Thursday, September 4, 2014

Transfer: Black Women in Greek Mythology

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Black Women in Greek Mythology

Black Women in Greek Mythology:

No longer shall the present of Black Women in history be put aside or simply ignored by Black and White scholars alike! Their is no history without the presence or influence of Black Women, all concepts and ideas from religion to farming come from Black Women, as African people we should be totally ashamed of the treatment and lack of respect of Black Women! Greek mythology is Western culture religion, before their adaption, and rearranging of Christianity. This adaptation of the  European version of Christianity has systematically attacked and with the expulsion of Black Women from history and religion!

Black Women in Greek Mythology:
Black Women play a great role in Greek Mythology! Thus I will share the story of a few on this topic. As White Men have omitted the role of Black people from history but especially Black Women,  we must reinstall the Black Goddess and Queens to their proper position in history and present day life!

I have written about Andromeda in great detail on the blog, {You can research her on the blog in the achieves on the blog, simply type her name in the box.}

Andromeda is a Ethiopian princess, she is the daughter of the Ethiopian King Cepheus and Queen Cassiopeia whom ruled Colchis, Greece. She is also the wife of Greek mythology hero Perseus. Perseus is a Demi- God his father is the Greek God Zeus and his mother is the princess Danae the daughter of the King of Argos. Perseus is known as the father of the Persians. Together Perseus and Andromeda make the nation of light- skinned Arabs.

Cassiopeia is the Ethiopian Queen of Colchis and wife of King Cepheus. She is the mother of Andromeda and mother-in-law to Greek hero Perseus. She is one of the most beautiful women in the history of the world. But this would bring great hardship on her family, because of the Black Queens boasting of how beautiful her and her daughter was this angered the Gods, especially the God of the sea Poseidon! Poseidon was angered and vowed to destroy Ethiopia because of Queen Cassiopeia boasting and bragging which upset a lot of other Goddess and Queens.
Once again you see the hidden message, God or Gods are angry with Black African people!

 Princess Medea:
Medea is also a Black princess, her father was King Aeetes of the Black Kingdom of Colchis. Princess Medea is best known for helping Jason and the Argonauts capture the Golden Fleece. That is the basic story there are many different variants to this story. No one can be certain how the story really went, the only thing for certain is that she was in love with Jason, and she made him promise her, for her help he would marry.

Circe is the daughter of the God Helios! Helios is the sun God and is a Titan! Also sister of King Aeetes of Colchis.

Titan: are older Gods and Goddess in Greek mythology. They are older and lived before Zeus and the Olympians! 
There are many variants to her story but she is best known for helping her niece Princess Medea and Jason of the Argonauts. She later moves to what is now known as Italy, so she is also in Italian mythology!

Here are a few but there are more Black women in Greek Mythology, learn to read knowing who you are reading about, it helps!

love, live and learn  

Transfer: Symbolism: Christianity

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Symbolism: Christianity

Symbolism: Christianity

Symbolism is the uses symbols to represent ideas or quartiles. Symbolism is used in all parts of life especially religion. So I will discuss some symbols in Christianity.

The fish is represent, the age of Pisces. The age of Pisces is represented in the aspect of monotheism, which is not necessary true. But that is what is said, concerning Pisces.

Monotheism has always existed, in ancient Ethiopia and Egypt {Kemet}. The Deity Atom/ Atum/ Amen are all variant spellings of the monotheistic deity. Amen is still worship by Christians without their knowledge after each prayer they say "Amen".    

Pisces meaning is more metaphysical than anything else. If you find a bible old enough it will say, in Jesus words "I will be with until the end of the age"! Represent a new savior or his "re-birth".

European Christianity:
Has super imposed a male figure {deity} over the female! This is actually done to represent Zeus- the Greek deity.

African {Kemetic} Christianity:
Is represent by two {2} divine halves female and male, coming together as one divine being again! This is reinforce through marriage, two {2} people coming together to be one! So now you have two {2} people, that has become one!

The Cross:
The Cross is symbolic of Jesus death! But, actually this was a common way to die in those times. The Romans used this type death for shameful way to die, plus it was a slow and painful death. This is known as a type of impalement.   

These are a few to know and research there are many, many more but I felt they were to controversial to mention at this time?

love, live and learn