Monday, May 11, 2015

Study Lesson/ Names of Africa

Monday, January 30, 2012

study lesson / names of africa

Africa{Latin}- The name comes from a providence in N. Africa that was part of the Roman Empire. The whole continent would go on to be known as Africa.

Africa has been known by so many names because it is so old. The most common names are listed below.

Al-kebulan / Al-kebuland - This is what indigenous / native African people called their home land.

Al-kebulan- means mother of mankind / or the garden of eden

Ethiopia was another name for Africa, named after the Ethiopian people. Ethiopia is a Greek name, This is what the Greeks called it before being renamed Africa by the the Romans.

In reference to holy text the Holy Bible, Holy Qur-an and Torah, Africa was known as Ham {Cham}, the land of Ham, Noah son.
If you study African or African descent people they are often refereed to as Hamites.
Another holy text reference to Africa is Cush / Kush and the people known as Cushites / Kushites. Cush / Kush is Ham son.

*Other names of place to help when studying Africa {Al-Kebulan}.

Egypt proper name is Kemet {KMT} this is what the Black Egyptians called their land. Meaning the land of the Blacks / some White {European}scholars will say the names pertains to the black soil?

The area around Sudan is often known as Nubia. When the Nubian people expand their territory the area was known as the Nubian Expansion, currently parts of Egypt, Libya, Sudan, Ethiopia basically the horn of Africa.

Ethiopia is mostly refereed to as Cush.

*study notes.
time frames are important to know.
ancient Africans used the letter k not c, which are interchangeable in the english language.  
the best kept records are by the ancient Egyptians {kemetians}.
ancient Africans before holy texts books did not use vowels / kemet is really spelled kmt. hello is hotep / hotep is really htp.
Hebrew was the first African language to use vowels. Vowels became popular when the Koine Greeks copy the Hebrew bible into Greek. Vowels are widely used to translate one language to another language. But, {more than not} they often led to a lot of mistranslation. Vowels in short are like a cheat sheet to translation of words and languages.

***study closely***

peace, love and unity        

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Transfer: Hair Weave- is it a social problem?

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Hair Weave- is it a social problem?

Hair Weave - Historically

Black Women and Black Men have both worn head dressing as it is called formally. This has been going on forever in Africa. The difference from today is that the African people wore hair from real human hair/ Black hair!

This is the point, I want to make is that weave is bad of course, but why do beautiful Black women have to wear hair weave that looks European in style and texture?

So lets go hard, for a second on the Queens! No other women in the world puts on fake hair as much as Black women in America why? No other women in the world try to look like a woman from another race so much why? Plus its a multi- billion dollar industry which no Black people are major players in the business? I have written blogs before, explaining the dangers of none human hair.

SISTER'S CHEMICALLY MADE WEAVE CAUSE CANCER!!! It has been proven this is why for the most part hair weave processing and manufacturing is not done in the states, cause of probable law suits, due to the chemicals used to process the weave, even the hair glue is very toxic!

Dear sister's the whole beauty process you all are doing is toxic! They killing yall! The fake nails are toxic! Don't you see them Asians wearing mask when doing your nails? Where is your mask? Those chemicals cause cancer! {lung cancer especially} The hair glue is toxic, so toxic the ingredients are not even labeled! {the only other thing with no ingredients label is cigarettes} think about sister's!

That's the health side of the whole hair weave issue!

Now to go harder, the sociological effect it is having on our people. Black Women will always claim how strong they our, and they are strong, no doubt about that!

So lets take a look in the mirror from a sociological stand point, you have a Black woman claiming to be strong but the first thing you see or notice is she looks European?

So lets address the outward appearance of the Black Women, and see how this plays out?

1. I would say respect is sometimes, well most time given based on outward appearances, because in America we dress based upon how we feel or think, or who we think we are, we sort of wear are feeling or personalities in are clothing!

Sometime shy women cover up when dressing. Sometime confident women reveal it all. Its our culture in America rather we agree or not!

So what does it say to others when you decide to look like a person from another race, in this case White women? Now here is the irony in this whole situation, for the most part White women and Black women have a very strained relationship in general, especially on the professional level. Which I observed while attending college, I seen how White women had open arms for me, but shunned away from Black women! {Thank you, Katrina for showing me that}

Now for a little humor, sister's how would it look if Black men claimed to be strong but wore wigs looking like White men?

