Sunday, August 3, 2014

Ethiopia pt2

Ethiopia pt2

Understand Ethiopia's history is important to being Black/  Kemetic.

Unknown facts about Ethiopia?

Ethiopia is the birth place of Human Beings, that's different from mankind?
The Great Rift Valley {Ethiopia/ Kenya} in East Africa is where the oldest bones of a Human was found.

Ethiopia in Bible, Torah and Quran teachings:

The Garden of Eden in the Holy Bible is in Ethiopia! Gihon the second river, that winds through the land of Cush. Cush is the biblical name for Ethiopia.

The name Ethiopia comes from one of the names of Cush son's, according to the Ethiopian Bible "The Book of Ge'ez".

Ge'ez is the Semitic language of Ethiopians the original Hebrews/ Jews!  

Much of what we know about Ethiopia comes from Greek historians. By the time Greece was established circa 1000 B.C.E., Ethiopia was already a ancient country! So Greek history really isn't that reliable when it comes to Ethiopian History.    

Cush the biblical name for modern day Ethiopia.
Cushites the biblical name for people called Ethiopians.

At one time the entire continent of Africa was called Ethiopia, in honor of the founders of Black and Kemetic civilization. The Atlantic Ocean was once called the Ethiopian Sea.

Ancient Greek and Ethiopian mystery:

The first 300 years of Greek culture is established by Black Africans, this is the mystery Europeans do not want you to know!... The first Kings and Queens of Greece were Black Africans!.. This information comes from White/ European Greeks when they tell their history.

Homer the Greek historian and poet, author of The Odyssey & Iliad. Gives many details of Ethiopians living in Greece and as rulers of Greece. "King Cepheus & Queen Cassiopeia of Colchis, Greece modern day Russia! They are the parents of Princess Andromeda, whom married the fame hero Perseus. Other Ethiopian's are mentioned in the stories about Jason and the Golden Fleece.

Ethiopia in the Middle Ages:

Many of you think castle building was invented in Europe, a lie! Castle building started in Africa but flourished in Ethiopia because they had some much wealth from the famed "Silk Roads into China which they controlled.

Gondar, Ethiopia has more castle per square acre then any other place in the world! Many of the castles in Ethiopia are older and better built than the ones in Europe!

During this time many Muslims lived in Ethiopia, Black Muslims!.. Ethiopia had been a culture center for ages. Ethiopia was the original, New York City the Empire City!

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