Thursday, August 14, 2014

Transfer: Women Section: Europe is named after a Black Woman!

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Women Section: Europe is named after a Black Woman!

Europe is named after a Black Woman!

Hidden secrets there was once a time that Black women were adore by Black men! As a people we worship Black women as deity's! We absolutely loved our mothers, daughters, wives and sisters! For this love and praise they worked hard and keep us together as a people!

Exposing the Greatest cover ups in His- Story!
Europe was conquered and settled by Black people period! We founded many of the countries and named them after Black women, because during this time we primarily prayed and worship Black women! Black people play a huge role in Greek mythology which is now European religion. So basically Europeans prayed to Black people but do not know because the characters have been White- washed.

Europe earliest civilization where Black, now know as Greece. Europe did not exist yet so Greece is actually older than Europe. Europe was known as Asia or Asian Minor the area around the Turkey peninsula. The Black cities in Greece were Colchis, Athens and Crete and many others.

Europe name comes right of their mythology/ religion. Basically anything you want know about Europeans comes from their mythology/ religion. So this takes us to our mythology which they have claimed as theirs!

Europe name:
Europe is named after the Black Phoenician Goddess Europa!!!
Now I will give you some background and history to support her being Black!
First Greek mythology for the most part is Kemetic belief system transferred to Greek. This transformation was done by Black African traveling to what is now know as Greece, taking their religion and customs with them.

Europa connection to Kemet {ancient Ethiopia and Egypt}:
Europa is commonly associated with a bull, this doesn't make a lot of sense if you do not know Kemetic history.
Hathor- the Kemetic deity/ goddess for motherhood, often accompanied by a bull/ apis.

 First, I will give you the European/ Greek version of the story. Europa was a Phoenician Princess and Goddess a {Black woman} whom Zeus the Greek God fell in love with because she was so beautiful. So he changed into a bull and carried her of to Crete a Greek Island.

First Phoenicians are Black people. This can be verified using the Bible or any holy scripture {Abrahamic faiths}. Canaan is the son of Ham. Ham is known as the father of the Black African race. Canaan is his son which would make him a Black African also. Canaan is the father of the Phoenician people with would make them Black African people also.

Next, the association of Europa to a Kemetic Goddess. Europa is the Greek version of Kemetic Goddess Hathor {symbolically}. This is were the association of the bull comes in at. Because Greeks used horses primarily for travel unlike Africans whom used oxen and cattle to this day in East Africa.

Europa father is the Phoenician King Agenor of Tyre. King Agenor was born ancient Egypt {Kemet} to Poseidon and Libya. This would make her the grand- daughter of Poseidon!

So that is the proof of her blood- line without a reasonable doubt she was a Black woman!
Europe is named after a Black Women!

love, live and learn          

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