Monday, November 24, 2014

Transfer: Black Americans are the original Hebrews

Monday, September 9, 2013

Black Americans are the original Hebrews

Black Americans are the original Hebrews?

Black Americans do you really know who you are? Many of you do not, because of your lack of knowledge of African people and history. Hebrews are a African people/ not to be confused with European Jews!

Originally Hebrew people come from the East African region, primarily what is known as Ethiopia today. The key to tracking or following people is to study their linguistic/ language. If you study African languages you will see that Hebrew is a African language under the sub- group Semitic languages.      

Jews are primarily two{2} European groups, from the north Russia and Germany they are known as Ashkenazi Jews. The other group Khazars comes from Eastern Europe or what is known as the Asian Minor {Turkey, Albania Romania and Bulgaria}.

When you read about European history and you see the word Gypsies, this means they are referring to people from Egypt or that associated themselves with Egyptians.  

Now the tricky part before I begin, mostly all European people have some or a little African blood in them especially those that live in Southern Europe or what is known as the Mediterranean coast line, Spain, France and Italy. Also around the island countries of Europe like the British Isle countries England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales.

Now I will do my best to explain in a short version, of what is a very long and enduring subject that is over the course of thousands of years!

Some of first Hebrews that left Ethiopia/ Egypt were after the death Akhenaten?

"I am still researching this cloudy subject, but some including myself believe the story of Moses in the Holy Bible is a copied or made- up story"? I lean towards a copied story, I know for a fact many of the stories that are in the Holy Bible are copied stories for the most part, from the Ethiopian Bible! Thus leading me to believe that the story of Moses, is really the untold story of Akhenaten and some of his followers?

Akhenaten is for certain the prototype which the "Moses Myth" is based on! The accounts of what actually happen to Akhenaten and his followers is the subject of a debate?

Akhenaten was the first person in the recorded history of the world to suggest and practice "MONOTHEISM" thus appointing himself to the position of High Priest, which all followers had to go through him.

Christianity in no way shape or form is a true MONOTHEISTIC religion!!! Christianity is based off three {3} parts God, Jesus and Holy Spirit! Judaism and Islam are monotheistic religion because they only pray to their ONE GOD! Christianity is a polytheism religion because the 3 parts are equal, if you take away one part, the religion would not be the same!

So after the death of Akhenaten some scholars are starting to believe this set- up the base for what is now known as the original Hebrew people. His followers were driven out of their holy city "Amarna" and many were exiled out of the land of Kemet {Egypt}. They became scattered all over, but held on to the belief of "one" true God!

The next migration or the largest migration is when the invading forces of Alexander III, enter Kemet many fled before his arrival fearing their way of life and belief would be strip from them! Some went to southern Africa, many went to western Africa. This is why many beliefs and religion are similar to those in Eastern Africa {Egypt & Ethiopia}. Others where exiled out of Kemet for the none compliance of rules and laws set forth by the invading Greek army!

This specific story or folklore may be one of the greatest secrets ever told! After the crucifixion and death of Jesus Christ many Hebrews left East Africa and the African peninsula of Saudi Arabia.

1. Remember Jesus was a Hebrew not a Jew! Jesus was a Black man from Africa! No matter how you look at it he is Black from Ethiopian origins or from the African peninsula Arabia {Bethlehem} both places are in Africa. Next he spoke a dialect called Aramaic which is a language that comes out of Hebrew and in some places replaced Hebrew.

2. Christian were not called Christian during the life of Jesus because no such word existed? Christ comes from the Hindu God Krishna! Jesus real name was Yeshua! The disciple were first called Christians in a city called Antioch 70 years after the death of Jesus Christ!
Book of Acts ch.11 ver: 19- 26

3. The majority of Jesus/ Yeshua followers where from Kemet/ Egypt because they associated him with the second coming of Heru!

So after Jesus/ Yeshua death the three {3} Marys took up his followers and fled to Europe {France}, of fearing prosecution and death, by the {White/ Arab} Pale Jews!!!
a. His mother, Mary.
b. Lover/ Best friend, Mary Magdalene.
c. Aunt or mothers Aunt, Mary of Bethany.

This is how the occult of "The Shrine of the Black Madonna" {Mother Mary and Christ as a Child} was introduce into Europe. From the followers believing that Jesus/ Yeshua was or had been the second coming of Heru {Horus}!!!

This reinforce with other beliefs and religions similar by earlier Egyptians whom had fled prior to Jesus/ Yeshua followers coming to Europe also.

Remember the words Egyptian, Gypsy and Wander or {Wandering people} all mean the same thing.  

You have to dig deep to understand the messages in the Holy Bible! So what did Jesus/ Yeshua say about the so- called Jews around you {Pale Jews}?

Prayer and Reflection:
"Please, I beg you to stop and read your Holy Bible right now to this message by Jesus/ Yeshua".
Revelation ch.2 ver: 9 "Now tell me who in America fits that description more than Black people".
Remember Jesus said this NOT me, "Those who say they are Jews, ARE NOT JEWS"!

The next group to defect from Kemet/ Egypt came during the Counsel of Nicaea 325 c.e. After the Roman Emperor Constantine took over Christianity and insulted himself as the 1st Pope! All that disagree with him, in usual European style and format would be killed and assassinated! This would be the case and point with Arius the High Priest/ Bishop of Alexandria, Egypt, whom disagreed with Constantine and was his main rival in his decision about Christianity!