African men living in the colonial era of America 1500- 1700, wearing them white wigs, trying look like a Black George Washington, them brothers look crazy as hell, like straight sell outs! But truth of the matter those brothers that wore the wigs were well to do Blacks and free from slavery, but their minds where enslaved because they wanted to look like a White man! Could that same scenario exist for Black women today? I think so, but am not the judge, sister's you are! 

2. Black men are marrying White women by the droves! White Woman act just like Black Women, first of all women are women regardless of color and race, that is a myth! A Big White Lie!  Could this be because of the Black woman's pursuit to have a European appearance?

I know people fall in love for different reason, am just suggesting some unseen or not discuss factors?

3. Black boys growing up not wanting to date Black girls or women? I am yet to understand that concept? So how is it a young Black man, with a Black mother, Grand- mother, aunts and sisters turn around say I do not date Black women period! What happened in that household to produce that attitude towards Black women? Yes, culture {music & television} does play a part to degree, but this is most likely a core issue out of the home. When you say I prefer White women that's totally different from saying I NEVER DATE Black women or I want date a Black woman!


We love you Black woman, you do not have to look like nobody else, check this out, if the men you date prefer Black women who look like White women it is him with the problem not you! Love who God made you!

These were all just suggest to some alarming problems in our community, just some ideas to think about for all of us!

love, live and learn

Transfer: Hair is Conscious

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Hair is Conscious?

Hair is Conscious?

This is a follow up topic to-  Hair weave is it a social problem? First let me address the old topic before going into the new topic!!!

The whole hair weave topic was not intend as a attack on sister's! Anybody that knows me, will tell you, I am very liberal when it comes to women and women rights!

I am a true African, and in belief especially! {Kemetic} This means we as Africans totally support women to the fullest. Meaning that a man doesn't fully understand life, until he has had a wife! A King can not be a King without a Queen! A God can not be a God without a Goddess! We total reject any belief system of a God without a female! {European/ Western Christianity}
In our African/ Eastern Christianity the highest royal position belongs to a woman! {The Kings- Mother}. So you see my belief system, empowers woman to the fullest!

The next thing about the topic, is that is titled as a QUESTION not a statement! Am asking people what do you think? Not telling them anything! I do SUGGEST some facts to support my opinion, but am not claiming them to be the undisputed truth! The ideas especially do not apply to every woman! So if you read the topic and felt it was not right but did not apply to you anyway? What are you really saying?

Now on to the current topic "Hair is Conscious?"

So a deep telephone debate started over the older topic of hair which lead to me showing the person the information am about to discuss now to farther and expand on the topic, now we are going hard!

Queens, I was trying to wake yall up, not upset you, but if upsetting you will wake you up, I have no problem with that either!

This whole hair topic is a spiritual level or consciousness am trying to get you to see! If you got perms and or weave/ extensions- dead hair from another human it is all the same it is a unnatural state you are in!

Unlike  Black men who are under European ideology and belief, {niggas}. The conscience Black man, under African ideology and belief {kemetic}, totally understand we can not be totally free nor liberated without the Black woman{Queen} without her being free and liberated also, from European ideology {spiritually, mental and physical}. If we can not reach our Queens then we are forced to stay here {a state of HELL} with her because we damn sure not leaving her along. If we wanted to leave, we can't leave anyway because the Black woman is the key to the Black man existing on any level life!

So we need are woman to adopt a more natural state of being on this physical plane we are on, so we can use her in-depth spirituality to talk to God. What am I saying?

1. First of all woman are way more spiritual then men are, any man!!! She poses many hidden talents unknown and not explainable to man. The Black woman can instantly go to the 4th, 5th and 6th dimensions of the universe without even thinking about it! As far as men go we have to train a life time, and still not make to the 4th dimension? {we are currently in the 3rd dimension thus the abbreviation 3d}.

2. The God Factor/ melanin/ dark matter! This is where hair comes into play. Melanin is what you need to connect with God. Melanin is produce in every organ of the human body because it is so important. Now science class, in biology the skin is a organ, it is the biggest organ on your body! It is called the "Integumentary system" . Hair and nails are also part of this system! So if your skin is your biggest organ that means it would produce the largest amount of melanin! Thus if you are Blacker, then your God Factor would be greater or and stronger then most. So what is the darkest or Blackest thing on your body? your HAIR!!!

