moon that they could defend and launch a surprise attack on Russia during the cold war years. But when they went to the moon supposedly they found something they did not expect? So they never really went back? But who really knows where they go once they get out in space?

Some even say there was a Nazi base on the moon, this would help explain N.A.S.A. getting it right on the first try which is impossible with all the problem-able causes that could go wrong?

Well there lots of research in this one, you have to sometimes take the clues and make your own truth?

Ronald Regan started the Star Wars defense program in 1983. They have changed the name a few times to hide the program, President Clinton renamed it BMDO. President Bush renamed it MDA, and your tax dollars are still funding this program. My personal theory is that we are defending against aliens, because the U.S.S.R. collapsed in 1991, so how cold they be a threat with no money or government?  Unless they sold their military secrets to China? Who really knows? 

love, live and learn   

    Transfer: Sci fi Section: Transfomers Decode pt2

    Saturday, November 2, 2013

    Sci fi Section: Transformers Decoded: pt.2

    Transformers Decoded: pt.2

    I will expand on the message Orion and Pleiades in the movies.

    Understanding Cybertron:
    Cybertron war is loosely based of the first religion in the world ASTROLOGY! Before the Abrahamic religions Judaism, Christianity and Islam people prayed to and worshiped the stars as/ and ancestors! Even the three {3} major religions loosely to still use astrology?

    To be totally truthful, but this is said with LOVE, for the hope people will do better in the future, Christians are the most confused out all the major religions about their own religion. This is not totally their fault, but it is? This is because Christianity especially when it comes to Black people it was a religion that was forced on to a people rather accepted by a people, so maybe this will stop some of the endless debates I see and strongly disapprove of from people whom are studying Kemetics versus Christians!!!

    You will need a Bible, pen and paper for your research. This is not for everyone some churches preach against the studying of stars? But, I assure you this is all in the Bible, so how could it be wrong or bad then? 

    Christians and Astrology:
    Transformers pt.1, I mentioned about a war in the heavens the stars. The story of Cybertron is loosely based on this? So, now i will prove it to you so you can make the connection hopefully? I mentioned two {2} stars systems in transformers pt1, Orion and Pleiades. Now, go to your Bible and locate them so we can read what it say in your HOLY BIBLE concerning these stars systems.

    Orion and Pleiades in Bible:
    1. Amos 5:8
    2. Job 9:9
    3. Job 38:18- 33
    There are three {3} references made to Orion, but I do not want any doubt, so I only used references where Orion was specifically mentioned. In Job 38:18- 31 he asked if you know who made them? Can you establish their rule on earth. But, the question is "their rule on earth".

    Their: is a plural meaning for more than one. God is singular meaning only one. So why was "their" used instead of "him"? Next is the continue statements concerning chains and cords?
    Job 38:31 Can you bond the cluster of the Pleiades, Or lose the belt of Orion?

    This may all seem like random talk to the untrained eye and ear? But, I assure you it is not at all! Because, you have to know about Biblical chronology and Astrology Mythology!

    Biblical Chronology:
    The Bible has not been comprised in chronological order! The books are way out of time procession order! Actually the Book of Isiah and the Book of Job are most likely the two {2} oldest books in the Bible. Most Bible scholars agree that the Prophet Isiah and Job lived way before Moses the so- called author of the Torah! Their books were used by early  Christians, with the other books being introduce much later.

    Astrology Mythology:
    Orion is the hunter, whom bond and chained Pleiades.

    I will make this the end of pt.2, in pt.3 I will discuss some other aspects of the Transformers.

    What some call Gods? Some call aliens?
    Remember Seninel Prime, told Optimus Prime we were once Gods now they calls us machines!

    love, live and learn

    Transfer: Sci fi Section: Transformers Decode pt3

    Sunday, November 3, 2013

    Sci fi Section: Transformers Decoede pt.3

    Transformers decoded pt.3

    I will now discuss Sentinel Prime and his role compared to human history! This is all based on religion and mythology! But, it is really just a big religious secret and cover- up!

    Transformers: Dark side of the moon: summary
    When the movie first comes on they make reference to humans not being honest about information and a discovery being made on the moon? Which leads the Autobots going to the moon to search for a lost spaceship called the ARK! Which they find Sentinel Prime and the space pillars!

    Sentinel Prime name is also a clue to the theme, of the movie?

    The Ark is a code word, ARK is the ship the Prophet Noah builds to restart life on earth! The ARK is also the name of the ship the Autobots, build to restart life on Cybertron. So this human situation is also similar to the Autobots situation! 

    Sentinel Prime define:
    Sentinel Prime- is the leader of the Autobots before Optimus Prime. Sentinel Prime is one of the original Primes. Sentinel comes from the core word "Sentry" meaning guard or watch.
    Sentinel: means- one that keeps guard.
    Prime: means- original one, or main one.
    Combined name meaning. The old or first keeper or guarding.

    Ark define:
    Ark is the Biblical boat Noah put two {2} of every kind of animal on to restart life on earth, after the great flood!  Bible. Genesis ch.7

    Before I start, I am going to warn Christians before they read this, that the information am about to give is secret in nature, and predates the Holy Bible by thousands of years! Basically the Bible you have today is a old African story retold many times before it was put in the Bible!

    True Bible History Decode:
    This takes us to ancient history in the African peninsula of Arabia. We are going to ancient Mesopotamia {modern day Iraq and Iran in the so- called Middle East}. This is where the story begins, but we have to discuss who we are talking about first.

