Thursday, October 16, 2014

Transfer: The Discovery of America pt2

Thursday, October 17, 2013

The Discovery of America: pt2

The Discovery of America: pt2

A wonderful partnership:
This is the other half of a great relationship unknown to African- Americans. Black Africans and Asian people have been friends and allies since the beginning of time. No, other two{2} groups of people on the face of the earth have shared such a long and prospers friendship! 

The famed "Silk of Roads" that are mentioned in the tales of European adventurer Marco Polo, were actually trading routes between China and Ethiopian Empires! These two {2} cultures are mirror cultures of each other. Chinese and Africans still have a loving and peaceful relationship to this day!

The Chinese are the biggest outside investors in Africa today!

I have, studied both cultures for over 20 years, and they are almost identically in ancient times. I have personally traveled to Africa and China. In China the Chinese welcomed me with open arms, and was very kind to me! They are a great people like Africans, that have a true love of history and tradition! 

Peace Treaty:
The other half of who discovered America is the Chinese people. To be truthful we can not say if Africans or Chinese came here first? We known they both show evidence of being here very earlier.
Some suggest that it might have been a joint venture in some ways of development and trade in the Americas? 

This is a big cover- up! Their have been studies going on in Florida concerning ancient bodies found in Florida bogs. The bogs have peat- moss in them which naturally mummifies the body. The study is known as the " Bog People". Some of these remains have been date back far as 9000 years ago!!!

Native Americans:
This is going to come as a big shock to some? Native American people are really a biracial people like Arabs!

Native American: is a mixture of other people? The most common of Native Americans, which are known as the "Brown or Tan People" is a mixture between a Black African and Chinese {Asian} people!
Americans some times associate Native Americans as "Red People" but this is the result of already African/ Chinese Native American mixing with a European person! But actually true Native Americans are Black, Brown or a Yellow hue people. Red people came much later and was promoted by Europeans.

There are many Black Native American Nations in the Americas {North, Central and South}.
Olemecs of later,{ not the origin ones they were pure Black Africans}. Mayans, Aztecs and Incas!
The Blacked Civilized Tribes of United States, Cherokee, Chickasaw, Creek, Choctaw and Seminole. The state of California is named after the Black Queen of the Native American tribe of Calafia!

Many people think or feel these tribes were called Civilized, because they owned slaves like Europeans, this is a fabrication made up by Europeans for the sake of divide and conquering purposes of people! No, different then the bashing of Egyptians{Kemetians} in the Bible! My proof comes from non- other than a founder father Thomas Jefferson, who knew a lot about Black People cause half his children were Black! From the notes of Thomas Jefferson, when asked about what to do with the Native Americans and the taking of their land, he said " Enslave them also, honestly when looking at them, I can not distinguish them from Negros"!

We have to discuss Native Americans in order to get the clear picture of how large of a impact Chinese people had in America.

Before Columbus:
In recorded history Chinese General and Adventurer Zheng came here in 1434. Columbus did not reach America, but came to the Bahamas in 1492.

It is estimated 6 million people came to the so- called New World, but only about 1 million where of European descent and that was not until after the 1850s, when they had the Irish potato famine.

Ironically potatoes where introduce into Europe by the Chinese, through the trade with the French Friar's {Kings} of France between 1400s - 1600s, from the Silk Road trading routes.

love, live and learn            

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