Friday, October 10, 2014

Transfer: The Church in the Community

Sunday, October 20, 2013

The Church in the community

The Church in the community!

This topic is not an attack on the Black Church, but a reflection and comparison to other churches in other ethnic communities. Maybe, in all honesty to those who read  my blog you will start regenerating these ideas and concepts to our Black church leaders.

Kemetic Studies:
Kemet is the origins of the modern Black Christian Church. This study of ancient Ethiopia and Egypt was the start of my observation of the Black church. The Priesthood of Kemet was every strong also, just like our ministers, preachers and pastor are today in the Black community. Then and now the Black church was and has been the back-bone  of the Black community!

Then and now the Priesthood became unfocused and greedy, but then versus now the Priesthood never placated to Europeans. Plus the Priesthood then were more educated then now, it took a little more than a calling to be a Priest! Last but not least, the Priest were in-touch with the community because they lived in it, which gave them a direct interest in the community.

The Black community is ravished by crime and poverty! This will be the focus of my topic today!

Explanation of topic:
This is one of few opinionated topics on this blog!
"To truly love self, you must first find true love for others, then and only then you will have true love in you heart"! 

First many of you are new to Kemetic Belief System and Studies we in no way oppose any religion and we respect all religions, and everyone belief system except Atheist and Satanic worship!
It is our duty in Kemetics, to always help improve our community and the progression of our people in a God like manner and belief! We must not let politics get in the way of love, unity and progression of all people but especially Black people!

In my study of churches and communities in my personal travels in America, Brazil, Senegal and Spain with many more, I found the church of all ethnic groups was the back- bone of the community. The concerns and the interest of the community became the concerns and interest of the church. Whatever the community need the church played a role by making that come true!

In my reflection, in America and its major cities {Detroit} this concept has been long abandoned by Black church leaders? Why, because of greed!

Example: 1
Why is there a need for a ten {10} million dollar church in a community where the average income is less than thirty- five thousand {35,000} a year. Why are churches being built in communities that look like war- zones? When some of that money should have been allocated towards after- school programs, head- start programs and child- care services allowing young parents the excess to work and go to school which strengthens our community over all. Also in return this would also provide some much need jobs in the community. The more jobs in the community, the less crime and poverty in the community!

When talking to other ethnic church leaders Europeans/ Whites, Korean, Jewish and Latinos they had community invest programs set up within the church. The programs work like such, if a member of the church had a idea for a business the church would help in a number of different ways.

1. Providing seed money for business
2. Providing reference for qualified employees.    
3. Providing support with contracts with church services, if possible
4. Supporting the member, by encouraging other church members to buy from them.
5. Advertisement of business in church bulletins, also in good and welfare announcements during service.  

It is imperative that the Black Church take a direct interest in the communities they are in!

love, live and learn