    All this information is already on the blog in greater detail under Shem or Shemites!

    African Peninsula or Middle Eastern History:
    First the Pale Arabs and Jews are not the original people of the so- called Middle East. These people are invaders from Europe and the Asian Minor. The original inhabitants of the so- called Middle East are Black African people called the Akkadians! They settled and devolved this area way before any Biblical person called Canaan or the Canaanites!

    Akkadians: means- Black head people.

    Akkadian Mythology:
    A group of Alien deity's came to earth called the "Anunnaki" when mankind was still in a hunter and gather stage in our evolution history. The story goes on to say, that they were space travelers from a star system known as Nibiru beyond the outer planets of our solar system. They came to earth to find materials and minerals mainly gold, to restore or rebuild their planet. So the Anunnaki had a lower class of aliens with them that they had do the physical work of mining materials and minerals, but the lower class Anunnaki, always compliant about how hard the work was! So the lower class Anunnaki persuade the Anunnaki leaders to use their power and technology to make slaves to do the work for them! So the Anunnaki supposedly combine their D.N.A. with different earth animals to make a slave race? But this was unsuccessful combining with animals. Next they tried combining their D.N.A. with mankind {homo erectus} this was very successful.

    Human History: Decode?
    If you study human evolution history there are a lot of huge gaps, that make no sense at all? One of the biggest problems for scholars and scientist to explain is the rapid culture developments of science, arts and religions by African people over all other people on the earth? African people where so advance  over all the other ethnic races of people of the world that we had to teach, show and develop their cultures for them. So it is the African that brought all the other races out of the hunter and gather stage! This is why the modern man, the African is known as Homo Sapiens meaning "wise man"!

    So this ties into why sometimes you here Western {European/ White} scientist say the Africans could  have not built such a advance culture or done the things we did if it was not for aliens showing us. Many people, especially African and African descent people do not know that Western scholars and scientist are referring to the so- called interaction between aliens in Kemet and Mesopotamia/ Sumeria?

    Sentienel Prime connection to Akkadian Mythology:
    Sentienel Prime was a scientist from Cybertron the Autobots destroyed home planet. So he developed a space portal or bridge to transport matter {people, autobot, materials and even a planet/ cybertron}.

    Sentienel Prime now takes on the theme of Akkadian Mythology, because he was going to transport Cybertron into our atmosphere, then transport resources, but mainly humans as a slave labor force to rebuild Cybertron. So these ties directly into the Akkadian Mythology of the Anunnaki a group of aliens enslaving humans to do physical work for them.

    Sentinel Prime then says "We where once Gods, but they call us machines"! Thus, another clue to the adaptation of the story from the Anunnaki myth story.

    If you go and research this information here are some clues, so it doesn't take you 10 years like me to research! lol. The history of the Akkadians and their King Sargon {relates to birth of Moses in the Bible}. The Akkadians Mythology of the Anunnaki this story is best interpreted by Zecharia Sitchin. Notice the hair style of the Akkadians, those are dreads in their hair and breads! The flood story of the Bible, is a retold story from Akkadian history known as "The Epic of Gilgamesh"! The art work of deities being half person and half animal supposedly comes from the messed up experiments of the Anunnaki D.N.A. and earth animals? You will also see this mixture of humans and animals in Greek mythology also, cause they learned it from the Akkadians whom at the time had the largest empire and had the biggest influence in the area! 

    Akkadian History in reference to the Bible:
    The story of Nimrod is a loose version of Akkadian history that it place the tower of Babel before Biblical history really starts? Modern Biblical history real doesn't start into you get to Abraham, this is why Judaism, Christianity and Islam are known as Abrahamic faiths!

    This is because once you know ancient world history, the stories of the Bible do not in any kind of way originate with the Bible like they would have you believe.

    The greatest secret of the Bible:
    The truth about Abraham is he was born and is from Ur of the Chaldees, Ur is a Akkadian city- state that is part of the Sumerian empire! That is modern- day Iraq. The Chaldees come from Chaldea a small city within the Mesopotamian kingdom of Sumeria. They come into power much later, but this is the tribe that Abramham is from in Mesopotamia. So by him growing up in Mesopotamia he was very familiar with the religion and practices of the Akkadian people. There are some source that say he was a descendant of the Akkadians and from his travels around the area that made him very smart, knowledgeable and rich and he was able to take from the Akkadian people and the Kemetic people and adapt the two {2} beliefs systems together into his own religion Judaism?

    This may seem odd to the unknown, but this is very common in religion the adaption and modifying of old religions into new ones!

    List of adapted and modified religions and beliefs.
    1. Judaism comes from Kemetic beliefs system mostly, with some influence from Akkadian beliefs.
    2. Christianity primarily comes from Kemet belief system mostly, with some influence from Judaism.
    3. Islam primarily comes from a close mixture of Kemetic and Judaism influence.
    4. Moorish Science Temples of America comes from Universal Islamic Society {Duse Mohammad- Bey}, and a strong influence from Kemetic beliefs and a slight under- current of Christianity {U.N.I.A.- Marcus Garvey}.
    5. Nation of Islam comes directly from Moorish Science, and Christianity {U.N.I.A.- Marcus Garvey}.
    6. Muslim Mosques Inc {Malcolm X} comes directly from Nation of Islam and Christianity {U.N.I.A.- Marcus Garvey}.

    This concludes this series. Its is long due to all the background information need to support new information!

    love, live and learn