Saturday, August 30, 2014

Metu Neter: Explained

Metu Neter: Explained

The Metu Neter: Maybe spelled differently depending on who is doing the spelling. But in its most simplistic form it means God/ Goddess or Deity/ Deities, a higher spiritual being or beings. I found this on the web and copied it because it was simple and to the point and that's Kemetics.

Netjer Medu (also spelled Neter Metu, Medu Neter, Metu Neter) is the sacred Khemetan pictographic writing, argued to be the most ancient writing system in Our known historical period. Roughly, it translates as "Divine Words", "Divine Writing" or "Divine Speech", and was used extensively on the walls and shapes of Temples and Monuments, tombs and coffins of Par-aou, sacred statues and papyrus scrolls. Today, it is more widely known by its hellenic substitute "hieroglyphics".

Netjer Medu consisted of various symbols, arranged in innumerable combinations, to relate each highly abstract and spiritual relation between Netjeru and Humans. The ultimate example of the Wise saying "a picture is worth a thousand words", Netjer Medu portrayed the Powers of Earth and Cosmos--and how they related to Human life--through the images of animals, astral entities, terrestrial entities, symbols of kingship and power, the human anatomy and others; in addition, the meaning and intent of the message being related changed with as little as a subtle alteration in the positioning of the symbols. Regardless of modern assumptions and hypotheses, the precision and meticulousness of the Khemtnu when relaying Their messages can not be overstated.

Although european linguist wallis budge is credited for "deciphering the hieroglyphics"--assigning the latinized alphabet to the Meduwtu (Khemetan letters and words)--the "Divine Words" were not intended to be reduced to conventional spelling methods used in today's languages. The primary purpose of Netjer Medu was to vividly depict the Shetaut Netjer nu Khemtnu, the Khemetan mysticism of

Heru on the Boat of Ra. Heru brings forth the Light of Consciousness.en(Light)ening the Human Consciousness for the preparation and allowance of the release of the Ba from the body after death. Oftentimes, this intricate and mystical process was to be reserved for the Par-ao, who was viewed as the Divine Earth representative of and direct connection to the Netjeru; this is why the coffin, tomb and monuments of the King were extensively decorated with Netjer Medu.

Netjer Medu is a highly abstract form of writing, only Overstood by the Khemtians or rather, the Nile Valley Civilization--as They were the Only People that Overstood Their natural spiritual connection to Ra-Ka- Ba and Netjeru. Each symbol represented not only a concept, but also the natural essence of that concept. Example is as follows: The Great Heru was depicted in the image of the Hawk. Depending on the message being portrayed in the specific symbol, Heru is shown as the full body of a young Hawk, a Human with a Hawk head, etc. As Heru was a Netjer nu Ra (Power of Ra, Solar Netjer), His Name represents that which is up or that which is risen high, namely meaning, the High Sun. The Hawk, being a bird, represents the ability of one that is capable of connecting the Earth to the Sky when it takes flight; therefore, the Hawk also represents that which is up or that which is risen high. However, remaining Conscious of the importance of Duality to the Khemtnu, Heru represents the Conscious Light that is up or risen high. When One would achieve Their Highest Light of Consciousness, They were said to have been "One with Heru". The Rau-nu-Pert-M-Heru, or "Teachings of Coming Forth into Spiritual Light" (misnomered 'Book of the Dead') contains the intricate process of raising and nurturing this Conscious Light.

Consequently, foreign people ignorant of this Wisdom often mis-interpreted the purity and essence of its meaning and intent, even expressing their ignorance further by reducing the "Divine Words" as being "primitive animism". Although efforts have been made by Europeans and other groups to "break the symbol code", their efforts are oftentimes used Against the Kemetic Belief System in return for the progression of their own agendas. This is why there remains a firm need for a re-discovery of Ancient Kemetic System, Netjer Medu and Meroitic {Ethiopian} writings.

love, live and learn

The 42 Negative Confessions:

     The 42 Negative Confession:

The 10 commandments originate from these 42 confessions!
  1. I have not committed sin.
  2. I have not committed robbery with violence.
  3. I have not stolen.
  4. I have not slain men or women.
  5. I have not stolen food.
  6. I have not swindled offerings.
  7. I have not stolen from God/Goddess.
  8. I have not told lies.
  9. I have not carried away food.
  10. I have not cursed.
  11. I have not closed my ears to truth.
  12. I have not committed adultery.
  13. I have not made anyone cry.
  14. I have not felt sorrow without reason.
  15. I have not assaulted anyone.
  16. I am not deceitful.
  17. I have not stolen anyone’s land.
  18. I have not been an eavesdropper.
  19. I have not falsely accused anyone.
  20. I have not been angry without reason.
  21. I have not seduced anyone’s wife.
  22. I have not polluted myself.
  23. I have not terrorized anyone.
  24. I have not disobeyed the Law.
  25. I have not been exclusively angry.
  26. I have not cursed God/Goddess.
  27. I have not behaved with violence.
  28. I have not caused disruption of peace.
  29. I have not acted hastily or without thought.
  30. I have not overstepped my boundaries of concern.
  31. I have not exaggerated my words when speaking.
  32. I have not worked evil.
  33. I have not used evil thoughts, words or deeds.
  34. I have not polluted the water.
  35. I have not spoken angrily or arrogantly.
  36. I have not cursed anyone in thought, word or deeds.
  37. I have not placed myself on a pedestal.
  38. I have not stolen what belongs to God/Goddess.
  39. I have not stolen from or disrespected the deceased.
  40. I have not taken food from a child.
  41. I have not acted with insolence.
  42. I have not destroyed property belonging to God/Goddess

Transfer: Sumerian Belief System

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Sumerian Belief System

Sumerian Belief System:

I want to discuss Sumerian Belief System. It has been dismissed by a lot of scholars and scientist. Not because it isn't true, but actually because it is true. It has had great influence on the bible, many story from the bible come from Sumerian.

Judaism is made up of two {2} other older belief systems. This is due to the two {2} primary writers of the old testament. Abraham and Moses, Abraham really is not a writer as a influence on the old testament. Abraham influence comes from his home land Sumeria. Moses influence comes from his home land Ancient Egypt {Kemet}.

Abraham is from Ur of the Chaldees, Chaldees are just a small tribe in Sumeria that come to power for a little while. But the city of Ur is famous and is talked about alot in the old testament.

If you believe the story of Moses it comes from both Sumeria and Kemet. Moses character is Sumerian, but also very Kemetic.

Judaism and Sumerian comparisons:
1.  The Creation Story: That the world was created in seven {7} days. That the world was created with water first then land came.

That God created us from his image. The first man created by the Sumerian God Enki is called "Adamu", which is very similar the to first man God created "Adam".

2. The Garden of Eden: In the Sumerian story Enki lives in a beautiful garden with lots of beautiful plants. Enki has preferred fruits that he should eat and not eat from! The Sumerian word for pasture or grazing land is called Edin, very similar to Eden. Gardens are so important to Sumerians that they are in and around their temples. This would later be transfer to Babylon cultures and the Hanging Gardens of Babylon, which would be one the 7 wonders of the ancient world!

3. The Great Flood Story: That the world was destroyed by water.

4. Moses birth is actually a carbon copy story of King Sargon of Akkad. Both were plotted on to be murder. Both where put in a basket sent down a river, and then saved!

The key to the story is Abraham, who is from Sumeria, if we know about the story you know he knew about them since he lived there!

love, live and learn

Transfer: Banking and the Doomsday Prophecy:

Saturday, November 9, 2013

Banking and the Doomsday Prophecy:

Banking and the Doomsday Prophecy:

I will discuss the American banking system, and its link to the end of the world! This is a hard topic to write about, I apologize to people who are new to this subject. If you chose to read this, you will need a pen and paper and a lot of time for research!

Understanding Subject:
The modern U.S. Banking System is totally illegal under U.S. Constitution? U.S. Banking System undermines the law and language of the U.S. Constitution so I will break it down the best I can, but this is a complicated subject to explain to the average person. But for the same reason it is complicated this is how they have been getting away with for so long!

