Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Understanding the origins of modern Judaism

Understanding the origins of modern Judaism:

Note: Before I explain Ethiopian Judaism, I must explain modern day Judaism. All modern day religions {Christianity & Islam} are Judaism sects at there core.

Christianity: origin

The original break comes at the Council of Nicea 325 C.E. {Current/ Common Era}

Christianity is better known as Judeo- Christianity, which is now known as Roman Catholic/ Christianity. The Judeo was drop from the name circa 1950's as Christians wanted their on identity.

This came with anti- Jewish sentiment from German and European Christians, after the handling of WW I {World- War I} by Jews and Jewish bankers. The anti- Jewish movement is much older than WW I, but WW I is a clear turning point in history.

* Tip
For more proof, reference the royal family of England. The house of Saxe- Coburg and Gotha was changed to the house of Wettin, which translates into Windsor in English. King George V made the change circa 1917. King George V is Queen Elizabeth II father.

Basically a lot of things have been changed in Judaism, which the general public thinks is very old, but that's not the case at all!


Islam and Judaism is the most recent break- up circa 632 C.E. This is around the time the Prophet Muhammad wrote the Qu'ran/ Koran, the Muslims Holy Book. So Jews that were tired of Jews not acting like Jews and not adhering to Jewish custom and traditions convert to Islam as a more pure religion. Thus this is why Islam is sometimes referred to as the pure religion.

Now you can see why Jews and Muslims are always fighting. This is why they both are always claiming the area around Israel.

Abraham: The founder?

Abraham is a interesting character to say the least. First lets tell the truth about Abraham before we discuss his works and actions.

Abraham is a Black- man from the city of Ur {Kasdim} in Chaldea in the Kingdom of Sumeria/ Sumer. Sumeria was ruled by the Akkandian's.

Now that Black people travel more and study history more, now White/ European Jews are saying that this is not his homeland, because of the overwhelming evidence of him being a Black African. Remember there was no Middle East or Saudi Arabia until circa the 1940s.

Sumeria- means: the land of civilized Kings
Akkadian - means: Black headed people.

Sumeria region: modern day Iran and Iraq. This includes neighboring areas because boarders change over time.

This is why the land of Canaan was need and conquered, because it sat between two {2} great Kingdoms Sumeria and Kemet the perfect place to do business. Its the central location to do trade, exchange money and be the middle man! The middle man is the Jews historical role in history and this is were it comes from.

Abraham would have known of Akkadian history, culture and folklore. This is why the book of Genesis in the Bible is so close related to the book's called The Epic of Gilgamesh, from Sumeria.

Abraham's personal life is not known well or in great detail, but what we know that he was wealthy, well traveled and had some religious conviction about himself?

Abraham travels took him to the land's of Kemet the Nile River Valley city states and country. The entire region of East and North East and Central Africa was under the control of the Kemetic Kings and Queens.

Kemet regions: modern day Egypt, Ethiopia, Somalia, Libya, Kenya, Uganda, Republic of Congo and the southern half of Saudi Arabia. Which include large territories in Europe, Asia and the Americas.

Yes, the Americas! Kemet influence was heavy in the Americas, but was destroy by the White/ European settlers when they came here. I know you don't believe me check out these reference.

The Olmec people of Central America and the pyramids in Mexico. The Balabanova Test is a test done by a German scientist named Dr. Balabanova where he found coca- leaves in coffins of mummies, then done forensic testing and found the mummies positive for cocaine. Cocaine/ Coca- leaves in the ancient world was a pain killer, like a pill today.

Origins of Judaism:

Abraham being a smart and good business man, does the oblivious combines Sumerian and Kemetic text, history and culture together to form a new religion Judaism! The actual followers of Judaism was never big, even to this day? But the influence of Judaism was and is big until this day! Judaism was sort like the billionaires club of the ancient world. The religion is large formed around business to this day.

Kemetic's in Judeo/ Christianity?

The concept of Jesus and Mother Mary is Kemetic to the core!.. "In order to reach the father, you must go through the son/ sun" that also comes directly from Kemetics along with many other similarities such as the 10 commandments. The list goes on and on of similarities, if Judaism was founded today in America, Judaism would be getting sued by the Kemetic Church over copyright and trademark infringements.

If you study or practice Christianity or Judaism in short you study Kemetics, but with Kemetics we pray to a Black God, and acknowledge the characters were Black Africans!......  

love, live and learn