Saturday, August 30, 2014

Transfer: Sumerian Belief System

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Sumerian Belief System

Sumerian Belief System:

I want to discuss Sumerian Belief System. It has been dismissed by a lot of scholars and scientist. Not because it isn't true, but actually because it is true. It has had great influence on the bible, many story from the bible come from Sumerian.

Judaism is made up of two {2} other older belief systems. This is due to the two {2} primary writers of the old testament. Abraham and Moses, Abraham really is not a writer as a influence on the old testament. Abraham influence comes from his home land Sumeria. Moses influence comes from his home land Ancient Egypt {Kemet}.

Abraham is from Ur of the Chaldees, Chaldees are just a small tribe in Sumeria that come to power for a little while. But the city of Ur is famous and is talked about alot in the old testament.

If you believe the story of Moses it comes from both Sumeria and Kemet. Moses character is Sumerian, but also very Kemetic.

Judaism and Sumerian comparisons:
1.  The Creation Story: That the world was created in seven {7} days. That the world was created with water first then land came.

That God created us from his image. The first man created by the Sumerian God Enki is called "Adamu", which is very similar the to first man God created "Adam".

2. The Garden of Eden: In the Sumerian story Enki lives in a beautiful garden with lots of beautiful plants. Enki has preferred fruits that he should eat and not eat from! The Sumerian word for pasture or grazing land is called Edin, very similar to Eden. Gardens are so important to Sumerians that they are in and around their temples. This would later be transfer to Babylon cultures and the Hanging Gardens of Babylon, which would be one the 7 wonders of the ancient world!

3. The Great Flood Story: That the world was destroyed by water.

4. Moses birth is actually a carbon copy story of King Sargon of Akkad. Both were plotted on to be murder. Both where put in a basket sent down a river, and then saved!

The key to the story is Abraham, who is from Sumeria, if we know about the story you know he knew about them since he lived there!

love, live and learn

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