Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Transfer: Black Kingdom of Ancient Greece: Colchis

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Black Kingdom of Ancient Greece: Colchis

Black Kingdom of Ancient Greece: Colchis

To prove Black Africans found Greece! These accounts come from meticulous research of Greek Mythology. Greek Mythology is the story told by Greeks of their origins! Prometheus created mankind from clay, the beginning.

Ancient Kingdom Colchis:
Colchis is now modern day Georgia, Soviet Union  
Colchis is a kingdom of ancient Greece. Colchis is of great important, because it provides us with a lot  information concerning Black Africans in Greece in the beginning! When researching and studying the history of the country Georgia, it clearly states that Colchis and Iberia were ancient Kingdoms of Georgia.

Greek Mythology:
In Greek mythology the King Cepheus and Queen Cassiopeia of Ethiopia were the rulers of Colchis. These are the parents of Andromeda, wife of Perseus {Clash of the titans/ movies}. It was Queen Cassiopeia boasting about her and her daughter's beauty, being better than all the sea nymphs that angered Poseidon which caused his wrath to come against the nation of Ethiopia!   

Historical Colchis:
Herodotus the Greek historian gives us a full account of the first inhabitants of Colchis. Herodotus claims that the Colchis were original Nubian's from ancient Egypt {Kemet}, sent there on a conquering campaign by the Pharaoh Senusret /Sesostris of the 12th dynasty {1971- 1926 B.C.E.}. This would be 250 to 400 years older than the founding of the Greece we are familiar with today! This would put us more closely to the Mycenaean era of early Greece, with would put us closer to the Kemetic rulers Senusret II and Senusret III, all three {3} Senusret were rulers within the 12th dynasty{Grandfather, Father and Grandson}.

The story goes that during Senusret conquering campaign into Asia {modern day Greece} that some of his troops were cut off, being surround by the enemy they settle Colchis building a fort, and waited for reinforcements, which never came. Eventually they began to interact with the surrounding people, the Mycenaean!    

This means that the Greeks we know of today did not exist yet!!! The Mycenaean are the people who we are talking about now. It is well believed that Senusret found the city of Athens as a outpost in Asia. During this time frame of the Mycenaean Greece, the word "Europe" does not even exist yet this part of the world is referred to as Asia or the Asian Minor.

This means that all Greek history before the 8th century B.C.E. was told to the Greeks from non- Greeks source because no Greeks existed yet as we know them to be today!

The Black Sea:
The Black Sea is a body of water that is connected to a larger body of water the Mediterranean Sea. The ancient Kingdoms of Colchis and Iberia make- up part of the coastline of the Black Sea.
Defining the term Black Sea:
1. a body of water that is rough and hard to navigate.
2. the older definition, related to the hostile people that lived around the Black Sea, which referred to it being rough because there was no safe place to land, without being attacked.

The people that would have lived near the eastern board of the Black Sea would have been the descendants of the Kemetic troops that were cut off, from ancient Kemet!      

The founding of Athens was by King/ Pharaoh Senusret as a outpost. The name Athens itself comes from the goddess Athena? But this has two {2} major problems? Which I will resolve quickly!
1.Athena and her role in Greek mythology is a adaptation of the ancient Egyptian {Kemetian} goddess of war Neith!
2. Athena is the daughter of the Greek god Zeus, but the city Athens predates Zeus so the name could not have originated with Athena, cause her father was not born yet, let along her being born? 

Athena is a word from old and classical Greek. Athena is a hodge- podge translation of words from Phoenicians, ancient Crete and Greek. They are all translation of the word Neith- the ancient Egyptian {Kemetic} goddess of war!

Kemetic belief is based upon scared feminine, for the most part we believe in the worship of women. So in the ancient world many cities found by Black Africans or dedicated to African Deities will be name after women, this would be carried on in our conquering and influence in ancient Europe Athens, Paris and Sofia.

Pottery define:
Pottery is the next piece of evidence that I bring to support my case! Greek vases are priceless for more than one reason, for Africans and African descendent people it tells a specific story who we our!

In the case of Greek vases, in the early stages of Greek civilization, there is a specific art type known as Black- figurines? This is where epic scene of Greek history and mythology have been painted on vases, but most of the major characters are painted Jet- Black? Why is this, if ancient Greeks where all White people? I will tell you why cause the ancient Greeks where originally Black Africans! These art work themes are centered in Athens, Attica and Corinth, all were major cultural centers of ancient Greece!

No one else looks like us in the world, especially in Europe! So when you see Black or Brown people painted in Europe you know exactly who they are referring to, not the case of ancient Greece? Racism has blinded the White man again, nobody depicts themselves totally opposite from how they really look! Whites and Europeans insists that these are all White people even if they are depicted in jet- Black paint? This is how hatred drives you crazy!!!

I purposely saved the best for last! This is known as the death blow to racism! African involvement in the Trojan War!!!

Trojan War: The Undisputed Truth
In 1270 B.C.E. King Memmon of Ethiopia left his capital city in Susa, Persia taking 200,000 men Black and White {Arabs} to aid his uncle, King Priam of Troy, . Prince Hector heir to the throne of Troy was King Memmon 1st cousin. 