3. Now adding 1. and 2. together you see how powerful the Black woman is!!! She has a un- matched spirituality. She has a hyper- drive to jump dimensions, plus high content of melanin/ God factor element!

Now you are starting to see the importance of the Black woman and her hair! Wait, am not done.
Now to explain the whole hair issue clearly. The hair works like antenna to picking up frequency from God, to talk to God directly!

The hair works like antenna off a television when picking up reception. The hair even has electricity in it carrying a natural charge! You may have notice this when combing your hair or a person with long hair, you sometimes get shocked?               

But if you have a perm, weave/ extension or dead human hair in your head, you have no or blocked reception to talk to God! This is the social problem with weave, our mothers, wives, sisters and daughters have blocked or no reception to talk to God, about the spiritual matters of our people!

So, am crazy right! I know, but keep reading a little more?

Locks/ dreadlocks are very spiritual not only for Rastafarian {some, Jamaican people} , who believe in our true bloodline from Ethiopia! But also Jesus Christ {a Black man} wore locks also, he belong to many priesthoods, but one was very powerful with God. This group of high priest was called the Nazarites!

Nararites are not to be confused with people from the city of Nazarene, two total different groups! Nararites are all thought out the Bible, the bibles mention a few of them Jesus, Samson and Paul! John the Baptist we feel strongly, but no concrete evidence to claim?
Remember the story of Samson? They cut his HAIR and he loss his powers!  
Holy Bible:
Book of Numbers ch.6 ver: 1- 21
Book of Judges ch. 13 ver: 3- 5
Book of Acts ch. 18 ver: 18
Unfortunately the Holy Bible is bias towards women, no proof in Bible to show, only proof I have is in African {kemetic} studies.

Perm- define in short: Perm stands for permanent/ a permanent- state- of- mind! meaning once you put a perm in your hair the process can never be undone! Even if you cut the perm out of the hair, the hair- follicle is still damage and never  returns to its natural state again!!!

So as you see hair is very important to the conscience state of the Black people {Africans} this is why it must be consider a social issue?

love, live and learn

Transfer: Revisted Hair

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Revisted Hair

Revisited Hair?

What am trying to relay to the reader is a spiritual connection! But a lot of the people am trying to reach are so unfocused that the message eludes them? They so caught up on the physical, the message about hair was totally missed, that not one, I  repeat not one address the spiritual aspect of HAIR!

So we gone revisited hair again this type from the spiritual side. This takes use into melanin!

Melanin- define: a dark brown or black pigment occurring in the HAIR, skin and the iris of the eye!

Melanin- define: {metaphysical meaning} the unseen factor in the universe, it is a molecule in everything God made! It is used for communication to talk to God directly {before the invention of modern religions Christianity, Islam, Judaism etc:}.  In the universe it is called dark matter {it is the most abundant substance in the universe}. It is pure energy, like nothing you have ever seen or known before!

Personal statement:
Sister you all are so caught- up physical appearance! That you are not even consider hair as part of a spiritual experience in your life! I had to come at you, side- ways to get you to read the blog or topic!!!

No, I do not think my sister want be European {white} looking! Absolutely not! But one thing yall are, that I feel is very true, is that  "Drama Queen" situation! So I had to bait you in, in order to read the topic! But it got to emotional and the message was missed this is why, I have to slow it down and give it to you again!

Melanin is a chemical produce in every organ of the body, mostly in the pineal glands in the brain and skin {intgumentary  system}. Melanin is visible on dark skinned people! Hue- man

explanation of the word human/ being?
Human comes from the word Hue- Man
Hue- means: having color
Man- means: man kind/ women and men
Being- a spirit or having a spirit/ soul

Thus meaning: a colored {black} man, with a spirit/ soul. Human Being
The word described Black people at one time because there where no White people on the earth at one point, or that we knew of any white people to much later in history!!!

Melanin gives you, your spirit or soul, thus connecting you directly to the Creator!
So know I will give you Holy Bible reference to people whom master their melanin or God factor!

