Friday, July 4, 2014



The study of colors is called chromatics, chromatography and colorimetry. Colors are study on a spectrum/ a color spectrum {electromagnetic}. This measurement is study on wavelength, know as the rainbow colors in the spectrum.

When becoming conscience colors are mostly associated with feelings/ duality or 2 different feeling.

1. Red: Anger & Love
2. Orange: Shame & Pride
3. Yellow: Fear & Joy
4. Blue: Hostility & Peace
5. Purple: Disgust & Admiration

Colors are also associated with symbols. Symbols and Colors send messages and our a language unto themselves. Colors impact our subconscious, behavior and mood.

Colors are huge in the biology of life, many animals use colors for a variety of uses. Humans have different colors also?

Black people have more melanin which is carbon. This melanin/ carbon is responsible for Blackness/ hue! Melanin is the primary determinant in skin color. This Blackness gives Black people or people with melanin a different energy from non or lightly melanin people.

love, live and learn

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