So Constantine order the assassination of Arius, but Arius and his followers the Arian brotherhood found out about the plot to have him killed and fled into what is known today as the Middle East and Eastern Europe. So now you have another wave of Egyptian entering Europe on the run from other Europeans again.

The irony of hatred towards Black Africans? So you have Hitler, during WWII promoting White supremacy during the golden age of the Nazi's. Never knowing the whole time that the "Arian Brotherhood" was started by a Black man from Libya and his followers were mostly Black men!
"Now you see how powerful knowledge of self is, to put those who challenge and oppose you so that can put them in their place, and show you are superior to their hateful ways"!

We are uncertain of how many Hebrews {Black people in the Americas} were sold into bondage by Black African non- Hebrew people {Some West African Kings} to the Europeans! They sold us off because we were foreigners in that land, and would not let go of our religion and beliefs! Plus we had started taking roots in West Africa especially in the Upper Volta, of Mali with the Dogon tribe! Spreading our beliefs to neighboring people. This endanger Kings of West Africa, because of a political coup could take place. So they sold us off to get rid of us and the possible problem we presented for them! But you are not going to find that in one history book because the Vatican Church of Rome issued a edict that all Christians must get permission before they taught anything about African people!

In the begin of the slave trade they put Christian names on the boats to trick the people to getting on them? Some boats are called Christ, the good ship Jesus, Trinity and Savior! Thus the term coined by Blacks "I am wait on my boat to come in" referring to good luck is about to happen?

Please, share and discuss with others, are 400 years of bondage been up Black Hebrews?

love, live and learn  

Transfer: Understanding of Eastern Religions/ Kemetic

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Understanding of Eastern Religions/ Kemtic

Understanding of Eastern Religions:

Preface: this is a very short and brief description of Kemetic {Eastern} belief system. It takes one full life time to understand 120 years of studying! "Read the Bible, yes God gave you a 120 years to live"
Book of Genesis ch. 6 ver: 3 

The first thing that must be understood is that in Africa {Kemet} what we call religion is known as a belief system. The belief is understood in Kemet that we are connected to God {Amen, Atum or Aten}. Religion {belief system} explains that relationship between man and God.

Religion in Eastern {African} belief is built upon a relationship that is through symbolism in nature. Nature is the major theme in Eastern beliefs.

To understand what am about to say, will go against everything you have been taught. The relation is shown through the natural state of things. Not like Charles Darwin "natural selection" a twisted ideology to prove superiority and inferiority among living things! This is totally wrong, the only superiority force in the universe is God {Amen, Atum or Aten}. All other things are simple extension of this Supreme Creator!

If God {Amen, Atum or Aten} created man in his image! The first man that he created was the African {Blackman}. Therefore the African would have direct knowledge of how God works. Like any child the first born, has a divine birth- right over all the other children {mankind}. Along with birthright the African has direct knowledge from God! {Adam in the garden of Eden}.

To understand God more clearly in a natural state of being or mind, as a pure thought of essence. This can only be done by looking at God as a scientist {Creator}. A Creator, creates and invents things {life}! The science that is used to do this is Metaphysics! The language used to explain the science is mathematics!

You were taught wrong from day one! Your religion taught you that nothing is perfect within the universe except God, this true only from a certain stand point? Christianity based from Europeans is a scheme devised to trick and control you. Never meant to free you, but to enslave your mind!

If nothing man can do is perfect than explain the development of math, is math not perfect? Does 1 + 1= 2 every time? Isn't the definition of perfection: to be precise and the same every time?

Therefore in three {3} short sentences, I have debunked the theory of man being imperfect.

Natures correlation to God:
I will use the example of animals. Man has done this since the began of time associate himself with animal characteristics. We do it every day through our sport teams Lions, Bears and Tigers etc: We do it socially through social clubs, Elks, Moose and Kiwi clubs.

But from your blind hatred for Egyptian and Ethiopians {Kemetians} taught to you from the Bible, you say they pray to animals? But lets look at that closely and see, how ignorant the Bible has made you!

We will look at the Egyptian crown there is a snake and a vulture on it.

1. The Vulture symbolically represent motherhood. In the animal kingdom the Vulture has the best vision of all animals, therefore seeing approaching danger from miles away, they are know to attack enemies miles away from the nest! So the Kings of Kemet adopted this, as they must be keen {smart} enough to see all approaching danger to the citizens of the kingdom.

The snake really has you messed up from the Bible, watch i will explain the ignorance of the Bible. The Bible totally missed interpreted the meaning of the snake, that's what happens when you steal things you mess them totally up!    

2. The snake symbolically represent the morality of mankind!!! The snake represents higher and lower self {conscious and unconsciousness}. Or from the street/ slang terminology, thinking with the little head and not the big head! The Kings of Kemet adopt the snake because of the belief in duality, what you know as the Ying and Yang. That you must always have moral balance, not letting the physical or material world over take the soul or conscious {spirit}. In science the snake has two {2}penis, which physically shows duality.

2a. That God put man and snake at odds, the snake strikes at the heels of man? No, the verse means that man is his own enemy if he does not balance his life and passions, they will overcome {addictions} him in life making him strife, at odds against himself or counter productive. In science the weakest part of a man is his heel. Better known in stolen Greek Mythology as "Achilles Heel"!

Please share with others, knowledge is KING!

love, live and learn