Thursday, April 16, 2015

Transfer: Hair is Conscious

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Hair is Conscious?

Hair is Conscious?

This is a follow up topic to-  Hair weave is it a social problem? First let me address the old topic before going into the new topic!!!

The whole hair weave topic was not intend as a attack on sister's! Anybody that knows me, will tell you, I am very liberal when it comes to women and women rights!

I am a true African, and in belief especially! {Kemetic} This means we as Africans totally support women to the fullest. Meaning that a man doesn't fully understand life, until he has had a wife! A King can not be a King without a Queen! A God can not be a God without a Goddess! We total reject any belief system of a God without a female! {European/ Western Christianity}
In our African/ Eastern Christianity the highest royal position belongs to a woman! {The Kings- Mother}. So you see my belief system, empowers woman to the fullest!

The next thing about the topic, is that is titled as a QUESTION not a statement! Am asking people what do you think? Not telling them anything! I do SUGGEST some facts to support my opinion, but am not claiming them to be the undisputed truth! The ideas especially do not apply to every woman! So if you read the topic and felt it was not right but did not apply to you anyway? What are you really saying?

Now on to the current topic "Hair is Conscious?"

So a deep telephone debate started over the older topic of hair which lead to me showing the person the information am about to discuss now to farther and expand on the topic, now we are going hard!

Queens, I was trying to wake yall up, not upset you, but if upsetting you will wake you up, I have no problem with that either!

This whole hair topic is a spiritual level or consciousness am trying to get you to see! If you got perms and or weave/ extensions- dead hair from another human it is all the same it is a unnatural state you are in!

Unlike  Black men who are under European ideology and belief, {niggas}. The conscience Black man, under African ideology and belief {kemetic}, totally understand we can not be totally free nor liberated without the Black woman{Queen} without her being free and liberated also, from European ideology {spiritually, mental and physical}. If we can not reach our Queens then we are forced to stay here {a state of HELL} with her because we damn sure not leaving her along. If we wanted to leave, we can't leave anyway because the Black woman is the key to the Black man existing on any level life!

So we need are woman to adopt a more natural state of being on this physical plane we are on, so we can use her in-depth spirituality to talk to God. What am I saying?

1. First of all woman are way more spiritual then men are, any man!!! She poses many hidden talents unknown and not explainable to man. The Black woman can instantly go to the 4th, 5th and 6th dimensions of the universe without even thinking about it! As far as men go we have to train a life time, and still not make to the 4th dimension? {we are currently in the 3rd dimension thus the abbreviation 3d}.

2. The God Factor/ melanin/ dark matter! This is where hair comes into play. Melanin is what you need to connect with God. Melanin is produce in every organ of the human body because it is so important. Now science class, in biology the skin is a organ, it is the biggest organ on your body! It is called the "Integumentary system" . Hair and nails are also part of this system! So if your skin is your biggest organ that means it would produce the largest amount of melanin! Thus if you are Blacker, then your God Factor would be greater or and stronger then most. So what is the darkest or Blackest thing on your body? your HAIR!!!

3. Now adding 1. and 2. together you see how powerful the Black woman is!!! She has a un- matched spirituality. She has a hyper- drive to jump dimensions, plus high content of melanin/ God factor element!

Now you are starting to see the importance of the Black woman and her hair! Wait, am not done.
Now to explain the whole hair issue clearly. The hair works like antenna to picking up frequency from God, to talk to God directly!

The hair works like antenna off a television when picking up reception. The hair even has electricity in it carrying a natural charge! You may have notice this when combing your hair or a person with long hair, you sometimes get shocked?               

But if you have a perm, weave/ extension or dead human hair in your head, you have no or blocked reception to talk to God! This is the social problem with weave, our mothers, wives, sisters and daughters have blocked or no reception to talk to God, about the spiritual matters of our people!

So, am crazy right! I know, but keep reading a little more?

Locks/ dreadlocks are very spiritual not only for Rastafarian {some, Jamaican people} , who believe in our true bloodline from Ethiopia! But also Jesus Christ {a Black man} wore locks also, he belong to many priesthoods, but one was very powerful with God. This group of high priest was called the Nazarites!

Nararites are not to be confused with people from the city of Nazarene, two total different groups! Nararites are all thought out the Bible, the bibles mention a few of them Jesus, Samson and Paul! John the Baptist we feel strongly, but no concrete evidence to claim?
Remember the story of Samson? They cut his HAIR and he loss his powers!  
Holy Bible:
Book of Numbers ch.6 ver: 1- 21
Book of Judges ch. 13 ver: 3- 5
Book of Acts ch. 18 ver: 18
Unfortunately the Holy Bible is bias towards women, no proof in Bible to show, only proof I have is in African {kemetic} studies.

Perm- define in short: Perm stands for permanent/ a permanent- state- of- mind! meaning once you put a perm in your hair the process can never be undone! Even if you cut the perm out of the hair, the hair- follicle is still damage and never  returns to its natural state again!!!

So as you see hair is very important to the conscience state of the Black people {Africans} this is why it must be consider a social issue?

love, live and learn

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