The first lesson will be with hair. There is a scared priesthood which dedicated themselves to God called the Nazarites! Not to be confused with people from the city of Nazarene. Two total different groups of people. Some members of the Nazarite priesthood Jesus Christ, Samson, Paul and John the Baptist? Proof of this can be found in the following books of the Holy Bible:

Book of Numbers: ch.6 ver: 1- 21
Book of Judges: ch. 13 ver. 3- 5
Book of Acts: ch 18 ver 18

Melanin is so powerful, that if you master it you can overcome a physical death!!!
Meaning that you can turn your energy up {melanin}, meaning you can vibrate to high plane and leave the physical plane we currently exist on!

1. Enoch escaped a physical death?
Book of Hebrew ch. 11 ver: 5- 7

The Holy Bible is not the original Bible! The original Bible is the Ethiopian Bible! Thus the complete story of Henoch {Enoch} can be found!

2. Elijah did not die either of a physical death! He was alive {physical body} when he went to heaven
Book of 2 Kings ch.2 ver: 11 

3. Moses did die, but not because of old age? Moses did because his work or appointed task was completed. So God buried Moses, this being the reason no one knows where his grave is at!
Book of Deuteronomy ch.35 ver: 5- 8

Please read foot notes and additional information to understand better! Remember your Bible is incomplete so you must look a little farther for the truth or complete story!

know thy self, Black People the Bible is full of clues to send you on your quest for self! But, you must read!

love, live and learn

Sunday, March 22, 2015

Transfer: Detroit Section

Friday, April 5, 2013

Detroit Section

This section is dedicated to the city I love Detroit! There is a lot of bad talk going around about Detroit. Detroit is having a rough time economically, the citizen are in despair. But people make a city not its tall buildings or factories. Maybe you think beautiful homes make one city better than the next? Well you are wrong! Detroit has some of the most beautiful people in the world.

Does bad things happen in Detroit yes absolutely. We are all responsible for every crime that happens within our city. The Black church has failed, with its big business attitude, profit before people! Since the times of slavery the Black Church has been a place of sanctuary for our people! No longer can we count on the Black Church to help us, let along save us!

We must start with grass- roots organization by ourselves, stop looking for a savior to come save you, the whole time you are wait on a savior you are sinking farther in the hole. When you could have been saving yourselves. The politicians in Detroit are selfish and or corrupt. They are only concerned with their share of the pie.

We are the products of slave mentally in Detroit. But we can change by identifying the problems within self.

1. We look for a savior to save us?
2. Based on my talks with the residents of Detroit, many are hoping or thinking a White man can save you? {By being the next Mayor}

2a. Let me address this especially to some of my unconsciousness sister whom I talk to, this whole economic and political system was created by the White man for the White man, without it benefiting Blacks at all. But some how you still believe the White man is going to save you from a corrupt system that he invented to benefit him? For real are you serious? They couldn't fix America  problems, in our darkest hour as a nation  who did they turn to, to save us THE BLACK SUPERMAN, President Obama!!! {enough said}

3. Selfishness addict to a "Drug Culture"?
3a. In short, dope boys and sack chasers! Both are still waiting for their boat to come in! Don't worry its coming a slave ship! But in the mean time you prey on each other, hurting, scaring and killing each other!!!

4. Stop the Willie Lynch mentally of fighting amongst each other?
4a. The Black man against his Black Queen, the old who still want be young, and attack are Black youth. Light skin against dark skin, skinny people against fat people, any stupid reason to divide us and conquer us!

We have to have unity, "unity is not agreeing with everything someone says or we must all do the same thing" but we are all working towards a goal that will change our current situation.

My part as a activist is to help restore pride into my people by teaching them the benefit of the past? The past when studied closely gives us a direct blue print of what works and doesn't work! So my Detroit Section will a short study of Detroit and the people whom contributed to Detroit and came from Detroit!

Detroit we love you! We will not let you fall, because the people of Detroit are not failures! They are a strong people, a loving people! We all must stand up and be responsible for our city, that means from throwing trash on the ground to a murder in the street.

They call me Detroit in Ohio, they say Detroiters are prone to violence, but I call it home sweet, home! Cause I show love to everyone, because that's how Detroiters are, but as long as you believe the news, fear and self hate will over come you!

live, love and learn      

Transfer: Detroit Section/ History/ Before the Europeans

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Detroit Section/ History/ Before the Europeans

Before Europeans settle the Detroit area, there were different Native American {Indians} groups that lived in the area along the what is now called the Detroit river. One group that lived in the general area was the Algonquin Indians. Algonquin is a nation of Native American Indian tribes and groups comprised together.

