Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Da Vinci Code- Decode Kemetics pt1

Da Vinci Code- Decode Kemetics pt1

I will try to decode much of the movie as possible for you. But you still need to study for self! Do not take my word to be the truth, study and learn for self, become a free thinker WITHIN REASON.

If you are serious for the new bloggers, you will need a pen & paper for this topic to take notes to study am going to go a little deep, depending on how much you study???

Symbols are very important this is why the movie starts off with symbols, so if the movie loses you, you can trace or find your way? Some of the symbols used are Kemetic, those are the symbols I will primarily be decoding for you.

In the introduction of the movie you see Kemetic  symbols.

The first Kemetic symbol introduce is Auset/ Isis and the child Heru/ Horus also known as the Shrine of the Black Madonna and Child, but to modern day Roman Catholic Christians it is known as Mother Mary and Christ.

Kemetic: Ancient Ethiopia & Egypt- The Nile river valley!

In the movie Professor Robert Langdon played by Tom Hanks, says this is the "Pagan God Horus and his Mother Isis centuries before Christianity"! That is true, but it wasn't centuries before Christianity, it was millenniums before Christianity!..

Centuries- means: Hundreds {100s}, in this case hundreds of years.
Millenniums- means: Thousands {1000s}, in this case thousands of years

Why does the movie take place in Paris?

Paris is a very important city, no not for fashion!.. But for religion, yes religion! Paris is name after the Kemetic Goddess Isis {Auset}. Ancient Paris was a holy center in Europe/ a Holy city! France is also the home of the original Knight Templars!

Paris: translated is Per- Isidios or Per Isis, which is a Black Woman!..
The old temple was dedicated in the honor of Isis, the Temple of Isis. The new temple/ church/ cathedral is called Norte Dame! Norte Dame simply means "Our Lady"
Isis is Greek for Auset. Auset is Kemetic/ African origin.

Scared Feminine:

The next clue is very important, Professor Langdon gives a speech on religious symbols, but does a book signing for the book "symbols of the Scared Feminine"? This clue is significant, because before Christianity people, especially African and African- Descent people worshiped feminine/ women Goddess and deities!

The worshiping of males/  God and deities ONLY {the father & son} is actually very new. This is consider very wrong in Kemetics, we follow the natural order of the universe. The natural order of the universe is that you need both species male and female to procreate.


Procreating takes us to the next Kemetic symbol in the movie the pyramid. In the movie the pyramid sits in front of the famous Louver Museum.

In Kemetics the pyramid actually has many meaning depending on who you ask? But the true or original meaning of the pyramid is geometric harmony. What geometric harmony actually means is that how things fit or work together mathematically.

Now this takes us to metaphysic which I will not get into because you need to be tutored to truly understand. But the symbols for male and female are;

Males: upright pyramid
Females: inverted pyramid

This Kemetic symbol is commonly know as the "Star of David". The symbol did not originate with King David or the so- called Jews, the symbol predates Judaism by millennium's.

Opus Dei and Knight Templars, secret meaning:

Opus Dei and Knight Templars identity has changed over time. Knight Templars started out very good and innocent when a Black European Frenchman found the order Hugh De Payens and his Black cousin Saint Bernard of Clairvaux, France. But when White Europeans took over the order they went crazy for money and power!

So there was a very secret, secret war between the White Roman Christians/ Catholics and the Black African Christians/ Catholics of Alexandria, Egypt. This secret war is sometimes refer to as the "Arian Controversy"!..

When studying the Arian Controversy, you have to read between the lines, because this plays into one of  the biggest cover- ups in modern history. If the truth was told, lets just say there would not be any Abrahamic Beliefs {Judaism, Christianity or Islam} as you know them today!..

Fibonacci Sequence:

Is better known as the Golden Ratio.
I will do a blog explaining the Fibonacci sequence at a later date.

Da Vinci:

I will explain also at later day, and his Kemetic secret?

Love, live and learn