Saturday, September 6, 2014

Transfer: Sci fi Section: Transfomers Decode pt2

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Sci fi Section: Transformers Decoded: pt.2

Transformers Decoded: pt.2

I will expand on the message Orion and Pleiades in the movies.

Understanding Cybertron:
Cybertron war is loosely based of the first religion in the world ASTROLOGY! Before the Abrahamic religions Judaism, Christianity and Islam people prayed to and worshiped the stars as/ and ancestors! Even the three {3} major religions loosely to still use astrology?

To be totally truthful, but this is said with LOVE, for the hope people will do better in the future, Christians are the most confused out all the major religions about their own religion. This is not totally their fault, but it is? This is because Christianity especially when it comes to Black people it was a religion that was forced on to a people rather accepted by a people, so maybe this will stop some of the endless debates I see and strongly disapprove of from people whom are studying Kemetics versus Christians!!!

You will need a Bible, pen and paper for your research. This is not for everyone some churches preach against the studying of stars? But, I assure you this is all in the Bible, so how could it be wrong or bad then? 

Christians and Astrology:
Transformers pt.1, I mentioned about a war in the heavens the stars. The story of Cybertron is loosely based on this? So, now i will prove it to you so you can make the connection hopefully? I mentioned two {2} stars systems in transformers pt1, Orion and Pleiades. Now, go to your Bible and locate them so we can read what it say in your HOLY BIBLE concerning these stars systems.

Orion and Pleiades in Bible:
1. Amos 5:8
2. Job 9:9
3. Job 38:18- 33
There are three {3} references made to Orion, but I do not want any doubt, so I only used references where Orion was specifically mentioned. In Job 38:18- 31 he asked if you know who made them? Can you establish their rule on earth. But, the question is "their rule on earth".

Their: is a plural meaning for more than one. God is singular meaning only one. So why was "their" used instead of "him"? Next is the continue statements concerning chains and cords?
Job 38:31 Can you bond the cluster of the Pleiades, Or lose the belt of Orion?

This may all seem like random talk to the untrained eye and ear? But, I assure you it is not at all! Because, you have to know about Biblical chronology and Astrology Mythology!

Biblical Chronology:
The Bible has not been comprised in chronological order! The books are way out of time procession order! Actually the Book of Isiah and the Book of Job are most likely the two {2} oldest books in the Bible. Most Bible scholars agree that the Prophet Isiah and Job lived way before Moses the so- called author of the Torah! Their books were used by early  Christians, with the other books being introduce much later.

Astrology Mythology:
Orion is the hunter, whom bond and chained Pleiades.

I will make this the end of pt.2, in pt.3 I will discuss some other aspects of the Transformers.

What some call Gods? Some call aliens?
Remember Seninel Prime, told Optimus Prime we were once Gods now they calls us machines!

love, live and learn

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