Sunday, March 22, 2015

Transfer: Detroit Section

Friday, April 5, 2013

Detroit Section

This section is dedicated to the city I love Detroit! There is a lot of bad talk going around about Detroit. Detroit is having a rough time economically, the citizen are in despair. But people make a city not its tall buildings or factories. Maybe you think beautiful homes make one city better than the next? Well you are wrong! Detroit has some of the most beautiful people in the world.

Does bad things happen in Detroit yes absolutely. We are all responsible for every crime that happens within our city. The Black church has failed, with its big business attitude, profit before people! Since the times of slavery the Black Church has been a place of sanctuary for our people! No longer can we count on the Black Church to help us, let along save us!

We must start with grass- roots organization by ourselves, stop looking for a savior to come save you, the whole time you are wait on a savior you are sinking farther in the hole. When you could have been saving yourselves. The politicians in Detroit are selfish and or corrupt. They are only concerned with their share of the pie.

We are the products of slave mentally in Detroit. But we can change by identifying the problems within self.

1. We look for a savior to save us?
2. Based on my talks with the residents of Detroit, many are hoping or thinking a White man can save you? {By being the next Mayor}

2a. Let me address this especially to some of my unconsciousness sister whom I talk to, this whole economic and political system was created by the White man for the White man, without it benefiting Blacks at all. But some how you still believe the White man is going to save you from a corrupt system that he invented to benefit him? For real are you serious? They couldn't fix America  problems, in our darkest hour as a nation  who did they turn to, to save us THE BLACK SUPERMAN, President Obama!!! {enough said}

3. Selfishness addict to a "Drug Culture"?
3a. In short, dope boys and sack chasers! Both are still waiting for their boat to come in! Don't worry its coming a slave ship! But in the mean time you prey on each other, hurting, scaring and killing each other!!!

4. Stop the Willie Lynch mentally of fighting amongst each other?
4a. The Black man against his Black Queen, the old who still want be young, and attack are Black youth. Light skin against dark skin, skinny people against fat people, any stupid reason to divide us and conquer us!

We have to have unity, "unity is not agreeing with everything someone says or we must all do the same thing" but we are all working towards a goal that will change our current situation.

My part as a activist is to help restore pride into my people by teaching them the benefit of the past? The past when studied closely gives us a direct blue print of what works and doesn't work! So my Detroit Section will a short study of Detroit and the people whom contributed to Detroit and came from Detroit!

Detroit we love you! We will not let you fall, because the people of Detroit are not failures! They are a strong people, a loving people! We all must stand up and be responsible for our city, that means from throwing trash on the ground to a murder in the street.

They call me Detroit in Ohio, they say Detroiters are prone to violence, but I call it home sweet, home! Cause I show love to everyone, because that's how Detroiters are, but as long as you believe the news, fear and self hate will over come you!

live, love and learn      

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