King Priam is also known as King Podarces, this is the same person! Which is the same blood- line of Romulus and Remus the founders of Roman!!! {another topic}

King Memmon and Prince Hector were both killed by the Greek warrior Achilles! After Memmon death he is grant immortality by Zeus!  

To my enemy racism and all those who support it, mark my words your days are numbered and they are short! Your house is collapsing, like a deck of playing cards! The lies are being exposed everyday, greater is the generation that comes after me, they we will be armed to the teeth, and will wage war on this injustice and morally forsaken place you call the Western World {HELL}! The truth is the light it will set you free spiritually, mentally and physically!

love, live and learn!    

Transfer: Black Cities of Ancient Creece: Crete

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Black Cities of Ancient Greece: Crete

Black Cities of Ancient Greece: Crete

This will be a short summary of a larger and developing subject. I will name a few Black people, tribes and nations of ancient Greece. Surrounding the founding of the City- State Crete.

There are many Black cities settled and found by Black Africans. 

Remember the Gramadli/ Black Africans were the first Blacks to enter Euro/ Asia, some 70 to 35 thousand years ago! They settle the southern coast- line along the Mediterranean coast line. This means you have small pockets of gather/ hunter of Black Africans in Asia very earlier.

There are a lot of factors that must be remember, climate being the first. What is known as the Shara desert was not a desert at this time. It was a tropical and lush wet land. It also had a ancient rivers flowing though it. Europe especially in Northern mountain region was frozen. Oceanic water levels were a lot lower then now also, which helped to cross and navigate them.

Entering the Euro/ Asia:
We are not sure when Black Africans continuously enter Asia? These migration patterns are still being researched and debated. In our modern ancient recorded era about 5,000 years ago, we have some records and a lot of evidence of Africans entering the Asia Minor. This information comes from African and Greek sources!

Modern Africans:
From Greek sources and mythology they mention the earliest people in the Asian minor {Greece}being Black African, Libyco- Thracians! But this is suppose to be a Indo- European people?

Remember Ethiopians went east into modern day Arabia and India first before going north into Euro/ Asia! So these Indo people they speak of are actually a off-shoot or cousin of Black Africans? This is all word play by Europeans, to deny the African presence in Greece.

Libyco: means a person from Libya, Africa. When you do not know yourself or your people the White European man will play word games with you! But we clearly have records of Egyptians {Kemetians} founding Greece? Libyco/ Liberian or Egyptian/ Kemetian, whats the difference?

Libyco/ Liberian or Egyptian/ Kemetian:
This is basic genealogy, which can be found in the Bible.
a. Mizraim is the founding father of the Egyptian people, according to the Bible.
b. Phut/ Put is the founding father of the Liberian people, according to the Bible.
So what all this is saying is that they are cousins? Mizraim and Phut are brothers both sons of Ham in the Bible. The other two {2} brothers are Cush founder of the Ethiopians and Canaan founder of the Phoenicians, according to the Bible.

These means all the people the Greeks dealt with the Ethiopians, Egyptians/ Kemetians, Liberians and Phoenicians were all actually BLACK and were all cousins!!! Now you can see clearly the word games the White European play when you do not know yourself!

The first mention of them was in Greek historian and writer Homer Iliad. It is said by Homer that they took sides against the Greeks in the Trojan War. This is a strong clue that they were not White European looking people at all.
They lived in Thrace, which is the modern day country of Bulgaria in Eastern Europe. Not much is known of their origins. They are believed to be Celts, which was probably the Black Celts that moved to Gaul {Spain and France} which are also known as the Silures.

Which are another Liberian people. There name came up a lot also in my research, at this point am not sure which one is the oldest or first to enter the Asian Minor? At this point am going to say they are probably the same people or very closely related since there origin is the same.

Both stories end the same, this is why I, came to this conclusion in my research. The Garamentes are the founders of the Greek Island Crete! So the story seem to match up very closely as both being from Libya and being founders and the original people in the area.  

So know matter which angle you approach it, it still comes back being Black Africans!

love, live and learn       

Transfer: Black Kingdoms and Cities of Ancient Greece

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Black Kingdoms and Cities of Ancient Greece

Black Kingdoms and Cities of Ancient Greece:

This is the 3rd part of the series Blacks Kingdoms and Cities of Ancient Greece. This subject came with great research in multiple areas of study and discipline. This is a subject that has to be address because this is the so- called cradle of Western Civilization, there is nothing to Western academia, except for lies and stealing of knowledge from the Eastern cultures of Africa.

Greek History:
Truth be told, Greeks do not even have a unified history at all! There history is a light mixing, blending and mostly adaption of surrounding cultures African, Arabs and Indus valley cultures. Actually the Greeks lost their culture from mixing and eventually being conquered by the Arabs {Persians}. This is how Greek regained their history from the Arabs, Xerxes I of Persia conquer the Greeks.

