Thursday, April 16, 2015

Transfer: Revisted Hair

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Revisted Hair

Revisited Hair?

What am trying to relay to the reader is a spiritual connection! But a lot of the people am trying to reach are so unfocused that the message eludes them? They so caught up on the physical, the message about hair was totally missed, that not one, I  repeat not one address the spiritual aspect of HAIR!

So we gone revisited hair again this type from the spiritual side. This takes use into melanin!

Melanin- define: a dark brown or black pigment occurring in the HAIR, skin and the iris of the eye!

Melanin- define: {metaphysical meaning} the unseen factor in the universe, it is a molecule in everything God made! It is used for communication to talk to God directly {before the invention of modern religions Christianity, Islam, Judaism etc:}.  In the universe it is called dark matter {it is the most abundant substance in the universe}. It is pure energy, like nothing you have ever seen or known before!

Personal statement:
Sister you all are so caught- up physical appearance! That you are not even consider hair as part of a spiritual experience in your life! I had to come at you, side- ways to get you to read the blog or topic!!!

No, I do not think my sister want be European {white} looking! Absolutely not! But one thing yall are, that I feel is very true, is that  "Drama Queen" situation! So I had to bait you in, in order to read the topic! But it got to emotional and the message was missed this is why, I have to slow it down and give it to you again!

Melanin is a chemical produce in every organ of the body, mostly in the pineal glands in the brain and skin {intgumentary  system}. Melanin is visible on dark skinned people! Hue- man

explanation of the word human/ being?
Human comes from the word Hue- Man
Hue- means: having color
Man- means: man kind/ women and men
Being- a spirit or having a spirit/ soul

Thus meaning: a colored {black} man, with a spirit/ soul. Human Being
The word described Black people at one time because there where no White people on the earth at one point, or that we knew of any white people to much later in history!!!

Melanin gives you, your spirit or soul, thus connecting you directly to the Creator!
So know I will give you Holy Bible reference to people whom master their melanin or God factor!

The first lesson will be with hair. There is a scared priesthood which dedicated themselves to God called the Nazarites! Not to be confused with people from the city of Nazarene. Two total different groups of people. Some members of the Nazarite priesthood Jesus Christ, Samson, Paul and John the Baptist? Proof of this can be found in the following books of the Holy Bible:

Book of Numbers: ch.6 ver: 1- 21
Book of Judges: ch. 13 ver. 3- 5
Book of Acts: ch 18 ver 18

Melanin is so powerful, that if you master it you can overcome a physical death!!!
Meaning that you can turn your energy up {melanin}, meaning you can vibrate to high plane and leave the physical plane we currently exist on!

1. Enoch escaped a physical death?
Book of Hebrew ch. 11 ver: 5- 7

The Holy Bible is not the original Bible! The original Bible is the Ethiopian Bible! Thus the complete story of Henoch {Enoch} can be found!

2. Elijah did not die either of a physical death! He was alive {physical body} when he went to heaven
Book of 2 Kings ch.2 ver: 11 

3. Moses did die, but not because of old age? Moses did because his work or appointed task was completed. So God buried Moses, this being the reason no one knows where his grave is at!
Book of Deuteronomy ch.35 ver: 5- 8

Please read foot notes and additional information to understand better! Remember your Bible is incomplete so you must look a little farther for the truth or complete story!

know thy self, Black People the Bible is full of clues to send you on your quest for self! But, you must read!

love, live and learn

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