Monday, August 4, 2014

Ethiopia pt. 3

Ethiopia pt. 3


By modest accounts Kings and Queens of Ethiopia go back at least 5,000 B.C.E. That is proven very easily when studing Ethiopia history. Western/ Europeans discredit the facts and dates to undermine Ethiopia as a Royal Seat and a global power.

By studing Ethiopian history, this will show that Western/ European history and culture is for the most part fictional especially when dealing with the so- called Jews of Europe.

Royalty and Hebrews/ Jews:

Many of the people of Ethiopia are consider the lost tribes of Israel. The debate comes into play because the Hebrew/ Holy Bible was copied and translated from the Ethiopian Bible! The Ethiopian Holy Book said that they are the original Hebrews/ Jews, long before any of the White European/ Jews claimed or knew anything about Judaism?

Ashkenazi Jews- are European German based Jew
Khazars Jews- are European Russian/ Eastern European Jew
Sephardic Jews- are a European Spanish {Spain &France} or Hispanic Jews

Black Hebrews took Judaism with them into Southern Europe, and taught it to European people.
The oldest settlements and culture in Southern Europe is that of African people! Northern Europe was occupied by White European/ Caucasians.

These Black Hebrews, from the Ethiopian states or Kingdom, started the royal house of Europe!

Moors {Muslims} came much later in 711 B.C.E. by this time many of the Black Hebrew royal house had mixed with White European creating a biracial/ mulatto race of Hebrews in Europe. This is how Queen Elizabeth of England can claim she is of Hebrew descent!..

Queen Elizabeth of England is a so- called Ashkenazi Jew, she is a descent of the Germany royal house of Saxe- Coburg and Gotha.

Ethiopian Royal House:

Last Emperor of Ethiopia Halle Selassie. Halle Selassie blood-line goes back to over 200 generations! Halle Selassie is related to Menelik I, Menelik I is the son of Hebrew King Solomon and Ethiopian Queen of Sheba

Her actual name is hard to define because of translation? Queen in Ethiopian translates to actual English names, explain "Candace" means Queen in Ethiopian, which is a title and not a actual name?

But remember all modern day religions/ Abrahamic faiths, are Jewish sects at the core, European Christianity/ Roman Catholic and Islamic  Orthodox Muslims {Sunni}.

This is the brief summary of the Royal Ethiopian House, the complete story is a series within its self, which I will do a later date!

love, live and learn