The Kickapoo, Salk, Fox and Miami lived in Michigan near and around the Detroit River System. Detroit River Systems tributaries are the Ecorse river and Rouge river on the left side of the river. On the right side of the Detroit River Little river and River Canard.

There is a street name Algonquin on the East-side of Detroit. It runs north and south between Conner and Dickerson.

The word Michigan is a Algonquin it means "Big Lake".

The main group of Algonquin Native American Indians that lived near present day Detroit are the Kickapoo. Kickapoo is a Shawnee word for wanderer. Shawnee Indians live south of Detroit in Ohio, Indiana and Kentucky.

The Kickapoo left the Detroit region because of the aggression of the White man {Europeans}. The Kickapoo were a peaceful people farming and living off the rivers wildlife. The Kickapoo lived what are called wickiup, a teepee style or flat brush covered lodge. The Kickapoo went south and west all the way to present day Mexico.

Not much is known about the Kickapoo people they are a quieted and private people. They are scattered throughout the United States to Mexico. 

live, love and learn

Monday, March 9, 2015

Transfer: Women History Month 2015

Friday, March 1, 2013

Women History Month

This month is Women History Month, this month on the blog we will be honoring women. This is very important to know thy self11, we want to show how much we honor and love women! Women are so very important in the everyday lives of everybody!

For this month we want to make people aware of the Kemetic {African} way of culture when dealing with women. So I will explain the laws and rules of our ancient African culture.

The Black Woman in Kemet was exalted to the highest pedestal of life. The highest title in Kemet was the title of the King's mother. This title is called "Queen Mother" {Mwt}, this is the source of the Kings power. She represented the Kemetic belief system, which is a threefold (3) system, spiritual, mental and physical.

Africa people in general believe that the strongest human bond in the universe is between "mother and child"! Child birth represent the dualism of life, the greatest pain and the greatest joy of life! This relationship is a special relationship especially between mother and son. For the first love of a boy is his mother! It is so special that when a boy becomes a adult, he will actively seek out a woman with attributes and characteristic of his mother!

In Kemetics/ Africa this relationship is so special that all other relationships are based upon it? In the Kemetic belief systems all relationship between men are women are based upon mother and son! The wife of the man will in- turn take the mother place in the man's life thus becoming his wife and mother!

1. Many African- American relationship fail because of the knowledge of self! We as Africa people have adapted the European/ White man culture. Which is a failure because we underestimate the power of genetics? Certain people no matter where they go or how long they are there, they retain their culture in their genes!

2. So this is why African- American relationship are a failure to a large degree because of the Blackmans adaptation of women being second in status! Which for most cases she first or at least equal, and refusal of her divine rights from the Creator to be equal with her man has caused many problems within the relationship!

{Read the Hebrew story of Lilith, Adams 1st wife before Eve. Understand that the original Hebrews were African/ Ethiopian, the demonizing of her is the European Jews version of the story}

3. But this situation is a two (2) part problem because you have in most case to divine halves {man & woman} having any true knowledge of self or their Africa history. Then adding fuel to the fire the adaptation of European beliefs and practices.

                                                  History of African Woman

The source of power of the Black people is the Black woman! This in no-way makes the Blackman weak or not strong at all! This is just the simple truth of our Kemetic Creation "The principles of Ma-at"!
Ma-at is a Black Woman she is the giver and protect of our universal principles and laws, that we {Africans} govern ourselves under.

It is Auset/ Isis that give the world its first savior Heru/ Horus by way immaculate conception!

The story of Jesus birth in the Holy Bible is a retold Kemetic story! The Kemetic version is so old we do not know how old it is? It is at least 10,000 years older than the biblical Jesus!

Everything in the Kemetic belief systems revolves around the Black Woman.

1. A God without a Goddess can not be a God in the Kemetic belief system!

We that believe in the Kemetic belief system, believe a God without a wife a Goddess,  is a act of homosexuality! We reject any God that does not have a female counterpart! Man cannot and will not exist without a woman!

2. A King cannot be a King without a wife also!

This is why all United States Presidents are married and a single man will never be elected! The United States is model of  ancient Egypt/ Kemet!

I strongly advice all woman but especially Black Woman to visit the ancient culture and practices of Kemet concerning woman!
