Sunday, August 17, 2014

Marcus Garvey

Marcus Garvey:

This is a dedication to Marcus Garvey. Today is Marcus Garvey birthday, August 17, 1887.

He was born in St. Anna Bay, Jamaica. Marcus and his sister Indiana were the only two {2} of his parents eleven {11} children to survive to adulthood. Marcus grew up with both his parents in the home. Both parents had a big impact on young Marcus Garvey and would determine his character as adult. From his mother he learned compassion and from his father independence and a enthusiastic reader.

I think it's safe to say Marcus Garvey experienced racism early in life as a little boy and it left a bitter taste in his mouth he would never forget. Because Marcus, would go on to dedicate his life to fighting against racism. Marcus would travel as a young man, and would again encounter racism in different countries this would lead to Marcus, understand that racism as a global problem for the Blackman and it would need to be fought at a global level, the Pan- African movement.

While living in Central America, Costa Rico and Panama he operated a newspaper. From this he learned the power of the written word, which he would learn to master and perfect to motivate people. After working in the Caribbean, he moved to London, England and went to Birbeck University. At Birbeck University, he studied law and philosophy.

Marcus Garvey also worked for and was mentored by the Great Dus'e Mohamed Ali who operated the African Times and Orient Review newspaper.

Dus'e Mohammed Ali was born in Egypt {Kemet}, it was Duse who taught Marcus Garvey Kemetics.

The Kemetic values and principles would be the foundation of Marcus Garvey U.N.I.A. organization. U.N.I.A. was and still is the greatest Black movement in the history of America! I feel to really understand or explain Marcus Garvey, one needs to read and study U.N.I.A. Action speak louder than words!

love, live and learn