Holy Bible: 1 Timothy ch:6 ver:10
For the love of money is the root to all kinds of evil!

The U.S Constitution:
Is the highest laws of the land! All laws in the United States at all levels local, state and federal must be in accordance with the Constitution to be a law within the United States!

Article 1, Section 10:
States that all money in the United States must be coined by stamping on a metal of gold or silver {no paper money}.  

U.S. Banking System Illegal:
The Federal Reserve Bank is not a government entity! It is in fact a quasi- government bank? Is a company acting on the behalf of the government interest.

The United States Post Office, Sallie Mae and Freddie Mac are all quasi- government companies, that are regulated by the United Stated government. The Federal Reserve which is also a quasi- government company is "NOT REGULATED" by the government?

The Federal Reserve is also guilt of being a "Banking Cartel", which means it is a monopoly of bankers. Monopolies are illegal under the federal law, known as the "Sherman Antitrust Act of 1890".

Current Banking System:
The current banking system is called a "Fiat Money System".
Fiat Money system- means: incontrovertible paper money made legal tender by a government decree.
What this means in the simplest explanation that the money is worthless. "Its not even worth the ink it was printed with"! 

Capitalism & Fiat Money System:
A little history for fans of America being the greatest country in the world!

First: America did not invent capitalism it was invent in Ethiopia, Africa by King Ezana the first King in the world to have stamp and mint gold coins in his Empire as a medium for exchange for purchasing goods.

But in the Western world the French and Spanish done it first. I will use the French version of capitalism since thats the name of the system we adopted is from the French "Laissez- Fair" which means free market.

French Capitalism System History:
The brief history of French Capitalism, capitalism is basically a large pyramid- scheme the people at the top make all the money on the backs of the people on the bottom. So when the French people figured out that they had been swindle by the people at the top, this cause the French Revolution which resulting in the execution of the man at the top of the pyramid scheme King Louis XVI {16th}!

Quick reminder capitalism system only last about 250 to 300 years before the bottom falls out and the system totally collapses! In America we are right at the edge of that span, we probably have 5 to 25 years to go before a total fall out. 1930s Great Depression was the first major crack in the system. 2007 to currently is the second major crack in the system, which it will never be a full recovery. The next fall out is total collapse of the system! This is what is really meant by government over debit- ceiling debates and government shut- downs they trying to slow the inevitable total collapse of the system.

Start of Doomsday Prophecy:
Americans are over burden with debit. We shop to much and produce and manufacturer to little, this is then compound 100 times to the Black community which not only has no money, but has no ownership of anything in their community. This means what you see in my home city of Detroit, Michigan is total anarchy, because of a collapsed economic system within the city!

Black communities are always the test tube or precursor to what is to come for the rest of America. But White America is a split on this subject? Some, White Americans feel they should help inner- cities rebuild, before it reaches them? Other, White Americans feel like let the inner- cities fail and they will rebuild from the ashes as they have always done in America! These White America do not see the writing on the wall or do not really care and are willing to ride it out for good or bad!

Doomsday Prophecy:
One World Order is not coming, it is here! They restarted it 1776 with the founding of America. They are now in the last hour of their master plan! I have been flowing this for about 20 years now. When, I first start following the New World Order the ultra rich was a controlling group of 10 to 20 percent of the worlds population. Now today they are 1 percent of the world population!

This means if the Bible is right the rise of the anti- Christ is upon us, but more then likely he is already here! So here is the prophecy in a short summary. Once the New World Order is in place which means governments control your life, and they can do what they want like the Roman Empire did and the killing of Jesus Christ. He will appear as a great savior to unify the people from the harsh conditions we live in, but this causes one problem we have to give him power he can not take it! So by you being so poor and despaired you will give him what ever he wants, which is ultimate power!

So now the 1 percent is picking a royal family out of the west, Europe to lead the world, but out of this royal family {house} a single leader will be picked which will be the Anti- Christ. That will bring about the destruction of the world as you know it today!

This is the prophecy, rather you believe it or not does not matter, but the fact you can see all around you is what matters!

love, live and learn