Friday, October 24, 2014

Transfer: Stonehenge

Tuesday, October 1, 2013



Stonehenge came up in another topic but I want to discuss Stonehenge in a little more detail to help Black people understand their culture and history!

Stonehenge is located in Wiltshire, England. It is suggested it is 2,000 to 3,000 years old, many suggest older. It is made out of large stones/ rocks.

Many European and White {American} scientist have study it, none claim they know who made or what it is for!

I claim to know who made it and what it is for! I will give you my answer and my research in detail.

How am I able to figure out things simply, that European researchers can not? Easily, RACISM it blinds like a disease until you can no longer see clearly at all anymore. That's because it poisons your mind then your heart until you are consumed with hatred.

Who built Stonehenge?

We have to look at the people that lived in this area at the time. Most people think that White people lived here first, incorrect they came from North- Eastern Europe, near Ural and Caucasus mountain regions of Europe.

It is the Black African Grimaldi people that live in Southern Europe and along the Mediterranean coast- line and the British Isle. These areas of Europe, have similar climates to North Africa. The next thing you must understand that Europe has many periods of freezing and thawing weather patterns {eras}.

So about 5,000 to 3,500 years ago the Africoid people living in this area where the Picts, Silures and Celt?

Celt seems to be a early name for Phoenicians sailors and the Phoenicians that man the out- post of the British Isle. The original Brits/ Britons where also Black African people also.       

 Now we have identify 3 major groups living it what is now known as the British Isles.

Morien is the Black man responsible for building Stonehenge.

Gerald Massey a Englishmen {White-man} and Egyptology wrote a book called "A book of beginnings, to the Egyptian origins in the British Isle".

English Nobility knows the true history of their people. Unlike in America, not anyone can become a Knight, Manson, Druid or Rosicrucian! You have to come from Nobility or made great accomplishments in life to be let in and become on of the elite! But, every once in awhile one of these members of these groups becomes upset for what ever reason and leaks this information to the general public! This still happens today, this is how Blacks have learn so much, plus Whites did it to us this how they came into power in the first place, these things go back and forth in cycles!

Morien, was Kemetian/ Cushite, {Nubian/ Ethiopia}. He was believed to be a Black Druid.

Stonehenge is a place of prayer, a sacred place used by pre- Druids and pre- Christian ceremony. It is a stellar calender/ a star disk!

Love, Live and learn