Greek lanuage and script:
This is probably the greatest of all Western civilization lies. When studying Greek etymology less then 50% of all Greek words have Greek origin? Some scholars have placed it at less than 40%! This means that their language is a adopted language.

We are told in school that our English alphabet comes from the Greeks? Actually it comes from the Africans, the Phoenicians! The Phoenicians taught the Greeks how to write, which is called written language, known as script! The first two {2} letters of the Phoenician alphabet are alpha and beta!

Evidence of the Phoenician alphabet in the English language:

1. Phonetic: meaning sound- to speak
2. Phonetic spelling: is a conventional{orthography} spelling system.
3. Phonetic speech or pronunciation: the sound of speech of words to correspond to distinctive symbols {spelling of the word} constants and vowels.
4. Phonetic symbols: are constants and vowels.
5. Phone: a machine that transfer acoustic sounds into electric vibration.

As you see nothing that has to do with speech or script have no core words dealing with Greek or Greece? They all have the core word Phoenician, denoting to where they originally came from, now that was a short lesson in etymology, word origin! 

European script:
According to Western culture if a culture does not have a script {written language} they are consider primitive and illiterate. So lets research European script and you will have some interesting finds?
There are only three {3} written scripts found in Europe? Greek, Latin and Russian.
These three {3} were spread through out the rest of Europe and modify, thence getting the Romance Languages, variants of Latin, French, Spanish, Bulgarian etc: 
a. Greek is really Phoenician {African}, spelling and language.
b. Latin is really Punic- the Latin word for Carthaginian {African}.
c. Russian is a hodge- podge language like English. Russian is close related to Greek {Macedonian} which makes its origin Africa also? Next they say comes from Cyrill? But the most interesting thing is that a Black man invented the Russian alphabet, Alexander Pushkin! {a topic on him is on the blog}.

Who the Blacks the Greeks get their culture from:
That would be the Garamentes, Libyans, Carians and Pelasgians. Also the Amazons.

Amazon define: Amazon in its simplest meaning: A society of people that are ruled, governed or worship women {matriarchal society} ! This would denote to mostly all ancient African societies especially Kemet! The interesting thing is that with Africans it does not matter if we had a male ruler or female ruler, we still all prayed and worship women. The worship of male deities only started when we adapted to Western Christianity, shortly after we stop being Kings and Queens and became slaves!!!

These Black Africans found the primary cultural centers in ancient Greece Athens, Attica and Crete.

love, live and learn                        

Transfer: Black Women in Greek Mythology

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Black Women in Greek Mythology

Black Women in Greek Mythology:

No longer shall the present of Black Women in history be put aside or simply ignored by Black and White scholars alike! Their is no history without the presence or influence of Black Women, all concepts and ideas from religion to farming come from the Black Women, as African people we should be totally ashamed of the treatment and lack of respect of Black Women! Greek mythology is Western culture religion, before there adaption, and rearranging of Christianity. This adaptation of the  European version of Christianity has systematically attacked and with the expulsion of Black Women from history and religion!

Black Women in Greek Mythology:
Black Women play a great role in Greek Mythology! Thus I will share the story of a few on this topic. As White Men have omitted the role of Black people from history but especially Black Women,  we must reinstall the Black Goddess and Queens to their proper position in history and present day life!

I have written about Andromeda in great detail on the blog, {You can research her on the blog in the achieves on the blog, simply type her name in the box.}

Andromeda is a Ethiopian princess, she is the daughter of the Ethiopian King Cepheus and Queen Cassiopeia whom ruled Colchis, Greece. She is also the wife of Greek mythology hero Perseus. Perseus is a Demi- God his father is the Greek God Zeus and his mother is the princess Danae the daughter of the King of Argos. Perseus is known as the father of the Persians. Together Perseus and Andromeda make the nation of light- skinned Arabs.

Cassiopeia is the Ethiopian Queen of Colchis and wife of King Cepheus. She is the mother of Andromeda and mother-in-law to Greek hero Perseus. She is one of the most beautiful women in the history of the world. But this would bring great hardship on her family, because of the Black Queens boasting of how beautiful her and her daughter was this angered the Gods, especially the God of the sea Poseidon! Poseidon was angered and vowed to destroy Ethiopia because of Queen Cassiopeia boasting and bragging which upset a lot of other Goddess and Queens.

Princess Medea:
Medea is also a Black princess, her father was King Aeetes of the Black Kingdom of Colchis. Princess Medea is best known for helping Jason and the Argonauts capture the Golden Fleece. That is the basic story there are many different variants to this story. No one can be certain how the story really went, the only thing for certain is that she was in love with Jason, and she made him promise her, for her help he would marry.

Circe is the daughter of the God Helios! Helios is the sun God and is a Titan! Also sister of King Aeetes of Colchis.

Titan: are older Gods and Goddess in Greek mythology. They are older and lived before Zeus and the Olympians! 
There are many variants to her story but she is best known for helping her niece Princess Medea and Jason of the Argonauts. She later moves to what is now known as Italy, so she is also in Italian mythology!

Here are a few but there are more Black women in Greek Mythology, learn to read knowing who you are reading about, it helps!

love, live and learn