Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Blacks in the Bible: pt1 geography

Blacks in the Bible:

Blacks in the Bible is a new sub- topic which am researching in depth. I think this is a starting point for all groups/ Black groups to come together. I think also we spend to much time on where the boat drop us off at, rather than where the boat pick us up from!...

In this study we will examine the geography before the people, to help us all get on the same page. This will take us to Pangaea, Pangaea is the name of the super continent. The one single land mass, when all the continents were connected.

This brings us to topic of rivers and the garden of Eden? 

Some researchers claim that the Amazon is connected to the Nile and the Nile is connected to the Tigris and Euphrates. Okay lets look at this, using facts. The first fact, is that dates are not important because most of these events happened before recorded history, which would make the dates wrong any way.

I do not think personally, but could be wrong, that the Amazon and Nile were ever connected? The reason why, is the current in which the two (2) rivers flow. The Nile flows from south to north being feed by Lake Victoria.

Lake Victoria is a water fall, like Niagara falls, they are sister falls, but Lake Victoria is twice (2) the sizes of  Niagara falls.

The Amazon is feed by the Atlantic ocean and release into the Pacific ocean. The Amazon current is a east to west flow. When studying river system, there are certain things you need.

1. what water sources feeds the river.
2. a mouth or delta, where the water is released.
3. what tributaries does the river feed.

The Nile is bigger than the  Amazon but not by much, only a few hundred feet. Therefore I do not, think that the Nile river is big enough to feed the Amazon nor is the Amazon big enough to feed the Nile. So my conclusion is that these are two (2) totally different water systems based on the facts given.

I will give up a secret to help solve this riddle. The dried up river in the Sahara desert could have been connected to the Amazon on Pangaea?

The Tigris and Euphrates is feed by the Taurus mountains in Turkey, so this doesn't fit into a universal water system on Pangaea either?

Some suggest that the Mississippi is connected to the Nile? Yes, they both run north and south, but no, not in my opinion they are connected. The Mississippi is feed from the north, the Canadian mountains. The Mississippi starts in Minnesota. But also, all the maps I seen of Pangaea the Americas are placed west of Africa not on top, which would make the two (2) rivers connect.

But no ones knows for sure we all could be wrong or right? That's the beauty of discovery and research! Have fun and get the youth involved!

love, live and learn     


Transfer: Texas. The Lone Star State and Racism

Saturday, October 26, 2013

Texas: The Lone Star State and racism!

Texas: The Lone Star State and racism!

What exactly does lone star state mean since America is fifty {50} different states join together to make the United States of America?

The states as you know them today are not always so, or should i say how the story of the states were formed or told to you?

The Republic of Texas was formed in 1836 to 1846. Texas was its own country separate from the United States. Texians bargained their own deal with the Spanish government whom ruled over Mexico at the time. This deal included all of modern day Texas and parts of  present day- Oklahoma, Kansas, Colorado, Wyoming and New Mexico. This deal was known as the Treaties of Velasco {Freeport, Texas} in 1836.

During this time Texas adopted the lone star to represent, them as a sovereign and independent nation!    

United States:
But the United States had also bargain with the Spanish for Florida which at the time was also the coast line of Georgia, Alabama and Mississippi with parts of Louisiana and lower Texas up to the Sabine river. This is known as the Adams- Onis Treaty of 1819, which cost the United States five million dollars. But boards and territory where unclear and poorly define. So there where many boarder disputes between U.S., French and Spanish governments.

When Texas was annexed into the United States in 1845, the United States adopted Texas board dispute which led to war eventually, with Mexico.

Texas Racism:
Many Texas hated this, many to this day still whisper annexing from the United States! Especially after the Civil War when the South was defeated by the North. The last battle of the Civil War was fought in Texas.

Texians were so mad over their defeat they never even told the slaves they where free in Texas! This is know as June- teenth? Not really sure, many rumors circulate? Federal troops had to be sent to the South but especially Texas to free Black people!

Texian also hated Native Americans {Indians}. Texian systematically expulse Native Americans {Indians} from there newly acquired lands!

To this day Texas is the number one {1} state in the executions of Black men in America!

Because of a lack of knowledge my people shall be destroyed! Bible, book of Hosea ch. 4 ver: 6

love, live and learn